Big guy is always cool

Chapter 773 Perenold and Barov

Chapter 773 Perenold and Barov
The Perenold family is the royal family of the Kingdom of Alterac, and is equivalent to the Menethil family of Lordaeron and the Proudmoore family of Kul Tiras as the kings of the seven northern kingdoms in the core area of ​​mankind. are equivalent.

However, that is only a nominal equivalent, and the actual status is also ranked by the national strength of each country.

Among the Seven Northern Kingdoms, the Alterac Kingdom is the weakest. More than [-]% of their land is barren mountainous land, accompanied by snow all year round, and only a small part of it is fertile land for planting.It's a pity that even this part of the good land is controlled by the great nobles in the country, and it is not in the hands of the Perenold royal family.

It can be said that the Perenold royal family is not as good as many nobles in Lordaeron. They are the royal family in name, but only they themselves know what kind of poor life they actually live.

Economic strength determines the superstructure, and the financial constraints of the Perenold royal family determine that their power is weak.And without strength, even if you bear the name of a royal family, the nobles will not give you any good looks.

At most, they just hold you in the face and talk nicely, but in fact they do whatever they want.

Among the Seven Northern Kingdoms, the Alterac Kingdom is the weakest. Among the seven royal families, the Perenold Royal Family is not strong in the country. Its true status can be imagined.

If nothing else, this will continue as it has for the centuries it has been.

However, a war changed everything.

The opening of the Dark Portal, the invasion of the orcs, and the invasion of the Burning Legion have changed everything.

The demons are so powerful that no human kingdom can stand against them.Lordaeron, Kul Tiras, Gilneas and other countries were defeated one after another.The once fertile fields were turned into scorched earth, the once fertile fields were filled with bones, the bustling towns were burned, and only the ruins of the strong fortress remained.

The homeland of human beings is burning in the raging fire, and human beings can only flee in haste in the grinning devil's grin.

If you are lucky, you can survive and stay alive. If you are unlucky, you can only become the prey of the devil, be played by it, and be slaughtered by it.

After a war with the devil, the other six powerful countries among the seven northern countries suffered heavy losses and their vitality was seriously injured.Only the Kingdom of Alterac escaped the catastrophe because of its unique geographical environment. Although its losses were not small, they were many times lighter than those of Lordaeron and the other six countries.

Others suffered countless casualties in the war, but because the Alterac Kingdom was too cold, and the demons did not like cold weather, it did not suffer a large-scale invasion and was able to preserve most of its strength.

When the war ended, he transformed into the most powerful country among the seven northern countries.

All of a sudden, he changed from the weakest to the strongest, and this strongest was not obtained by his own efforts, but the pie fell on his head like a pie from the sky.

If a person does not rely on his own efforts to get to a high position and does not have enough precipitation, the longer he stays at the bottom, the more he will become a demon after he ascends to the position.

So is Europa, who robbed the whole world in the main world to make himself rich. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the two wars, Emerian Bald Eagle became rich in bloodletting each other on Europa. So is the Perenold royal family in the Azeroth world. If so.

The noble envoys that entered the Stormwind Kingdom had the shadow of the Perenold royal family behind them.

The Perenold royal family who did such things did not know the consequences of what they did, let alone what drastic changes would be brought about by the conflict between the aborigines and the players.They are still immersed in the dream of "hundreds of years, it's finally our turn to be the boss", and feel that they are sorry for themselves if they don't show their prestige.

Just when they swelled to the point of flying and were about to go up to the sky to stand side by side with the sun, the news from the Storm Kingdom made them very dissatisfied and ruined their good mood.

"Your Majesty, the aristocratic envoy we sent hasn't responded to the news for a month."

The person who spoke was a great nobleman in the Kingdom of Alterac. The Barov family he belonged to was the highest-ranking family in the kingdom other than the royal family before. The only fertile land in the Kingdom of Alterac was almost controlled by Barov. In the hands of the family.

Seeing this guy with low eyebrows in front of him, Perenold felt very happy.

In the past, the Barov family relied on their own control of the country's food and economy, and they were not very respectful to the royal family. Even their status as creditors of the royal family made them slightly higher than the royal family.

Fortunately, the great war triggered by the invasion of demons changed everything, and finally the Perenold family became the real masters of the kingdom.

Speaking of which, Perenolde is still grateful to the burning demons in his heart. Without the invasion of these demons, the Alterac Kingdom would not be able to return to normal order, and he, the king, had to smile at his subjects.

As for what the burning demon brought and how much pain it caused to the people, that has nothing to do with Perenolde.

It's not my Perenold family's territory that invaded, and it's not my Perenold family's people who were slaughtered and killed. I care so much about you.

"I haven't responded to our news for a month. Did those guys enjoy playing so comfortably in the Stormwind Kingdom that they even forgot their business?"

Perenolde was angry.

It is for the benefit of me to let you shabby households go to the Stormwind Kingdom in a group. How can you forget about me as a benefactor just for your own enjoyment.

Shouldn't you think of me first when you get benefits? What a bunch of white-eyed wolves.

Disgust flashed in Barov's eyes, but he lowered his head so that Perenolde could not see it.

What kind of idiot is sitting on the throne, such an idiot is the king, the kingdom of Alterac is doomed.According to his nonsense, Alterac, which contributed the least in the war and suffered the least loss, and stole the position of the head of the Seven Northern Kingdoms after the war, will soon arouse public indignation and become the public enemy of all nobles.

Barov had no doubts that the kingdom would be destroyed in the hands of Perenolde, but the kingdom could be destroyed, but the Barov family could not.

We, the Barovs, are not going to die with a fool.

Perhaps, I should try to accept the suggestion of the mysterious mage named Kel'Thuzad.

Eternal life, what a desirable word!
The idea of ​​jumping off the wrecked ship of Alterac was turning in his mind, but Barov didn't show it at all. He said to Perenolde: "I'm worried that things will change. There has been no news since Wen Linlin, Your Majesty, they may have had an accident."

"Accident?" Perenold looked at Barov as if he was an idiot, "Except for hundreds of guards, the entire envoys are nobles. Tell me, why is there such an accident with so many nobles? Barov Rove, put away your unrealistic delusions, or you will become a joke."

I am special!
Will there be no surprises for the nobles?
Besides, this is probably not an accident, but a man-made disaster.

Where's your brain, Perenolde, where's your brain?

Barov originally wanted to try to save Perenolde, but now it seems that this guy really cannot be saved.So he lowered his head and said respectfully: "Your wise majesty, I think what you said is right. I really should put away those damn delusions. Then, I'll ask someone to inquire about it."

"That's right, Sir Barov." Perenolde waved his hand, and said in a big-bodied manner, "You go, I'll wait for your news."

"Follow (obey) (obey) you (obey) (you) order (Nah), majesty | (stupid) sire (forced)."

(End of this chapter)

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