Big guy is always cool

Chapter 706 Deep Sea Naga

Chapter 706 Deep Sea Naga
Deathwing and Mannoroth, who were flicked away by Ye Li's finger, were still wrestling, and they seemed to be completely unaware of what happened to them.

In fact, they did not notice it.

Ye Li's finger contained the law of space. Deathwing and Mannoroth seemed to be flying, but in fact they and the space they lived in were moving as a whole.As long as their power level cannot surpass Ye Li, or their understanding of the law of space is not as good as Ye Li, they will not be able to discover their own changes.

Unknowingly, these two behemoths have left the land and penetrated into the endless sea.

They passed over the ocean, and the lava spilled along the way made the sea boil, and the sea water was boiled along the route they traveled.The aftermath of the battle spread out, setting off gusts of wind, and the gust of wind blew the sea surface, stirred up the sea water, and brought out a tsunami.

Fortunately, the waves with a height of tens of meters are generated in the middle of the ocean. If they are close to the land, it will definitely be a catastrophe for the creatures living by the sea.

But even so, after the news in the ocean spread, the creatures near the coastline still had to go through quite a test.

With such a large movement on the sea surface, it is impossible not to disturb the creatures in the sea.

Creatures in the shallow sea had a premonition that disaster was imminent, and they drilled into the deep sea one after another.

Some creatures in the deep sea are taking refuge, the weak ones hide and dare not show their heads, while the powerful ones poke their heads out with curiosity to get a better look.

Naga, who replaced the water element and became the new generation overlord of the deep sea, belongs to the latter.

Creatures like Naga are not natives of the sea. They have a great background. They are the upper elves who ruled the land thousands of years ago.

At that time, the Naga was not covered with scales as it is now, and her hair was like a sea snake, so thick that it could be used as a cane, and she didn't have fangs and sharp teeth, as well as that evil and barbaric aura.

The high elves lived ten thousand years ago very delicately. They were as beautiful and noble as the elves in the Western legends of the main world.

You can know what kind of life the high elves live by looking at how luxurious and enjoyable the life of the high elves in the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas is.

In fact, from the perspective of the high elves who inherited the Highborne, the night elves, who have completed their descent with the help of the dragon, do not have artistic talent at all, and do not know how to enjoy life. Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande In order not to expose their shortcomings, they promote frugality among the night elves, let everyone live in wooden houses, wear tree bark, wear grass roots and leaves, live like savages, and call it protecting nature.

If it weren't for the failure of the upper elves in the eternal battle ten thousand years ago, and they were forced to flee into the deep sea for refuge, there would be no such thing as night elves.

Of course, there may not be human civilization in the world of Azeroth.

As the overlords who originally ruled the land, even if they fled, the Naga were still overlords after they came to the deep sea.Under the leadership of Queen Azshara, they quickly gained a foothold. Not to mention, they also took advantage of the fact that the water element did not have the shelter of its lord, Neptulon the Tidecaller, to replace the water element and become the new overlord of the deep sea.

Being able to defeat and replace the water elemental in the deep sea, where the energy of the water elemental is the most abundant in Azeroth, shows the strength of the Naga.

They noticed Deathwing and Mannoroth flying in the sky, which meant that the deep sea had noticed the changes on the land.

As early as when the Burning Legion invaded through the Dark Portal, the Naga felt that something happened on the land, but they didn't get the exact news at that time. Azshara, who was worried that it was a trap, chose to stay still.

As the first believer of the moon god Elune, the first elf in this world, and the first mage in Azeroth, he was also the forerunner who created the magic system in the mortal world, and became the first true In a sense, the king who ruled the land, and Azshara who has occupied so many firsts, is so strong that others can't imagine.

Back when the Burning Legion wanted to invade Azeroth, their attitude towards Azshara was that of collaborators, instead of letting others choose to either surrender or die like they did to other creatures.

Haka, the demon leader of the Burning Legion, had to bow down to Azshara. In Azshara's eyes, the ferocious Cerberus was just a plaything for her fun. The leader, who has that ability?

If the Burning Legion can get in touch with the Naga and reunite with Azshara, they may not fail.

It's a pity that Archimonde was too confident and didn't do that.

Otherwise, even if Azshara didn't make a move, based on her understanding of the world, Malfurion Stormrage's scheme would never be successful.And if Archimonde hadn't died, the situation in Azeroth would have been completely different.

When Azshara got the news, Archimonde had fallen on Mount Hyjal because of his greed, leaving Azshara in vain.

It's a pity that such a good opportunity was not taken advantage of.

Since then, Azshara has increased her attention to the outside world, so this time there was only a little disturbance, and the Naga discovered it.

"Abyss Lord?"

"Oh, it's actually the spicy chicken Mannoroth."

"The other one should be a giant dragon. The information collected by the tribe is correct. He should be Neltharion."

On the Throne of the Deep Sea, Azshara who got the news was thinking.

Although Archimonde fell, the Burning Legion left behind many troops, and they still wreaked havoc on the land of Azeroth.But these demons, Azshara, had no idea of ​​contact, not for anything else, just because they were not qualified.

The Burning Legion wanted to conquer the entire Azeroth, but Azshara, as the ruler of Azeroth at that time, chose to cooperate with them ten thousand years ago. Naturally, she had enemies to deal with.

When the secular kingship reached its peak, when the position could not be promoted, and when the low position of the mundane could no longer satisfy her, as the queen and the first high priest of the Moon God Temple, Azshara, the light of the light, she set her sights on own god.

Azshara, who has reached the peak of the road to kingship, does not want to have a moon god on her head, she wants to challenge her god.

And this is why Azshara chose to cooperate with the Burning Legion.

The pit lords are just punks in Azshara's eyes, and they are far from qualified to help him in the war against Elune, the moon god.Unless it's Archimonde the Defiler or Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, don't expect Azshara to make a move.

As for Mannoroth the Destroyer, in the Eternal Battle ten thousand years ago, Agamaggan, a wild boar and demigod, would actually hold him back. Azshara was very disappointed in him, saying that she classified him as a waste case. Sarah wouldn't deny it either.

"Deathwing and Mannoroth fought, did the Old Gods clash with the Burning Legion, or did something happen that I don't know?"

Azshara, who was thinking, suddenly found that a space door appeared silently in front of him, and a voice called to him from the other side of the space door: "Come!"

A simple word with an irresistible and unquestionable power made Azshara startled.

What kind of existence is on the other side of the space door, why is my intuition warning me not to disobey his will, let me obediently follow his words, otherwise I will surely die?
(End of this chapter)

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