Chapter 115

The monsters in the Zuma temple are much stronger than those in the Woma underground palace. Even if it is just a group of moths, they still have the strength comparable to the players of the first rank.

Attracted by the flames from the torches lit by the players, the moths fighting the flames started a fierce battle with the players.

The big moth's attack method is to spray people first, and then pounce on you and slap your face wildly after spraying until you can't move.

In reality, I swallowed my anger and did not dare to insult others. On the Internet, I punched hard and insulted netizens with high spirits!The sky did not give birth to me as a keyboard warrior, my spray is like a long night through the ages.key! ——"Keyboard Man's Autobiography"


"I let you spray!"

The gray airflow of the big moth is not as scary as imagined, and it depends on the chance of turning people into petrification.

There are more of them and more players.When divided, the proportion of petrified people is not much.

Once the petrification is not successful, the big moth will have to face the counterattack of the player's sword.

The strength of the big moths is changing, but that is the total combat power including their ability to fly and petrification.In a one-on-one situation, they may not be opponents of players of the same level, let alone one-to-many now.

Soon, there were not many players who fell, but the big moth died all over the place.

The big moth had just been dealt with, and before the players could take a breath, the squeaking sound rang in their ears again.

Rats as big as goats sneaked through the darkness, hovering around the player.

Rats are not likable animals when they are small, and they are even less likable when they grow in size.

Rats the size of goats, and appearing in groups, are creepy just to look at, let alone fight.

This place is really evil, the monsters appear in groups, unlike the Woma Dungeon, where the monsters are divided into groups of three.

The monsters in the Zuma Temple have no self-awareness at all, they deliberately embarrass us players.

It is impossible to retreat. Follow-up players think that the entrance of the Zuma Temple is too narrow to squeeze in, so how can they make way for you to go out.

Can't go back, only go forward.

As soon as they played against the big mouse, the players found that the idea was very hard and very difficult.

When a sword is cut on them, the fur will bounce off them, and when a warhammer hits their body, the big rat can twist its body to remove most of its strength, and the real damage it can cause is extremely limited.

Except for sharp and heavy weapons like the battle ax that can give enough damage, the effects of other weapons have been weakened a lot.

But no matter how weakened it is, it can still be lethal. If you can't kill it with one cut, what about two or three cuts?If not, what about seven knives and eight knives?
As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers.

One player goes down, ten players come up.

Although there are many big rats, they didn't choose a good battlefield.Fighting near the entrance of the Zuma Temple, what they have to face is a steady stream of players, and the number of players in the competition is unknown how many times they are.

The human-mouse battle at the entrance of the Zuma Temple also attracted Ye Li's attention. For this battle, Ye Li stopped paying attention after just a few glances.

Don't look at the fierce battle, in fact, it is good.

There is neither a powerful boss nor a wonderful strategy, only a brave and ruthless face-to-face.At most, it is to let the 50 novice players who have joined the game feel the atmosphere of large-scale battles.

Only after the players cleared away the rats blocking the road and the big moths that followed the sound, and went deep into the Zuma Temple, the battle inside would be interesting.

Ye Li is more concerned about the feedback from the world of Draenor than the battle at Zuma Temple.

Previously, he used the Fallen Demon as the raw material and Kala Nixiu as the prototype to concoct a creature that was similar in appearance to the Draenei.

After these creatures were put into the world of Draenor, they quickly attracted the attention of the Draenei.

From the news sent back from Xiaoyi, Ye Li can see that although the draenei have not had formal contact with these creatures, they have already sent many people to observe from a distance.If there is no accident, the day when the two parties officially contact each other will not be too far away.

Ye Li is very interested in the blue hooves of Draenei.

In any case, it is an interstellar civilization that can wander around the universe. No matter how badly they are chased by the Burning Legion, their technological level can still beat the earth.Wouldn't it be great to have the technology of the Draenei included in the library?
It's not a tentacle monster: "@叶莉, when will you come over, we have to prepare some things in advance."

Gul'dan is going to Azeroth to take revenge on the Old Gods, so why aren't Yogg-Saron and C'Thun waiting for Gul'dan's arrival?

Although Ye Li doesn't think that the purpose of Yogg-Saron and C'Thun is just to teach Gul'dan a lesson and eliminate the members of the chat group who turned against them, but for the Titan technology in Yogg-Saron's hands, Ye Li will not refuse work with it.

The water in Azeroth is very deep, without Gul'dan and the orcs to muddy the water, how could Ye Li fish in troubled waters?

Doing things also score points, isn't it?

The behavior of attacking the whole world as soon as he appeared on the stage looks very domineering, but in fact it is deliberately making it difficult for himself.

If the strength is strong enough, it's okay to be able to push everything flat, but if the strength is not enough, it will only end up being drowned and laughed at by others.

It's good to leave it to Gul'dan to be the king's pioneer, but Ye Li doesn't want to do it.

Ye Li: "Have you found Gul'dan's teleportation point in Azeroth? Give me the coordinates, and I'll teleport them there."

Not a tentacle monster: "Aren't you coming in person?"

Ye Li: "I'm afraid I'll never return."

Not a tentacle monster: "You think too much."

"Ha ha."

Ye Li is 100% sure that Yogg-Saron and C'Thun will definitely give him a "warm welcome" if he passes away so stupidly.

The enthusiasm of the ancient gods, Ye Li estimated that his small body might not be able to last a second.

"Make me another avatar. It doesn't need to be too strong, as long as it can carry power transmission. It's best to dissipate immediately after use. How can you save it?"

To be an insider should only open a door, just use a temporary worker, and you are not an observer who stays in the wilderness camp in the shelter world. It is not worth investing too much.

Ye Li didn't have high requirements, and Xiaoyi's work was rough. He only spent a thousand scales of the power of faith, and it also cost him the cost of teleporting to Azeroth.

If Gul'dan would choose a place, the exit of the portal is a deserted swamp.After Ye Li's avatar teleported over, except for some swamp creatures, there was no trace of intelligent life activity at all.

After the portal is opened, the location that will serve as an exit is just between the two mountains on the edge of the swamp. Behind the mountains is the endless sea. The salty sea breeze blows, making Ye Li rub his nose.

Ye Li looked at the two mountains. The mountains are a thousand meters high, and they look huge from a distance. If you want to open a large teleportation gate between the two mountains, you have to consider these two mountains.

Smooth them out, build everything from scratch, or use local materials, and regard these two mountains as the two pillars of the portal, Yu Yeli doesn't need to think about it.He just takes money to do things, and naturally saves as much as possible under the premise of ensuring the effect.

Ye Li's avatar stood between the two mountains, he opened his hands, floating quietly in the air.

Ye Li: "@不是tentacles, @大眼破子, you can act now."

As soon as the message in the chat group was sent out, Ye Li felt two forces pouring into the avatar with an unstoppable force like a flood breaking a levee. Instant deprivation.

The power of the ancient gods is indeed terrifying, and this is just a small trace of their power. If they can break free from the cage of the Titans, I don't know how far they can go.

Ye Li was secretly startled.

At the same time, he also mourned for Gul'dan. The orc didn't know that he was in trouble, and he was still immersed in the dream of revenge.

I hope you will not be pitted too badly after you arrive in Azeroth.

(End of this chapter)

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