Chapter 783
The Velociraptor under the seat was rushing forward, and Mandokir's vision that was affected by the explosion of the grenade was slowly recovering.

As a lord-level creature, his resilience is no joke.

A grenade hit his face, but he got rid of the impact in just a few seconds.

After recovering his eyesight, Mandokir was stunned again when he saw the players with shining eyes staring at him.

What's going on with humans, aren't they afraid of me? I'm the blood lord Mandokir, an existence so powerful that you can't match it.

You human beings, don't you have the slightest awe of the strong in your heart?
You are still watching, believe it or not, I will kill you!
Mandokir felt like a tiger that had broken into a pack of wolves. Although the tiger was strong, he was alone and alone, surrounded by wolves. He might be thrown down and torn apart by the swarming wolves at any time.

Strong personal strength did not give Mandokir a sense of security. At this moment, he lost his dream and faith, and only wanted to retreat tactically.

If he could do it all over again, Mandokir would never come to save the trolls of the three major clans again, because he had already realized that he had messed with forces he shouldn't have messed with.

However, is it too late to retreat now?
The answer is obvious - too late!
Come and come, don't leave, it's almost as good as staying alive.

A lord creature came to the door by himself. The players felt that since the other party was so caring, they would be sorry for Mandokir's kindness if they didn't keep him.

Of course, out of the principle that a family should be neat and tidy, the players also decided to follow the clues after solving Mandokir, find Mandokir and the lair of the troll cavalry led by him, and take the trolls there Send them all to meet Mandokir underground.

To send Buddha to the west, to kill monsters is to kill them to death.If you don't cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and don't destroy his whole family, are you still leaving the trolls to live on?
Such cruel people can do it, if you don't give them a good time, if you don't kill them all, are you still a player?
What is the player? It is called the fourth natural disaster. Wherever it goes, there is no grass and no grass. How can it be worthy of the title of the fourth natural disaster.

It was too late when Mandokir felt that the situation was not good. The players did not give him time to make a strategic turn. He only had time to cast a tactical back, and was rushed by a group of screaming players. To be buried under the pile of people.

The dignified blood lord, who was also riding a lord-level velociraptor, was crushed by someone on the way to charge. The number of players stacked layer after layer was as many as a mountain.

Being pressed at the bottom by a mountain of people, with tens of thousands of catties of weight on his body, the fate of Mandokir and his mount can be imagined.

After all, not everyone is Monkey King, even if he is crushed by a mountain, he will not die.

Yeklik was flying in the sky, and she had a wide field of vision, just in response to the saying "Stand tall and see far."She witnessed how cruel humans are, and how the blood lord Mandokir was killed by humans.

The human beings on the ground played with arhats and piled up a mountain of people. The scene of crushing Mandokir and his mounts to death made Ye Keli terrified.

As one of the high priests of Zul'Gurub, one of the few lord-level creatures among the jungle trolls, Yekrik has never seen such a ferocious human being.

She was shocked, she was scared, she was terrified.

How did human beings, who have always been weak, become so powerful and cruel? What have they experienced?
Jerick didn't understand.

She speculated that it might have something to do with the previous invasion of the burning demon. I heard that the human kingdom was destroyed by the burning demon, but they survived the war and joined forces with other races to defeat the demon.

So, is war awakening mankind?Is war awakening the murderous side of human beings?Is it war that has brought such a huge change to mankind?
Yekrick was thinking about it, but she didn't want her body to be in severe pain. Something hit her body and opened a small hole in her body.

I'm injured?

I was actually injured!

Following the direction in which he sensed the attack, Yekrick saw a human on a high ground pointing a strange weapon in his direction.

Jerick feels incredible.

I'm flying in the sky now, and I haven't joined the war on land, why am I injured?

Besides, I have changed shape, using the power given to me by the great Hakkar, I have become a big bat, not in the form of a troll, why would someone attack me?
You humans, even bat bats, are you still human?
Jecrek was angry and angry, but he didn't know that the human who attacked him was surprised and happy at the moment.

As a sniper, I dare not say that I have never missed a shot without shooting to death, but I have never missed a shot since touching the gun.As for the performance of firearms, those who treat this as a meal guy are so familiar with it that they can't be more familiar with it.With his eyes closed, he could disassemble the thing in his hand into a bunch of parts and quickly assemble it without any hesitation.

Originally, it was okay to not shoot to death, but it was okay to take a few glances, and habitually observe the surrounding environment of the battlefield, but he didn't want him to see a strange big bat in the sky.

The bat's wings were more than five meters wide, and its body was about the size of an adult. The first time I saw this bat, I didn't think it would be an ordinary creature.

So he tried firing a shot.

Facts have proved that the guess that it will not shoot to death is correct, and the big bat is indeed not an ordinary creature.

How could someone who survived being shot by Barrett be ordinary?
You must know that the bullets that are not shot to death are special bullets, which can't even hold the devil, and there are holes in the body after being shot. The bat not only survived after being shot, but still flew alive in the sky, circling The air above the battlefield is enough to illustrate the problem.

Seeing that the big bat found him, and bared his teeth at him with a fierce look, it was obvious that he remembered himself.In line with the principle of sharing among all bats, he showed a standard smile at the other party without shooting - no more, no less, only showing eight teeth.

Then he shouted at the top of his voice: "Those who play long-distance look at the sky, what a big bat, maybe it's a lord creature!"

"Lord creature!"

"Where is it? Where is it?"

"Damn it, there really is a big bat in the sky!"

Everyone else may not be interested, but they are too sensitive to the word lord creature.Hearing the yelling that you will not shoot if you are killed, many people raised their heads one after another. It is impossible not to expose Ye Keli's whereabouts.

May I ask, where can you find shelter to hide your tracks in the empty sky?

Called to break the bank, Yeklik didn't panic at all.

So what if you found me, I am now in the form of a bat, I am flying in the sky, and I am looking down on you from high above, what can you humans do to me?
Yekrick flapped his wings to let himself fly higher, and at the same time he was very proud: Don't be dumbfounded, I can fly.

As long as I fly high enough, humans can't hit me.

"You can only look up to me, weak human beings."

Jekric yelled triumphantly, she was not the reckless man of Mandokir who could only run rampant on land, she was a high-level priest with a brain.

Mandokir is a human being who can see it and can hit it, so he rushed to the street. I, Yekrik, a human being can see it but can’t hit it, so I can play tricks on humans, let them be anxious on the ground, but they will do anything to me No.

Haha, I'm Jecrek, I'm a cow, I'm Yekrick, I'm beauty, I'm Yekrick, I'm... Hey, what's that?
(End of this chapter)

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