Chapter 286

"It has been detected that the hell demons of Taimo Heights are gathering, and the assembly center is: Taimo Heights Monastery."

After taking over all the authority of Xiaoyi in the game, what happened in the shelter world was replaced by time supercalculation to report to Ye Li.

As an astronomical computer, the stellar-level supercomputer powered by the time gem of the Marvel world is no worse than Xiaoyi.

At least, as far as Ye Li's current experience is concerned, it is even more convenient to overcalculate time in some aspects.

After receiving the reminder message from Time Overcomputing, Ye Li only needs to turn one thought in his mind, and Time Overcalculation can directly reflect the information of Taimo Heights into his mind.

Overlooking the Taimo Highland from a high altitude, at this time, those hell demons who went out as patrols and scattered everywhere in the Taimo Highland were operating.

They took out their fastest speed and headed towards the same destination, which was not elsewhere, but Taimo Monastery.

The players are in the game, and they don't know that their actions have attracted Akara's attention, let alone that Akara will have such a big reaction.

They just felt that they encountered fewer monsters and traveled faster.

Ye Li rubbed his chin. What he saw from Akara's gathering of hell demons was not the determination of the hell demon king to fight, but the weakness of Taimo Heights at the moment.

As the devil king of Akara, with her pseudo-god-level strength, players with a maximum level of less than sixty are not worthy of her.

In the face of players invading their own territory, if it wasn't for the parallel importer like the leader of Woma who can only use special circumstances to achieve the power of a false god, how could he not come out immediately and educate the players so that they dare not come to Taimo Heights to make trouble again .

Akara is not the leader of Voma, and her power is not limited by terrain.If it wasn't for the lack of strength of the Taimo Highland Hell Demon, she could have come out and knocked back the players.

Now, she summoned her men to come to the monastery, seemingly wanting to fight to the death with the players to decide the world in one fell swoop.But in fact, what's going on with this passive defense?

It is obvious that you are superior in strength, but you are defending. If it were someone else, maybe Ye Li would be worried that this is the other party's deceit.But this matter fell on the violent hell demon, and the possibility of cheating was infinitely low.

After all, hell demons invaded the human world and wiped out many human kingdoms in Sanctuary World. The main forces of the kingdoms wiped out by them are countless, and the demons don't pay attention to human beings at all.

With such a mentality, is it possible for the Hell Devil to take a defensive stance against the player's attack, and also play tricks and tricks?
Akara is willing, and those higher demons will not be willing either.

Don't think that the devil king of hell can control everything. The attributes of hell devils are chaos first, and then evil.

Akara had asked them to stay in Taimo Heights to avoid conflicts with the players as much as possible, which had already made the winged demons and other high-ranking demons full of complaints.Now the player is actively attacking and has invaded the Taimo Highlands. If you have enough strength and don't go back, you can see if those high-ranking demons will listen to Akara.

The power of hell demons is so weak in Taimo Heights, which makes Ye Li suspicious.

What on earth are Diablo and the others doing?
First, when the situation is very good and is about to completely occupy the world, the hell demons are shrunk across the board, giving the human kingdom that has not been destroyed a chance to breathe.

Ye Li originally thought it was because the demons of hell spread too much. After suffering several losses in the battle with the players, they realized that they had to withdraw their fists.

The result is that even the Taimo Highland, where Akara sits in person, is actually defenseless, facing the large-scale invasion of players, he can only defend the last fortress.

This is no longer retracting the fist, but the fist is gone.

No matter how much the power of hell demons shrinks, it is impossible to shrink to such an extent. You must know that if humans recover Taimo Monastery, they will definitely restore the passage between heaven and earth.

Diablo did so many things before, and took so much effort to destroy the passage, so easily handed over to others?
From this incident, Ye Li noticed something unusual.

Something unusual is a demon, and the power of hell demons has shrunk across the board, so there must be something famous in it.

The power of the hell demons in the world has become stronger from the outside, but could it be that an unknown change occurred in hell, which forced the main force of the hell demons to return to hell?
Just as Ye Li was thinking, there was a new message reminding him that he needed to check it out.

It's just that the reminder message this time was not sent by the time supercalculator, but by Xiaoyi.

"An unusual energy fluctuation has been detected in the main world, please review it with authority."

Lord World!
Unusual energy fluctuations!

Ye Li didn't dare to neglect, he quickly withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Compared with the war between the players and the demons in the world of Sanctuary, and the anomalies of the demons in hell, things in the main world are much more important.

The main world is Ye Li's foundation, if something happens here, Ye Li has nowhere to cry.

Dealing with the hell demons in the sanctuary world can be delayed, but things in the main world cannot be delayed.

After clicking on the message sent by Xiaoyi, Ye Li's expression became very exciting.He first read the news three times to make sure that he was not dazzled, and then asked Xiaoyi: "The news is confirmed?"

"The data has been checked and confirmed to be correct."

With a thought in Ye Li's mind, the sea of ​​consciousness is directly connected to the space supercomputer, and he has returned to the main world.

Looking at the things in the house that had been covered with a layer of dust because he couldn't live for a long time, Ye Li didn't bother to clean them-even though it only took Ye Li a thought to do it, and it didn't take even a second of time. arrive.Because Ye Li has more important things to do right now, he doesn't want to waste time, not even a second.

Once again, the sea of ​​consciousness is connected to the space supercomputer, and Ye Li's environment changes instantly.He is still in the main world, but he is no longer in his hut, let alone his own country, but somewhere in Europa.

In today's main world, with the decline of the national strength of the European countries and the economic downturn, many castles that were once famous for a while have been abandoned.

In the eyes of some people, the tall Europa Castle has become a hot potato. Its high maintenance costs and a series of troublesome supervision and procedures have discouraged many people who intend to own an ancient castle.

Although many European countries claim that the castles represent history, and it is a great honor to be the masters of the castles, they still cannot prevent them from being abandoned in large numbers.

Ye Li has to admit that the castle really represents history, and history often hides many unknown secrets, which will arouse people's curiosity, and make people unconsciously explore and uncover it.

Some of these secrets are true and some are false.

But it would be embarrassing if it was faked.

Hiding his figure in the darkness, watching a group of people performing mysterious rituals in the basement of the castle, Ye Li felt emotional: So, this is the reason why the hell demons shrank across the board?

It is not without reason that there are few crooked nuts.As for this death-defying drive and Ou Huang's luck, I have to accept it.

Well, it looks like they were originally European.

(End of this chapter)

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