my son is the king

Chapter 131 Chapter 13 Palm my 1 boss friend

Chapter 131 Chapter 130
"Where is Longling Mountain?" AMTD asked curiously.

"Longling Mountain is the closest to the edge of the Sunset Mountain Range, and it is already the area where some third-level monsters are active," Xia Chen explained.

"Go, go and have a look, maybe you can get those inheritances," AMTD encouraged with some curiosity.

"Teacher, forget it, there are all the activity areas of the second and third-level monsters, and I am trembling with each first-level cute newcomer." Xia Chen hesitated, and said: "If I wait until I advance to the foundation-building stage, Let's go take a look."

"Look at how promising you are, there is a teacher who can make trouble for you," said AMTD, "You are the protagonist template, what is your immortal aura for?

Not for surfing yet. "

In the end, under some encouragement (fooling) from AMTD, Xia Chen decided to visit the treasures left by the Feilong Mercenary Group.

To starve the timid, to endure the daring.

He looked at the Changhong sword he got from Sun Sanniang, it was much better than his own Baisteel sword.

The sword body is light and sharp, but Xia Chen likes those epees that open and close, are large and useless.

Xia Chen also tried to practice another immortal technique "Deadwood Palm", which he got from the book.

He carried the long sword on his back and walked all the way to the location of Longling Mountain.

Xia Chen had never been inside the Sunset Mountain Range before, because he couldn't cultivate at that time, and he came here purely to die.

However, in Baimang City, someone specially drew a map of the outskirts of the mountains, and Xia Chen knew many places.

All the way to the east, the scorching sun seems to have passed the hottest time at noon, and the weather is gradually cooling down.

Occasionally there will be a few strands of cool wind blowing, this is the time when the monsters are most active.

The further you go inside, the fewer monsters Xia Chen can see, but as long as the monsters you meet, they must be some third-level bosses, and the first-level monsters are almost invisible.


From a distance, the shape of Longling Mountain looks like a giant dragon hovering and raising its head. The name of the mountain is also famous for its shape.

Xia Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had been dragging his way all this way, and he was as cowardly as he could be.

As for what the teacher told him, such as the protagonist template, how to get the golden finger grandpa, and then start his own day-to-day journey, all kinds of crazy and cool, anyway, he doesn't believe it.

He looked at the towering mountain, took out the treasure map and looked at it, and he was relieved after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

"The place where the treasure is hidden is at the top of the mountain," Xia Chen said thoughtfully.

"Sao Nian, work hard, I'll sleep first," AMTD said in the ring.

"No, teacher, don't sleep, what if I encounter danger?" Xia Chen said anxiously.

"Then I want to congratulate you. Once you encounter danger, your aura of adventure will be opened," AMTD said: "You have to understand those protagonists. Picked up the magic book."

Xia Chen always felt that his teacher was a bit unreliable, but he still set foot on the path up the mountain.

There are basically no people coming to this Longling Mountain. The mountain is steep and the roadside is overgrown with weeds.

Not long after Xia Chen walked, he saw a long-billed hyena looking for food on the path in the mountains.

Xia Chen hurriedly hid behind a boulder next to him. This long-billed hyena has a second-level peak, and Xia Chen and the other party are not at the same level at all.

It is gray all over, with white spots all over its body.

At this moment, it was slowly walking down from the mountain, approaching Xia Chen's hiding place step by step.

"This guy won't find himself, right?" Xia Chen said calmly, with sweat dripping down his forehead.

Xia Chen showed half of his head and nervously watched the movement of the long-billed hyena. The long-billed hyena had been lowering its head to sniff the roadside, but raised its head inadvertently, and suddenly their eyes met.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Xia Chen was about to escape, and the long-billed hyena just let out a loud roar, as if it was happy to find its prey.

Before it had time to attack Xia Chen, a huge black shadow rushed over from the side. The black shadow threw itself directly on the long-billed hyena, smashing the hyena's head to pieces with one paw.

Then the black shadow walked away with the long-billed hyena's body in its mouth, without looking at Xia Chen from the beginning to the end.

"The third-level monster Fengyunhu," Xia Chen's whole body froze, and he swallowed hard.

At this time, he really wanted to leave here directly, but after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and continued walking towards the top of the mountain.

People die with their eggs in the sky, and they will not die for thousands of years.

AMTD inside the ring did not really sleep, he kept observing the situation outside.

The reason why he did this was because he didn't want Xia Chen to feel dependent on him.

As his own student, AMTD naturally hopes that the other party can be independent and grow up. There is no feast that lasts forever, and one day he will leave eventually.


Night is approaching, and the setting sun shines on the earth with its last remaining light.

Li Yunzhou killed a wild boar without changing his face, and dealt with its fur and internal organs.

Then she built a fire and started preparing for tonight's dinner. The bonfire illuminated her delicate face.

Her serious appearance is quite different.

"I said you are a girl, don't think about fighting and killing all day," Shang Xiaoman said in the palm of the Buddha Kingdom: "In the future, finding a good husband's family and marrying is the way you should go."

After a long period of mental struggle, Shang Xiaoman also figured it out, he does not reject staying by this girl's side.

How do you say that, life is like fuck, if you can't resist, enjoy yourself.

No matter how frightening this girl is in the future, it doesn't matter whether it is the emperor of natural disasters or destroying the world.

She is just a 15-year-old girl now, and Shang Xiaoman feels that relying on her three-inch tongue, she is mentally prepared.

Maybe it can change the fate of this girl. In the future, there will be one less monster who destroys the world, and one more hero who is admired by people!
"Would you like to have a bite?" Li Yunzhou tore off a pork leg, put it in front of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and said, "You man, you've been nagging all day, aren't you hungry?"

"Do you think I need to eat when I am in a state of obsession?" Shang Xiaoman said dissatisfied: "I will warn you again, don't call me a man, call me Emperor Man."

"Okay, ma'am."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, man."

Li Yunconge took a bite of the pork leg, clicked his mouth, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Mmm~, it's delicious."

She pulled her beautiful long hair behind her back casually, and pulled down her light blue long skirt, looking graceful, and then began to deal with the pig's leg in her hand with relish.

After dinner, Li Yuncong put the Buddha Kingdom in his palm into a bush beside him, and warned: "Mother, I'm going to take a bath, don't peek."

(End of this chapter)

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