Big guy is always cool

Chapter 497 Gul'dan, Pin Number

Chapter 497 Gul'dan, Pin Number

It should be here.

A visitor from another world came to a deserted island in the world of Azeroth. His shiny green complexion carried the atmosphere of nature, and his green scalp without hair was like a green prairie. Involuntarily smiled.

After comparing the map he wrote down, Gul'dan was sure: this is it.

Tomb of Sargeras, what can I get from it?

Incomparably powerful, or something else?
Full of anticipation, Gul'dan flew towards his destination.

At this time, he was full of ambition and very proud.

I feel that from birth to now, I have never felt as happy as I am now.

The demons of the Burning Legion must still be worried about the failure of the Dark Portal, and Kil'jaeden may be so angry that he cursed the street.

Haha, you deserve it.

Who told you to try to control me Gul'dan, can I be controlled by you too?
Do you really think that I, Gul'dan, will submit to you?

Kil'jaeden, didn't you rely on your strength to force me to bow my head? Wait, wait until I open the tomb of Sargeras and get what I need from it. What you imposed on me before, Gul'dan I will give you back a thousandfold.

And that hateful human Ye Li, you should have discovered by now, the people like Black Hand and Orgrimmar who are entangled with you are just pawns of my Gul'dan, smoke bombs released to confuse you.

However, I have already arrived at the Tomb of Sargeras, even if you find out, what can you do to me.

You must be very annoyed now, why didn't you see through my plan, right?
You're nowhere near as wise as I am, stinky human.

No one can live well after humiliating me, whether it is Kil'jaeden or Ye Li, you all wait for me, and when I come out of the tomb of Sargeras, I will crush your bones and ashes.

Thinking of the scene of Kil'jaeden crawling under his feet in the future, and Ye Li begging himself to spare his life, Gul'dan felt that the bones of his whole body were lightened—he was floating.

Full of anticipation and longing for the future, Gul'dan opened the door of Sargeras' tomb, and then he saw an acquaintance.

No, to be precise, it should be a familiar devil.

Mephisto's unique shape, not to mention having been in contact with it many times, will be impressive even if you take a look at it, and you will never forget it.

"How will you be here?!"

Gul'dan exclaimed.

How could Mephisto be in the tomb of Sargeras, how dare he be in the tomb of Sargeras!
Stretching his limbs, Mephisto smiled grinningly: "Why can't I be here?"

"Gul'dan, your little ambition is a pitiful and pathetic joke."

Mephisto's verbal mockery provoked Gul'dan, and he suddenly came to his senses: "You planned it a long time ago. I didn't see you in front of the Dark Gate, and it was because you deliberately didn't show up!"

"That's right!"

Mephisto did not deny it, but readily admitted it.

"I'm not as stupid as you. I really thought I could count on the Burning Legion."

Gul'dan was so angry that he vomited blood: "You fuck me!"

I thought I had calculated everyone, I thought I was the smartest one, I thought I was the only winner, but I didn't expect that I fell into the trap of others from the very beginning.

This matter was a conspiracy from the beginning to the end. I thought I had a plan, and I thought I was complacent, but it was clearly arranged by others.

It wasn't until now, at the end of the incident, that I realized it.

How ridiculous.

How sad.

I, Gul'dan, the wisest man, never thought that my life would become a joke.

"Ah puff!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier Gul'dan became. Under Mephisto's triumphant grin, Gul'dan was so angry that he vomited blood.

"For the sake of your understanding, I'll give you a ride, Gul'dan." Mephisto pressed forward, "Don't forget to mention my name when you go to hell."

Gul'dan was angry, but his mind was still somewhat clear.

He suppressed the thought of fighting Mephisto desperately, restrained the burning anger in his chest, turned around and fled.

Since the other party has set up a cover for him to drill, it can be seen that there must be a way to deal with him.

Staying will only cost your life in vain, it is better to keep a useful body for the future.

Therefore, Gul'dan ran away without any hesitation.

Its decisiveness is beyond human ability.

However, can he really run?
Mephisto sneered, and hoarsely shouted in a strange voice: "Kill him!"

In an instant, countless demons poured out from the tomb of Sargeras.

They are like a torrent, galloping and roaring, and anyone who dares to stand in front of them will be torn to pieces by them.

This includes Gul'dan.

The orc warlock struggled symbolically, and was soon overwhelmed by the torrent of demons, leaving nothing in the end.

Covering her eyes vaguely with her fingers, Ye Li made a look that she couldn't bear to look directly at.

Oh, Gul'dan is old and miserable.

You said that these demons are cruel enough, not even leaving any residue.

Opened the chat group and looked, Ye Li saw two words written behind Gul'dan's name - pin number.

Gouzi, you go all the way.

After mourning for Gul'dan for a second, and exhausting the friendship of the group of friends, Ye Li felt sad again.

The demon has nothing left for Gul'dan, so what should I do?
Illidan Stormrage without Gul'dan's head is incomplete, soulless,... well, Ye Li can't make it up anymore.

Isn't it just a vehicle full of dark breath, full of dark energy, full of resentment, is it difficult to do?
It may be so for others, but for a true god-level existence like Ye Li, it's too simple.

"The one with the highest authority, the abandoned castle has been razed to the ground under artillery fire, and all the orcs in the castle have died."

Xiaoyi's reminder foreshadowed one thing, that is, the orcs who invaded the main world had wiped out the group.

Being thrown by Gul'dan as a smoke bomb to confuse people's eyes, their ending was doomed from the very beginning.

Ye Li really doesn't understand the mind of the orcs. They obviously got a lot of high-tech items after defeating the Draenei, why don't they see them use them?
Is it useless, or does it mean that you don't care about the things of the opponent's defeated opponent?
However, why the orcs were able to defeat the draenei, others don't know, and they don't know why?
"It's all self-inflicted."

To the orcs, Ye Li only had this comment.

The orcs who died in the main world are all the elite among the orcs, and among them are many warriors among the orcs. They should have their own stage, and let the future generations praise their names, but because of Gul'dan's conspiracy, they died in obscurity. .

The resentment in it is so great and the resentment is so deep that it may not be able to wash it away even if it is poured all over the world.

It's a good material.

Nodding his head, Ye Li stretched out his hand to hold it, and he drew out the wisps of black air invisible to ordinary people in the deserted castle.

These black qi are the resentment of the orcs who died in battle. Their resentment was so high that it was condensed into essence after being extracted by Ye Li.

With Ye Li's thought, the orc's endless resentment turned into a skull-shaped thing.

Opening a space door leading to the world of Azeroth casually, Ye Li said: "Go."

He threw it casually, and threw the skull made of resentment into it.

The skull passed through the space gate and entered Azeroth, but it is unknown where it landed.

It is none of Ye Li's business who will pick it up in the future, and make or break it.

Who asked you to pick things up.

"Everything is up to fate, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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