Big guy is always cool

Chapter 293 As long as there are enough people, everything will be fine

Chapter 293 As long as there are enough people, everything will be fine
Luring the player into the dungeon under the Taimo Monastery, with the dark environment and intricate roads, coupled with the traps that are hard to guard against, the player will indeed suffer heavy losses.

If Akara's strategy is used against others, it will definitely give them a headache.Even if it can't make it retreat, it will greatly slow down the opponent's footsteps.

However, her opponent is an existence called a player, which doomed Akara's failure.

The roads in the monastery dungeon are intricate and have many branches?
It doesn't matter, we have a lot of people, as long as we fill every road with people and let our people fill every branch road, we will naturally find the right road.

The dungeon is densely covered with traps, making it hard to guard against?

Is this a problem?

If you can't guard against it, you can't guard against it. It depends on whether you have more agencies or more people.

Besides, the environment is dark, so it is better to solve it.

Have you ever heard of something called a torch? Also, learn about fire magic.

So, as long as there are enough people, everything is not a problem.

The question is whether there are enough people.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are enough players, and Akara's arrangement is useless.At most, it would slow down the player's pace of attacking the monastery for an hour or two, and increase the player's battle damage, but other than that, it would have no effect.

Those hell demons who thought they had entered the dungeon and could take this opportunity to fight back or adjust their mentality were shocked to find that before they could adjust, humans chased after them.

My God, humans are killing again.

The mentality of the demons really collapsed, like a thousand miles away.

They have never fought against humans in the wild battlefield, and they were dragged down by the human sea tactics when they went to the monastery to fight defensive battles. Now they have entered the dungeon, and the situation is still the same.

This is the only way you humans come and go?
Dare to have something fresh.

How amazing are you guys?

The demons are really convinced. Human beings have defeated them by virtue of their numerical superiority. What can they do? They are also very desperate, okay?

The collapsing hell demons did not consider one thing, that is, they had slaughtered most of the human beings in the world when they invaded the human world. Where did such a huge human army emerge?

Under the turbulent crowd tactics, the Hell Demon failed again.

This time they were not as lucky as the previous two times to escape. They could retreat into the monastery when the Taymo Heights was defeated, and they could retreat into the dungeon if the monastery couldn't hold it. Now the dungeon can't stop the crazy players. Where should I retreat?

They have no place to retreat, because this is their last line of defense.

The hell demons who have been driven into a desperate situation are like trapped animals. They must fight for their own survival, and they must work hard for their own survival.

So, they resisted fiercely.

At this moment, the dungeon of Taymor Abbey became a great millstone, where thousands of lives were crushed to pieces.

Demons with no way out, players with victory in sight, each of them is a member of the big millstone.

Whether it was red or black, the blood spread all over the floor, forming pools of blood on the stone slabs of the dungeon, and converging into rivers, dyeing the ground of the dungeon black and red.

The player stepped on it, splashing blood flowers one by one, and countless blood droplets splashing, staining people all over.

However, no one on both sides of the war cared about this, and they couldn't care less about it.In the struggle between life and death, the boundary between life and death is so blurred, maybe just a single distraction can lose one's life.

Under such circumstances, who can control others.

However, the desperately fighting players and hell demons don't know that the blood that they ignored is flowing and spreading along the grooves dug on the stone slab of the dungeon.

Slowly, the blood flowing along the groove outlined a huge magic circle.

As the magic circle gradually became complete, there was a smell of blood floating in the dungeon.

At the beginning, the bloody smell was still very weak. As the battle progressed, and the casualties of players and hell demons increased, the bloody smell gradually became stronger. The pungent smell made the players frown.

Even so, there was no doubt about it.

After all, the battle in the dungeon was too fierce, so many humans and demons died, and the blood flowed all over the place. It is normal for the blood to be heavy.

The fact that the players can't find it doesn't mean Ye Li is the same.

As early as before the magic circle was formed, Time Super Calculator sent a message to Ye Li, letting Ye Li know that the layout of Akara was not just what he saw.

There are fewer and fewer demons, and the same number of players as ever.

Despair enveloped the demon's heart.

They couldn't fight and couldn't fight, and they had no way to escape. This time they were really going to be doomed.

One hundred thousand high-ranking demons were completely annihilated by humans. This is something that hell demons have never dreamed of.

They are mere human beings, how could they be the opponents of our demons.

The demons thought this way when the war first started, and the contempt the demons have for humans has completely disappeared after the war has reached the present.The player tells the devil with the sword in his hand that your disdain for me is the biggest mistake.

Mere human beings, that’s all. It seems that you demons have a big misunderstanding of our human cognition. It’s time to correct your wrong ideas.

After some forceful persuasion by the players, the Hell Demon's cognition of human beings was not only corrected, but completely subverted.

Not only are human beings not weak lambs as the demons think, but they are extremely ferocious, an existence that is more ferocious than the demons of hell.If you provoke them, just wait to be beaten.

Hell demons can't stop human beings, so what else can stop human beings?

Humans themselves, of course.

Just as it is always your teammates who can stop you, only humans can stop humans.

The players were surprised to find that after they solved the resisting hell demons, the ones standing in front of them were actually human beings.

These human beings have black complexions and red eyes, and they can be seen to be infected by the breath of hell.They are still humans on the surface, but in fact they are already demons.

The appearance of human beings, the essence of demons, this is the human beings who have been demonized by the power of hell, referred to as demons.

When the demons saw the player, they directly drew their bows and shot arrows, and used sharp arrows to greet their former clansmen.

Seeing the devil's clothes and seeing the sharp arrow that hit, some players were bloody.

This familiar taste, this familiar formula, who is the devil on the opposite side if he is not the guard of the monastery?
At the beginning, you bad NPCs bullied us as Mengxin, beat us badly, and made us bear such a big stain on our backs.Now, it's time for you to pay the price.

Dog guards, it's time to settle your account for shooting me with arrows.This time, let's see if it is the sharpness of your arrows or the speed of our swords.

Facing the incoming sharp arrows, the players drew their swords and rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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