Big guy is always cool

Chapter 698 Interference

Chapter 698 Interference
A large number of players entered the dark swamp, how could the Burning Legion not notice it.

The demon fortress Limannoroth in front of the Dark Portal was furious, and the destroyer never thought that Kazak would fail.

However, that's how it happened.

A doomsday lord, a god-level demon, brought out an army of tens of thousands of demons, among which there were not a few high-level demons, and even high-level demons like the eredar demons had as many as a thousand members.To counterattack a small night town with such power, Kazak will fail!

You know, let alone a small night town, when the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth, even if they conquered the entire Stormwind Kingdom, the losses brought by the mortals to the Legion were not so great.It was even less than one-fifth of the loss of troops in this war, and this still included the loss of the Wrynn royal family who chased and fled at sea.

With an army of tens of thousands of demons and thousands of eredar demons, it is no problem to push the entire Stormwind Kingdom horizontally with such strength, but what kind of achievements did Zakza make?
He couldn't even take down Nightshade Town.

Under the leadership of this doomsday lord, the tyrannical demon army was not only defeated, but also completely annihilated. How do you make Mannoroth feel?

Is this because the enemy is too cunning, or our army is too incompetent?
What's even more exasperating is that this is on the premise that the trap that Mannoroth had set up in Night Town successfully overwhelmed the other party.

I have created such a big advantage for you in the early stage, and you can still lose everything!
Kazak, you bastard, aren't you playing me, Mannoroth?

"Incompetent idiot, Kazak, you are a waste!"

Mannoroth vented his dissatisfaction with a loud roar.

That is to say, Kazak died in the Battle of Night Town. If this guy is still alive, Mannoroth will kill him first without the need for others to do it.

Can anger solve problems?
The answer is obvious: no.

No matter how dissatisfied and angry Mannoroth is, he can't stop players from marching into the dark swamp.

When Mannoroth received the news, he understood that the players really wanted to start a decisive battle with him.This made him laugh angrily: "The humble mortal dared to challenge the Burning Legion. What gave you confidence? Could it be that idiot Kazak?"

When Mannoroth thought about it, Kazak might have caused this incident.The defeat of the doomsday lord in Nightshade Town made people look down on the Burning Legion, and the mortals had a bold idea from this, and it wasn't that they didn't see the possibility.

Mortals, that's all there is to it, that's all their poor wit can think of.

You actually think of me, Mannoroth, as a fool like Kazak, you are really ignorant and fearless.

Mannoroth despises mortals, but he doesn't know that it's not the mortals he thought, but players who entered the dark swamp this time.

The saboteurs made the same mistake Kazak made, of trusting their intelligence too much.

In other words, too much trust in outdated information.

Mannoroth's assessment of Azeroth's mortal civilization is still based on the original information, and he doesn't understand that his opponent has changed.Now the demons he leads are not facing the natives of Azeroth, but the fourth disaster called players from multiple worlds.

Even the identity of the opponent is wrong, how can it be possible to win.

Mannoroth, who regarded his opponent as the native civilization of Azeroth, had already been sent to the city by the players without paying attention.

The harsh environment of the dark swamp did not stop the player's footsteps. They followed the trail left by the demons when they came, and rushed all the way to the outside of the demon fortress.During this whole process, Mannoroth did not send a large army to intercept them out of contempt for the players.In this saboteur's mind, it is not safe to send troops to intercept.

Even Kazak led the expedition so substandard, causing me a scandal of annihilating the entire army, how can other demons be trusted.Let Mannoroth, the Destroyer, command him personally, that's the only way to be safe.

Fighting under my nose, whoever dares to mess around, whoever dares to let go, I can't kill you and your family name with a double-edged sword.

"The one with the highest authority, Mannoroth the Destroyer, is far beyond the limit that the current players can deal with. Do you want to start the intervention procedure?"

Xiao Yi is reminding Ye Li that the existence of Mannoroth is not something players can handle.When meeting this one of the Big Three of the Burning Legion, not to mention that the nuclear explosion arrow may not be able to hit him, even if it is shot, it is impossible to kill him.

Compared with Kazak, Mannoroth took the route of a pure warrior. His defense is so high, not to mention the weapons that have not entered the starry sky, even the main gun of the star warship may not be able to kill him.

It is true that as long as players dare to show their blood, they can even kill gods for you to see.But there is also a prerequisite for this, that is, there can be blood bars for players to cut.

An opponent who can't even break through the defense, even though the players have more than enough heart, they are not strong enough, so they can only sigh in vain.

Ye Li has to admit that Mannoroth is indeed super class, he is not a boss that players can deal with.Even though players are not afraid of death, no matter how many people there are, you can't break the defense, and you can't even reduce the opponent's blood by one. That number of people is useless except for more heads.

Fingers teased Yogg-Saron who was lying on his shoulder. When the other party kept waving his tentacles to show resistance, Ye Li said to Yogg-Saron: "Let Deathwing play with Mannoroth."

In the eyes of countless creatures in the world of Azeroth, Deathwing Neltharion is an existence that is absolutely difficult to defeat, but he can jump out of the small circle of Azeroth and put him in the multiverse. The former king of the black dragon is actually Not a big deal.How does a toubob in a small corner compete with many strong men in the multiverse and the heavens of the ten thousand worlds?
If Deathwing was truly tyrannical, how could he be influenced by Yogg-Saron's whispers of the ancient gods, and Yogg-Saron, who had been devoured by C'Thun's power, took a step further on the basis of influence-control live.

Even Yogg-Saron is just a pet in Ye Li's place. How high is the status of Deathwing controlled by Yogg-Saron?
Ye Li regards Deathwing as a thug, he has already affirmed that the latter is valuable, otherwise Ye Li would not bother to mention him.

Not half a minute after Ye Li's words were spoken, the mountains of the Burning Plain began to tremble violently. There were countless lava churning in the mountains, and they poured out, dyeing the earth a deep red.After experiencing such a change, the Burning Plain, which was already barren of grass, became even more barren of grass.

From the dreadful lava, a dragon soared high.Wearing a suit of sourceium armor crafted by the best craftsmen of the Dark Iron Dwarves, he sprinkled lava along the way, burning forests and fields into white fields, and headed straight for the southernmost end of the dark swamp.

Draw a straight line based on his trajectory, that is a scar on the eastern continent. To say that it is a thousand miles away is to say the least.

(End of this chapter)

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