Chapter 154

Xie Hongyi stood in the ruins. This was a ruined orc village. The orcs in the village were all embraced by the souls of their ancestors shortly after Xie Hongyi and the others invaded the village.

Although the orcs in the village resisted tenaciously, and even those orc children fought street battles with the players under the leadership of the female orcs, this still could not change its fate.

From the moment the player appeared on the world of Draenor, the fate of these sparsely populated orc clans was doomed.

"Miss Hong, I dug it out."

Someone came forward quickly, it was Huang Xiaoyang.

He walked briskly, without any fatigue after the battle.

It wasn't that Huang Xiaoyang wasn't tired, but that excitement covered up exhaustion.

Orc villages are barbaric and primitive, and the buildings are simple and crude. The ruins after the demolition of the main world are countless times better than them. In the eyes of players, these buildings are basically worthless.

Of course, except for those players who want to experience the original style.

The premise is that they can tolerate the smell produced under the extremely poor sanitary conditions.

The reason why it is basically worthless, not worthless, is because of the totems in the orc village.

Every clan of orcs, regardless of the size of the clan or the population, all have ancestor worship.

For thousands of years, this kind of worship has created the shaman culture of the orcs.

As a totem pole that condenses beliefs and seals the achievements of ancestors, it is the essence of the civilization of the entire orc clan.

Players don't understand this, what they understand is that the totem poles in the orc village can be exchanged for a large amount of honor points.

Each totem pole can be exchanged for at least three thousand honor points, and more can be exchanged for tens of thousands.

Honor points can be exchanged for enchantments, allowing oneself to have a few more skills out of thin air, which is self-evident for the improvement of combat power.

Honor points can also be exchanged for soldier talismans. Players can choose soldier talismans according to their occupations to obtain corresponding bonuses for the soldiers.And the arms can also be upgraded with more advanced arm symbols, and they will also get the special abilities of the arms after they are promoted.

These two points alone are enough to show the preciousness of the honor point, so that players try to get it.

When someone discovered that the totem poles in the orc clan could be exchanged for a large number of honor points, a hunting feast began.

The nightmare of the orc clans, especially the small ones, began to fall.

Xie Hongyi and the others are just one of the hunters.

Signaling Huang Xiaoyang to lead the way, Xie Hongyi walked behind him and asked, "Are there any casualties among our people?"

To say that the only dissatisfaction with the main mission against the orcs this time is that it is a one-off.

Players only have one life in Draenor. If they die in battle, they cannot be teleported after being revived again.

Similarly, players who have accepted the mission cannot leave unless they give up the mission.

Speaking of this, Huang Xiaoyang's excitement faded slightly: "Twenty brothers fell in the street fighting, and the orc kid brothers didn't make a move at first, but they were attacked by surprise. According to me, the game official is too cunning. Making these little orcs monsters is obviously taking advantage of the weakness of human nature to blackmail us. Sure enough, the heart of playing design is dirty."

Xie Hongyi frowned, reducing the number of staff by 20 people, and losing more than one-tenth of the combat power, which is not a small loss.

"This is the price of soft hands in war, and we have to learn from it."

Huang Xiaoyang scratched his head and smiled: "Isn't this game too real? I swear by my professionalism, I will never make the same mistake again next time."

It seems that this guy also made the same mistake, but he was lucky and didn't die.

For the sake of the totem pole in the village that can be exchanged for [-] honor points, Xie Hongyi didn't hold on to it.

Whether it's the joint efforts of Xiaofeng and the royal family, or the actions of Hongyue alone, they are just a microcosm of the player after entering the world of Draenor.

There were victories and losses in the war, some broke through the orc clan, and some were wiped out by the orc counterattack.

No matter what the result is, the world of Draenor is on fire.

What does it feel like to have a backyard fire?
Gul'dan was very annoyed, because Gul'dan already knew the identity of the attackers from the news from the shadow council he formed and the description of those attackers.

Gul'dan: "@ Ye Li, get out of here."

Ye Li: "Why are you so noisy, why don't you ask people to take a lunch break?"

Gul'dan: "Boy, how dare you do such a thing?"

Ye Li: "Speak clearly, don't dirty people's innocence out of thin air."

Gul'dan: "Do you dare to say that you didn't send people to attack my kindred?"

Ye Li: "You said that, I'm obviously helping you, okay? You see, what are you doing with so many clans as an orc clan? Not to mention the separation of power, and the lack of concentration of power, no wonder you guys are doing so well in Draenor. How about it."

Ye Li: "Don't you want to take over the power? Those small clans are difficult to deal with. They have scattered personnel. Although they don't have much right to speak, it is difficult to unify their opinions. And you can't ignore them. If you do something to them, the people from the clan The accusations from inside are definitely not small, how can you let the big clan obey you if you don't do anything? No one obeys you, what are you talking about centralization?"

Ye Li: "It will be different if I take action. Are those small clans forced to gather together now? Or they are moving to the big clans to seek asylum. Look, isn't this centralized. In the future, you want To centralize power, you only need to focus on a few places.”

Gul'dan: "..."

You are so right, I am speechless.

In fact, it's not that Gul'dan really has nothing to say, but he knows that when Ye Li sees through his desire for power and power, the more he argues, the more he will be told by the other party, which will make him unable to step down.

So, Gul'dan could only say with the last stubbornness: "Then you can't do that either."

Ye Li: "What did I do to me, I can't even dream at home?"

Gul'dan: "Are you dreaming? So many people died in my family, you told me you were dreaming? Can so many people die in a dream?"

Ye Li: "I like to kill people in my dreams."

Gul'dan spat out a mouthful of old blood, killing people in a god-like dream.

Come, come, show me a show.

Gul'dan regretted it, he shouldn't have talked to Ye Li.If you want to talk about his current mood, isn't it just "Hi, I'm so angry".

I was so angry that I was going to explode on the spot.

But Gul'dan is a hero after all, and his heart is forbearing and far away from ordinary people.

Even though he was unhappy seeing Ye Li, he knew that persecuting those small clans would be beneficial to what he wanted to do in the future.

Therefore, he sent a message to his shadow council, only letting them stand by, and at the same time collect as much information as possible from those people for future use.

Externally, Gul'dan said that Draenor has the great shaman Ner'zhul sitting in charge. He believes that his teacher can handle everything well, and he also implores others to maintain the same confidence in the great shaman as he does.

Ner'zhul, who was far away in Draenor, didn't know that his disciples dug a hole for him.

If he can handle the war launched against the orcs, others will take it for granted, after all, you Ner'zhul is the great shaman.

If one is not handled properly, it will reduce Ner'zhul's prestige in the clan.

(End of this chapter)

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