Big guy is always cool

Chapter 310 Generation 1 Version 1 God

Chapter 310 One Generation Version One Generation God
"The door is open!"

Some players shouted endlessly.

When the pointer reaches a certain scale, a phantom of a gate appears beside the teleportation array in the city.

This phantom is so high, standing below it and looking up, you can't even see the top.

Not only is it tall, the reason why the gate is called the gate is not because it is big enough?
Players standing in front of the door find that the width of the door is different from what they see from a distance. It is wider and wider than it looks from a distance.Even if tens of thousands of people pass through in a row, they will not feel crowded.

The portal is so big, and there is more than one place, the number of players who can pass through it is quite large.However, players are still too slow.

This wave of operations by Ye Li has attracted hundreds of millions of players to do the main quest of Hell's Counterattack.

It is no exaggeration to describe such a huge number as a sea of ​​people.

Just a few teleportation gates are really not enough to handle a large number of people, especially when players want to get in earlier.

However, even if the players say it is not fast enough, Ye Li does not intend to increase the number of portals.

Because Ye Li knows that, despite the players shouting and crowding now, after the first wave of peaks has passed, there will be more than enough portals in Wilderness City and other places.

Adding portals now is a waste of energy.

After passing through the portal, a pungent smell rushed towards the players' noses, making them frown.

Not only that, the smell is not only offensive to the nose, but also to the eyes.

Unprepared, many players burst into tears, and those who didn't know thought they were leaving XX tears for their own entry into hell.

After waiting for a few seconds, the players who had adapted to the new environment had the energy to look around.

Is this hell?
Should it be called a Western Fantasy game? The flowing lava, the high temperature that makes people feel like entering a steamer, and the sulfur smell in the air really fit the description of the living environment of demons in Western Fantasy.

"There is poison in the air, be careful."

"I've been poisoned!"

"The ground is so hot, I'm bleeding!"

"Where are the paladins, where are the paladins, quickly open the halo!"

After the players have a clear view of their environment, they find that this place is worthy of being the residence of hell demons.Not only the excessive amount of sulfur in the air can poison people to lose blood, but even the hot ground can hurt people.

At this time, the importance of paladins is reflected.

The paladins in the team have turned on their halos, which add magic resistance, blood recovery, mana recovery, etc. Once the various halos are activated, they can offset the impact of the environment and slowly increase the blood bars dropped by the players. come up.

The aura of the paladin is a range spell, as long as it is within a certain range, it can be blessed.

Although the harsh environment of hell no longer affects players after being blessed by the paladin's halo, it still exists after all.Compared with the human world, the environment of hell is so bad that it is not suitable for human survival.

Being able to complete the continuation of the race in such an environment and develop stronger, it is not surprising that the hell demons are stronger than humans.

An ice bomb hit the ground.

The high temperature on the ground quickly melted the ice bomb, and a cloud of hot water vapor rose.

There are mages attacking the ground.

Seeing this scene, many people were puzzled.They didn't understand, what is this mage doing, wasting his magic power to attack the ground, and the earth provoked you?
However, there are still quite a few smart players among the players.

Others didn't do that, not because they couldn't do it, or because they didn't understand, but because they didn't think about it.

Some things, once someone starts it, many people know what to do.

Just as those who didn't understand were stunned, more mages cast ice magic on the ground.As the spells fell one by one, the temperature of the ground dropped rapidly as the water vapor evaporated.

The ground that was originally hot to the feet has become a temperature that people can bear, and it no longer makes people bloody.

At this time, even people who didn't understand before have come to their senses. The mages are cooling the ground, changing the environment on the side of the portal, and reducing the environment's hindrance to the players.

Can such an approach be useful?
Can I earn contribution points?

With doubts, someone opened the contribution list.Then he became envious and jealous.

You can get the answer from his reaction.

That's right, doing so does earn contribution points.

Mages who have learned ice magic, even if they don't go out to kill the enemy, can earn contribution points just by cooling the ground here.

This is simply lying, standing up to earn contribution points.

How can you make those players who are not mages and have no ice spells not envious.

If we want to earn contribution points, we have to fight hell demons. You are good, you can earn contribution points by improving the environment, who do we ask for reasoning?
A mage is a mage, and his son did not run away.

No wonder people say that there are gods from generation to generation, and there are gods from generation to generation.

However, compared to mage, there is another profession that can earn more contribution points, which is why people say that mage earns contribution points while standing, not lying down.

Because there are other people who earn contribution points lying down.

This profession is none other than the paladin.

As long as the paladin's halo is blessed to the player and helps the player resist the erosion of the harsh environment of hell, he will have contribution points to earn.

As for opening the halo, it has long been an instinct for the paladins, so it doesn't take much effort at all, okay?Turning on the halo will not affect the actions of the paladins at all, let alone affect their battles.

Yuanneng Technology, we want to complain, do you know that this is unfair?

Some people were complaining, while others felt a sense of crisis. They didn't dare to delay, and acted immediately.

The backs of the teams that quickly left after entering hell reminded others that if you don't take action, you can only follow others and eat ashes.

At that time, let alone the top ten in the contribution list, it is hard to say whether there are any contribution points.

"Move, move!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Keep up, keep up!"

The player's shouts and urging sounds broke the peace of this area.Since the appearance of humans in the world of Sanctuary, this is the first time someone has stepped into the territory of demons.

Come and don't go indecent.

Hell demons, you have been to our human territory, and now it is time for us human beings to pay a return visit.

Demons, come out and pick up the guests.

While running, the players pay attention to the surrounding environment, guarding against possible demons.

It took two full hours for all the nine-figure players to enter hell, and the first wave of crowds finally passed.

Hundreds of millions of human beings entered hell, and such a huge influx of outsiders made such a commotion that even the demons would not be able to detect it.

In the direction of the noisy human voice, the demon, who still didn't know what happened, sent his own scouting team to investigate the situation.

Then, these devil spies became meat buns that beat dogs, and they never came back.

By the time the demons noticed something was wrong, the player had already found their lair according to the direction the demon spies came from.

The battle ensues.

(End of this chapter)

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