Chapter 199
Ye Li couldn't take a second look at the sensation caused by the corpse of Master Zuma after it was transported back to the wilderness city. As the first powerful boss killed by players in the inactive state in the God of Heaven War, it is only natural for Master Zuma to cause a sensation thing.

Compared with the crowd waiting to watch the lively scene, Ye Li wanted to know what was going on with Tristram.

Since Ye Li took away the death rules in the will of hell in the sanctuary world, the impact on the sanctuary world is that the will of hell can no longer create undead, and use these undead as consumables to fight for the demons of hell.

The dead Rogue warriors are gone.

Icy Crow, gone.

The blood bird is gone too.

This allows the player to cross the icy plain with the least resistance after starting from the wilderness city, enter the stone wilderness, and then launch an attack on Tristram.

When Xie Hongyi and the others were fighting with the leader of Zuma, many players had already accepted the mission and set off, and they had already set foot on the icy plain at a fast speed.

The wild land and the icy plain, these two places were originally Rogge's sphere of influence, but after the hell demons aggressively attacked the world, Rogge fought with him several times but failed, and the icy field has long been occupied by the demons. occupied.Among the three most powerful Rogge female warriors, except Kasha who was able to escape, the Icy Crow and the Blood Bird had all died in battle.

If Ye Li hadn't taken away the death rules in the will of hell, the first thing Wilderness City would have to face when it wanted to expand outward was the army of dead Rogue female warriors.

If such a situation really occurs, the player will of course be able to do it. After all, it is killing monsters, and the player will not have a psychological burden.However, how will the surviving Rogge female warriors like Kasha and Flavi react?
Even if they can accept it, who can guarantee that they won't have grudges in their hearts? After all, they are their companions who fight against the devil together, and they are friends who have lived together for many years.

Seeing that they are still restless after death, and their undead will be killed by sharp blades on the battlefield, will the female Rogge warriors feel uncomfortable, will they have no resentment?

As long as they have negative emotions in their hearts, they may go to extremes and be used by the hell demon god.

Just like Akara in Taimo Monastery, when her faith in the gods reached the point of blind obedience, wouldn't she become a knife in Diablo's hand?

If Anda Lier hadn't joined the chat group and Ye Li appeared again, this knife would have harmed Anda Lier, the monastery in Taimo Heights, and even herself.

The worst situation didn't happen, and Ye Li was able to hit the right path, saving him a lot of trouble.

There is no undead Rogge in the Icy Plain, which is a big resistance compared to the Diablo II game, but it does not mean that there are no monsters here.

The invasion of the world by hell demons is an all-out war. In addition to killing and death, the demons also bring the breath of hell.This kind of power that does not belong to the world erodes the creatures in the world, turning them into demonized beasts, which are both dangerous and ferocious.

The first players to set foot on the cold plain were soon attacked by demonic beasts.

A furry beast that could walk on two feet like a human was the first attacker.

Their bodies, which are more than three meters tall and stronger than the ogres in the world of Draenor, would definitely not be able to hold up if they met ordinary people.The power of these huge beasts can easily tear apart a person's body, and their punch is enough to break a person's bones and tendons.

It's a pity that what they encountered was not ordinary people, but a team of forty players.

To be able to step into the icy plain ahead of others, this team of players is all masters who have completed the mission of the third rank, and they belong to the top group of players among the 2000 million players.

Faced with the attack of the huge beast, the players did not panic, they formed a formation to fight against it skillfully.

These are the habits developed after practicing countless times in the Woma Underground Palace and Zuma Temple, and fighting monsters no less than a thousand times. Even in the face of monsters stronger than themselves, players can use the strength of the team to fight against them and fight against them. Finally won the battle.

It would be interesting if the monsters encountered were weaker than the player.

Don't look at the size of the huge beasts as a bluff, in fact their strength is really not that good.It's just a group of demonized and mutated products of ordinary beasts with the breath of hell, how strong can it be?

As soon as they got into hands, the players found that the attack of the huge beasts was not as strong as it seemed. Their fists smashed the iron shields and made a loud bang, but they couldn't even shake the body of the half-orc shield warriors in the front row.

It turned out to be a group of silver-like wax gun heads, small monsters that look fancy but don't look useful.

Realizing that the strength of the huge beast is only about tenth level, the players rushed up and beat them up, telling you to attack me and scare people. Today we will tell you a truth with our fists: You can fight if you don’t look fierce. I want to be underwear even if I don’t have the strength, I’m sorry.

The huge beast was as fierce as a tiger in one meal, but the record was 0 to 5.

A team of three-rotation players easily wiped them out.

However, the attack was just the beginning.

Maybe it was the bloody smell of the battle that attracted the monsters, or maybe there was some kind of unknown induction between the monsters. In the next period of time, the players found that the monsters in the cold field were gathering more and more in their direction. many.

From a few at the beginning to dozens later, and now hundreds, this team of players quickly fell into the siege of demonized beasts.

Rush to the forefront, a huge beast that looks like a strong body but is weak in strength, a big-headed monster that looks like a bison but likes to hide behind and spit out energy balls for long-range attacks, and that evil spider the size of a millstone that loves sneak attacks , and the Bat monsters roaring in groups are causing headaches for players.

Compared with the latter types of monsters, the most ferocious-looking huge beasts are the easiest to deal with. Players just need to run over them with their strength.

The big-headed monster hides far away when fighting, and it runs no slower than a galloping bison, making it difficult for you to chase.If you catch up to the head, the lone army will go deep into the big head monster and fight back, and several players will die because of this.

Evil spiders can spit spider silk. They can weave a web in a few seconds. Once the player is entangled, it will take a lot of effort to break free.If a bat monster flies over at this time and gives you an electric shock, you will understand how terrifying the Raiden King's Kiss of the Raiden is.

There are meat shields - huge beasts, long-distance attack - big head monsters, control - evil spiders, and support - bat monsters. Although the level of demonized beasts in the cold field is not high, they have a complete range.Relying on the advantage in numbers, the players couldn't help them for a while.

Ye Li looked at it from the perspective of God, and found that the demonized beasts in the entire Icy Plain seemed to be inspired by some unknown force, and they were all rushing towards the entrance of the wild land into the Icy Plain, and there were millions of them. huge.

Looking at the tens of millions of players starting from the wilderness city, and looking at the millions of demonized beasts in the icy plain, Ye Li couldn't help asking: Who is the most?
(End of this chapter)

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