Chapter 108

Casillas watched the conversation in the chat group proudly, he didn't care about Gul'dan's anger at all.

I don't even have the ability to teleport across boundaries, no matter how arrogant I am, what can you Gul'dan do to me.If you are capable, come along the network cable and hack me.


Bah, weak chicken.

Although there is contempt, there are also regrets.Casillas really hopes that Gul'dan has the ability to teleport across boundaries, so that he can help him achieve his goal.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if Gul'dan can't come over, the big deal is to take some risks to do it yourself, if Ye Li...stop it!
Casillas shook his head, pushing the thought out of his mind.

Since Ye Li was able to go to the world where Gul'dan was, Casillas knew that the other party had the means of cross-boundary teleportation, and he could indeed be used as a target to attract attention, but he felt that he could not bully the honest man too much——Ye Li However, such a powerful and kind person should not be consumed here, but should be used to create greater value.

I have to make a good plan for stealing the book... Bah, what about the mage, can it be called stealing?
I just took it to see, as for whether the owner of the book knows or not, the owner of the book agrees or not, don't care about those details.


The low-pitched roar rang in Casillas' ears. It suppressed anger and was full of murderous intent, which made Casillas tremble and goose bumps all over his body.

Following the sound, Casillas saw a face that did not belong to humans, it was a face belonging to orcs.

Casillas' eyeballs almost popped out.

Didn't it mean that you can't teleport across borders?

Didn't it mean that you have to locate the world coordinates first if you want to teleport across borders?

How could he appear, how could he... no, shouldn't his appearance be a good thing, why should I be afraid?
Casillas' mood changed, and in Gul'dan's eyes, this human being was stunned and at a loss.

I know I'm afraid.

Taste the fear.

Regret your actions.

Gul'dan felt relieved. Casillas provoked him again and again. He really thought that there was nothing he could do about him, and he would have to pay the price today.

Although Gul'dan still has a little haze in his heart, after all, the coordinates of the world where Casillas is located are a bit strange for him.

"Boy, I heard you were looking for me."

Gul'dan approached Casillas slowly, his spirit locked on the opponent, his momentum suppressed him, and he had the absolute upper hand.

too weak!

On the one hand, Gul'dan was disdainful for Casillas' weakness, and on the other hand, he was even more angry.

Such a weak person dares to provoke me again and again. What does he think of me as Gul'dan? Let's understand the dignity of a strong person.

"I am coming!"

Gul'dan stood one meter away from Casillas, staring at him with a smirk: "Today I will teach you how to be humble."

Only by facing Gul'dan directly can he understand his strength. Under the oppression of the former, Casillas felt that his breathing was about to stagnate.It was only then that he realized what kind of existence he was repeatedly provoking and the target he wanted to calculate.

This orc is so powerful, and the gap between me and him is so huge, how is it possible!

Casillas couldn't accept it, how could an incomplete guy be so much stronger than him.

It's a chat group, it must be a chat group, because Gul'dan joined the group early, so he can become extremely powerful even as an orc. If it were me, the same time of joining the group would definitely leave Gul'dan far behind .

Gul'dan was very satisfied with the shock shown by Casillas, he could tell that Casillas was not acting, and the emotion from the heart couldn't be faked at all.

Human, now you know how powerful I am, do you regret it?
Unfortunately, it's too late.

I, Gul'dan, am cruel and merciless.

Without talking nonsense with Casillas, Gul'dan is about to do it.He was about to use his newfound strength to pull Casillas' soul out, torment him day by day, and burn him night by night, making him suffer endless pain, regretting his provocation, and stretching his hand in half, Gul Dan froze.


A fel energy arrow shot towards the back. The evil and chaos contained in the dark green magic elements made it obvious that it would not be easy to get hit by this magic.

Facing the evil energy arrow, a spell ray swept towards it.

After the two sides collided, there was no violent sound or glaring light, only annihilation, silent annihilation of both.

Gul'dan turned to see a human woman in a robe.

The woman, like Casillas, has a bald head.The bald head is very attractive and impressive.

The bald woman stood at the door and looked at Gul'dan. The two breaths were clashing. Gul'dan found that he could not gain the upper hand, which made the orcs horrified.

Since mastering the fel energy, not only have my injuries healed, but I have also become stronger than before. Even Ner'zhul may not be my opponent. What is going on with this bald woman?

Gul'dan didn't believe that humans would have someone as strong as him.

Ye Li was just an accident, and he only became stronger after joining the chat group and leading him to do two missions.

Gul'dan didn't speak, and the bald woman standing at the door said: "A strong man from another dimension, I feel an evil aura from you."

"Evil?" Gul'dan's body was boiling with evil energy, "You call this evil?"


"It's so beautiful, so intoxicating, that only you humans who don't appreciate it would see it as evil."

As if being humiliated, Gul'dan roared, and the boiling evil energy turned into arrows of evil energy, splashing towards the opponent like a storm.

"Don't destroy the sacred place of practice." Facing the rain of evil energy arrows, the bald woman didn't seem to panic at all. She just said in a flat tone, "Let's change places."

Afterwards, the space fluctuated a few times like a rippling water surface, and she and Gul'dan disappeared, leaving only Casillas in the room.

The latter rolled his eyes a few times, listened carefully for a while, and was overjoyed when he found that the movement here did not disturb anyone else.

Gu Yi was lured away!

Casillas took three steps in parallel, and hurriedly walked towards the library.

Gul'dan, I love you so much, an undeveloped idiot like you should be a stepping stone for someone like me, whether you like it or not.

I don't know how long Gul'dan can hold Gu Yi, but to be on the safe side, it's better to act quickly and get the things first.

Focusing on his goal, Casillas didn't realize that at the same time he was leaving, a person appeared in his room out of thin air, just like when Gul'dan appeared.

Ye Li looked at the furnishings in the room. Is this the world Casillas lives in? Why does it feel so similar to the earth?
Speaking of Casillas, what was this guy trying to do by deliberately drawing Gul'dan over and leaving in a hurry?
With some curiosity, Ye Li followed.

 There is actually someone called the author's women's clothing, what about your conscience, bah!
(End of this chapter)

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