Chapter 725

On the Dragonblight of Northrend, the ruins of the original Wyrmrest Temple—the reason why it is called the ruins is only because of the defeat of the five-color dragon, especially the fall of the red dragon queen Alexta, the former red dragon. Everything that could be demolished in the Dragon's Lair was dismantled, and everything that could be taken away was also taken away.In this temple, you can't find anything of value, except cold stone, that is, cold stone.Even obsidian, the cornerstone of temples, was bagged away because it was a valuable material.

A temple, such a large building, all the cornerstones were taken away. At that time, it was considered that the eternal frozen soil of Northrend was strong enough if it did not collapse at that time. The low temperature of tens of degrees below zero had frozen the hall firmly enough.

As for the fact that after more than ten days, the entire place collapsed into ruins, that was expected.

Who else but players could have looted Dragon's Rest Temple so cleanly that even their foundations were dug away?
Anyway, Thanos can't do such a thing.

After defeating the five-color dragon, Thanos felt that there were no enemies in the world of Azeroth that could make him serious, except for the moon god Elune.

Yes, Elune, the moon god, not the night elves, let alone Tyrande and Malfurion Stormrage.

As the former cosmic overlord of the Marvel world, Thanos has never paid attention to the indigenous leaders of a certain race on a planet like Tyrande and Malfurion Stormrage, especially after he got infinite After the gloves, Thanos only has gods in his eyes, and only with gods can he be qualified to be his opponent.

Ye Li left him and his Scourge Legion in Azeroth. Thanos dared not object, but it didn't mean he agreed.

Staying in a world without opponents, Thanos is as idle as a sand sculpture netizen who is self-isolating at home. Except for abnormal weight and mental disorders, everything else is normal.

Although Azeroth still has the moon god Elune, but this moon god hangs so high in the sky, in front of her moon, if she doesn't come down, what can Thanos do?

Looking at the full moon in the sky, Thanos really wanted to punch Elune, to see if Elune could remain so calm after breaking a moon.Anyway, Azeroth is a world of two moons, there are two moons, and if one is broken, there is a spare tire.

But Ye Li didn't allow it, he wanted Elune to act as Azeroth's first line of defense against the Twisting Void, how could it be possible for Thanos to mess around.

To say that the only thing that makes Thanos feel better about being bored in the world of Azeroth is that his subordinates are becoming more and more, especially the number of powerful subordinates has increased a lot.For example, Mannoroth, Malygos, Alexa and the undead dragon army, etc., the Scourge has grown stronger because of their participation.

On this day, Thanos, who was feeling bored while sitting on the ruins of the Dragon Rest Temple, began to pass the time with the Infinity Gauntlet, felt the call from Ye Li.

"Bring your men over here."

A large passageway between the two worlds, more than a kilometer wide and a hundred meters high, appeared in front of the ruins of the Dragon Rest Temple.At the same time, Ye Li's voice sounded in Thanos' mind.

Finally a new mission!

Thanos happily replied: "Follow your orders, my master."

As soon as the words fell, he told Xindagosa: "The people who summoned us have work to do!"

Frost dragon queen Yang Tian let out a silent roar, a wave of soul that was invisible to the naked eye and difficult for living people to perceive spread, arousing the soul wave of the undead of the Scourge.It made their eyes glow with blue-green cold flames, and each of them stretched their bodies, making the creaking sound of bones rubbing against each other, and then gathered together at the fastest speed.

Huge undead natural disasters, like a colony of ants returning to their nests, gathered towards the ruins of the Dragon's Rest Temple, and then headed towards the huge passage between the two worlds under the order of Thanos.

There are too many Scourge corps, and there are many giants among them. Even if it is a large two-world passage with a width of more than a kilometer and a height of a hundred meters, it took a full day to transfer them all away.

Thanks to the power of spatial rules in the two-world channel opened by Ye Li, all creatures that approach the two-world channel will be reduced to a certain size range, which is about the size of a human being, otherwise it will be like Mannoroth. The abyss lord as big as a mountain cannot enter the passage between the two worlds no matter how crowded it is.

After leaving Azeroth and exiting the passage between the two worlds, Thanos found himself in a world with significantly higher energy concentration, which made him excited.

The higher the energy concentration of the world, the more powerful creatures can be born, which means that there will be many powerful enemies waiting for him to deal with in this new world, and it also means that after he solves these powerful enemies, he will make the powerful Scourge Legion become more.

Come on, powerful creatures from different worlds have fallen under the fist of my Thanos, enslaved by the magic power of Frostmourne, and become the bravest warriors of my Scourge.

Thanos looked at the sky and opened his hands, as if announcing his arrival to the world.


A voice sounded in Thanos' mind. The owner of this voice made Thanos body startled. He quickly retracted his arms, bent down, and replied respectfully: "I will listen to your orders, my great master."

When he was in Azeroth, Thanos didn't feel it yet, but when Ye Li's voice called his name in his mind after arriving in the Conferred God World, Thanos was shocked to find that Ye Li had become stronger again.And it's not a little bit stronger, but much, much stronger than he thought.

My master, you are already so strong, why the speed of your strength improvement is still so fast, you make us subordinates very worried.

Worried about whether we can keep up with your progress.

The reason why he thinks this way is because Thanos has discovered a fact that he finds unbelievable but has to believe.The fact is that even if he got the Infinity Gauntlet inlaid with six infinity gems and became a complete Thanos, the extent of his strength is far less than that of Ye Li.

"I have a mission for you. Take your Scourge Corps to destroy the Dongyi people. After that, if someone named Jiang Hengchu sends an envoy to contact you, you promise him to help him attack the Great Shang Dynasty."

While speaking, Ye Li had already passed on the basic information about the Great Shang Dynasty and the World of Conferred Gods to Thanos.

"As ordered!"

Thanos gets even more excited.

A world with many god-level beings, a world full of strong people, and a big war is about to break out in this world, isn't this kind of world what I want?

Thanos believes that he will have a good fight in the world of Conferred Gods, at least better than breaking his gloves boringly in Azeroth.

(End of this chapter)

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