Big guy is always cool

Chapter 686 The world is a chessboard, you and I are chess players

Chapter 686 The world is a chessboard, you and I are chess players

A little bit of faint blue light is gathering, they are small spots of light at first, floating out from the wall and the floor, floating in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, like iron powder affected by magnetism, they began to float towards the hole leading to Yogg-Saron's body.

When they floated above the burrow, they suspended in the air again and stopped moving.

One spot of light is very faint, and a hundred spots of light are inconspicuous, but 1 spots of light cannot be ignored.Now there are millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions or even more light spots, and they form a beam of light.

As the light spots converge, the beam of light grows longer, thicker, and brighter at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it reaches the sky.

The moment it appeared, even the moon in the sky was startled.

The twin moons that had been hanging high in the sky of the world of Azeroth quickly moved over and hung over Northrend, like a huge existence overlooking the world from the sky.

Elune, the moon god, you have come at just the right time.

Ye Li's consciousness spread out, and no change in Azeroth could escape his perception.

Xiaoyi also got busy at this time, like a torrent of data was recorded, and was incorporated into Xiaoyi's database with the momentum of thousands of rivers returning to the sea.

With the continuous increase of recorded data, Xiaoyi's calculations are getting faster and faster, and the world restart program of the Pantheon is also deduced more and more perfect.

It understands, Ye Li naturally also understands.

Some things sound lofty to say, but in fact, when you really understand it, you will just curse: "What a piece of shit!"

Titan's so-called world restart is to erase all the current civilization of Azeroth, just like erasing wrongly written pencil words with an eraser.

Of course, Titan's world restart is much more ruthless than an eraser.The eraser can at least leave some traces. The restart of Titan's world will leave nothing behind, completely erasing any traces of what they call the current civilization that has taken the wrong development path, and turning the world into a blank sheet of paper, which is convenient for them to start over again. paint.

"It's so simple and rude, without any technical content, it's really disappointing."

I thought that Titan's world restart program would bring me a little surprise, but I didn't want to be too careless and make Ye Li lose interest.

Perhaps the Titans of the Pantheon think that this plan is enough for the mortal civilization in the Azeroth world, and there is no need to spend more thought, but Ye Li doesn't like it.

A mortal civilization is built bit by bit by countless generations in the cruel competition of nature. It is the crystallization of wisdom condensed by countless ancestors with their blood and lives. How can it be destroyed so simply and rudely.

The progress of civilization is diverse, so why do you have to follow the wishes of your Titans?

This practice of the Pantheon is a contempt and trample on mortal civilization.

Perhaps in their cognition, mortal civilization is not civilization at all, but just a test product for them to add data.For species like humans, Titans equated them with bugs.

Not even bugs, but dust.

They feel that it is not to their liking, they are not pleasing to the eye, they blow out their breath, stretch out their hands to erase it, and as for the opinions of human beings—what is that?
"So..." Ye Li looked at the faint blue beam of light, "Sargeras, you destroyed the Pantheon well, even if you don't do it, I will destroy them."

"It's too late to be flattering now!"

A voice came from the beam of light.

Ye Li's eyes passed through the blue, and saw at the other end of the distorted void that was separated by countless galaxies, there was an unimaginably large figure standing in the void.

The size of this figure is so large that it almost occupies the entire galaxy. Under the action of gravity, planets orbit him one after another.Fortunately, these planets can exist for a longer period of time, but unfortunately, they are captured by their gravity, and they can't break free and go towards him, and they are finally fused by him and become the nourishment of his body.

"Galaxy God! You are very strong, Sargeras."

After countless light years, Ye Li met the eyes of the dark titan Sargeras for the first time.

The true god of Galaxy, and Sargeras is already a perfect body, no wonder he can destroy the Pantheon.

According to Ye Li's estimate, although he himself is a universe-level true god, and his life essence is higher than that of the current Sargeras, but he is a newborn body, and a newborn universe god may not be the perfect opponent of the galaxy-level true god ——You are level [-], and Sargeras is level [-]. In a fight, the outcome is hard to predict.

In such a situation, Ye Li opening this descending channel is tantamount to asking for trouble for himself.

But, could he not have considered it?
This is obviously impossible.

This passage in Ulduar is for Algalon the Observer, and its capacity is limited, and it is impossible to pass it with Sargeras' tonnage.

You can't expect a [-]-jin fat man to come in through a passage that only allows a baby of a few months to crawl.

If Sargeras did that forcefully, he would either not be able to squeeze in, or the tunnel would be forced to burst by him, and he would still be unable to get in.

"After I knew that you had destroyed the Pantheon, I wondered whether the passage left by the Titans in Azeroth would be used by you. Judging from the current situation, you can indeed use it."

Sargeras can't get in now because the passage is not wide enough, not big enough, and not strong enough to withstand it, but this is not impossible to change.Just like in the Eternal War thousands of years ago, he only needs to send an advance army over, and after the demons gain a foothold in Azeroth, he will lengthen, widen and thicken the passage until he can pass through.

At that time, the dark titan came, even the moon god Elune could not prevent the destruction of Azeroth.


It should not be said to be destruction, but to fall, a repeat of the events of Argus.Sargeras will corrupt the world of Argus himself, and let Argus, the still-gestating titan, degenerate into his servant again in Azeroth.


When Ye Li stared at the Dark Titan, Sargeras was also watching him.

As the perfect God of Galaxy, Sargeras is not like Yogg-Saron who can't see through Ye Li's essence, but it is precisely because of seeing through that Sargeras is surprised.

His life essence is actually higher than mine!
Sargeras was 'fucking' at the time.

The essence of life that is higher than this Titan, you actually appear in the image of a human being, are you having fun playing the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
I hate your coins the most.

If he could not feel that Ye Li's aura is not strong, and judged that he was still in his infancy, Sargeras would directly close the space channel, lest the other party find him by some unknown method, flash up and stick to his face Beat up.

I still have a slight chance of winning him now, so I can't coax him, I have to kill him before he grows up.

With a decision in his mind, Sargeras said to Ye Li: "You are strong, and I am not weak. We will only make others easier if we fight. Otherwise, we will use this world as the battlefield, and you and I will send our subordinates. Whoever can occupy Azeroth with his subordinates will win. The loser will let his subordinates withdraw and will not be allowed to enter Azeroth again, what do you think?"

"The world is a chessboard, and you and I are chess players. It's a good idea." Ye Li didn't seem to see Sargeras' purpose, and nodded happily, "Let's do it like this."

After saying that, Ye Li's figure disappeared in Azeroth, leaving only Sargeras sneering at the other end of the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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