Chapter 348
Just under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The head that had fallen on the ground slowly became transparent, and finally disappeared. Instead, Hu Qian, who was standing there, grew a new head!
Who would believe such a horrifying thing if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes!
After being stunned for a while, the people below shouted out who knows who:

Then, with a huff, everyone knelt on the ground.

Not to mention Li Datian, Ximenqing, Chen Jingji, and Sun Qian who were speechless, even Wu Song, Xiao Cui, and Li Ping'er stood there stupidly.

Hu Qian, on the other hand, took a sigh of relief and stood where he was. In fact, he didn't need to go through the previous prompts. He also knew what kind of magical power was unblocked this time—continue.

Although Chen Jingji and Sister Ximen still wanted to kill Hu Qian, such a thing was so unbelievable that they were too frightened to move at all.

Sun Qian still wanted to talk about demon ways, but was held back by Sun Yuan.

The people below bowed halfway, and then they all raised their heads to look at Hu Qian.

Hu Qian took a deep breath, and when he looked at Sun Yuan again, he finally remembered where he had seen him.

This is Gongsun Sheng who entered the cloud!

He originally thought that Sun Qian would have several senior brothers, and he had never met Gongsun Sheng, so he didn't think about it conveniently.

Thinking about it now, the back of the tavern that day must be this Yunlong Gongsun Sheng!
He pointed at Sun Qian, Gongsun Sheng and Sister Ximen and said:
These people are the real monsters.The heavens have given me instructions that this Yunlong Gongsun Sheng is a bandit from Liangshan!He was the one who robbed the birth certificate in Huangnigang before, and the others were Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Liu Tang and others.Now he is in collusion with Chen Jingji, the elder sister of Ximen, and others.You think he is a good person, but you don't know that sooner or later he will collude with Liangshan bandits to attack my Yanggu County.

Gongsun Sheng and Sun Qian's expressions changed drastically, and they were speechless.

Li Datian looked at the expressions of Gongsun Sheng and Sun Gan, and he didn't know whether it was true or not.


The visitor arrested all these people, asked them clearly before explaining clearly.

However, before they even made a move, the people below rushed forward and beat everyone they saw. After a while, they killed Chen Jingji, Sister Ximen and Sun Qian one after another. There was nothing he could do, he was stuck in the same place and couldn't move, and he was beaten to the point where he was only half breathed after a while.

When they all stopped, Hu Qian looked at his reminder again, and after a while, there were already countless beliefs.

It is several times more than before.

When the yamen servants carried away the bodies of Ximen eldest sister Chen Jingji and Sun Gan, Li Datian walked over quickly, bowed and said:
Lord Ming, it was Sun Gan, Sister Ximen, and Chen Jingji who made troubles before.I really don't intend to embarrass you, please forgive me.

Hu Qian smiled and said:

My lord speaks too seriously.It must be a great achievement for your lord to catch this Gongsun Sheng.Promotion is just around the corner.

Li Datian asked:
Is this Gongsun Sheng really from Liangshan?
Hu Qian said:

Chao Gai, Gongsun Sheng and others stopped Liang Zhongshu from giving Cai Jing a birthday present. As long as your lord takes him and presents it to the court, it must be a great achievement.Undoubtedly, then Liangshan will come to attack for him, my lord can make preparations early, and it will be another great achievement at that time.

Li Datian nodded quickly and said:

In this way, the official will not accompany me, and I have to go to the imperial court to make preparations early, lest Liangshan make a large-scale invasion, we will be defenseless, the city will be broken, and the people of the city will suffer.

After Li Datian and others left.Wu Song Xiaocui and others stepped forward immediately.In particular, Wu Song looked at Hu Qian left and right, touched his neck, and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him, so he hugged Hu Qian and cried bitterly.

Thinking of him, a dignified tiger-fighting hero, crying like a child, Xiao Cui, Li Ping'er and others beside him also shed tears.Several people wanted to send Hu Qian to his home for a physical examination, but Hu Qian still stood where he was and refused to leave.

There is no other reason, because many people in front of him are still kneeling there to worship, his faith is constantly rising, how can he be willing to leave.

In desperation, Wu Song and others had no choice but to stand behind him and watch him quietly, in case someone rushed to him and hurt him.

Hu Qian waved his hand and shouted to the people below:
I am the god who came down to earth, Taiyi rescued the suffering king Wu Changkong.

Wu Changkong!
The people below cheered.

Hu Qian said:
Do a lot of good deeds.Only then can you live in bliss forever.

The crowd cheered again.

Looking at the reminder, his faith increased more and more, and finally he gradually stopped moving, so he smiled with satisfaction.

He waved to everyone again, and then he went home with Wu Song and others, but the people behind him just refused to leave, and they all followed him to his house step by step.

Hu Qian had no choice but to stop and said to them:

Let's go home, so as not to worry about relatives.

The crowd slowly dispersed.

Back home on Zishi Street, Xiao Cui and Liu Er hurriedly made hot soup for him.

Wu Song hurried to the medicine shop not far away again, and grabbed a lot of herbal medicine, sore medicine and gold sore medicine, all kinds of medicines piled up in a pile.

Put it on him personally.Although it was very painful, he was extremely happy in his heart.

At least he didn't back down before, otherwise he wouldn't have obtained this new supernatural power. Although the continued supernatural power is a bit weak compared to swordsmanship and flying clouds and fog, fortunately, it came very timely.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the remaining supernatural powers are unsealed. By then, the Hutian can be opened and Shen Yuzhen and others will be released.

For the rest of the day, he didn't go out at all. He just lay on the bed every day and let the three women take turns to wait on him.

Outside the house, there is an endless stream of pilgrims every day.

If everyone was half-believing before, then this time they all worshiped as gods. After all, I have never heard of anyone whose head can grow back intact after being cut off. If this is not a god or a miracle, then What miracles are there?

In less than a few days, the incident spread far and wide, not to mention Qinghe County, even people from Yuncheng County and Zhujiazhuang came to worship, but Wu Song blocked them from the door, only saying that his brother was there. They can't be disturbed when they practice at home, so everyone still kneels outside and refuses to leave for a long time after kneeling.

In the house, because of Xiaocui's help in double cultivation, Hu Qian's body has recovered to a minimum.

Thinking of when he was beheaded, Li Ping'er, Liu'er and the others stayed together, and Hu Qian and Xiao Cui had less prejudice against them.

Finally, that night, Xiaocui directly took Liu'er downstairs, leaving only Hu Qian and Li Ping'er upstairs.

Hu Qian naturally understood what she was thinking, but he didn't say much, as he acquiesced to her behavior.Li Ping'er's heart was pounding even more. Although he had made friends with Hu Qian several times before, he was passive after all.

Seeing him walking towards her this time, I felt some anticipation in my heart.What's more, Hu Qian's body is no longer comparable to before since he practiced. Among other things, his appearance has also undergone some changes.

Although the height is still the same, but the skin has become fairer.

If you look at it dimly, there is still a bit of heroism.

Hu Qian took her hand, let her sit on his lap and said:

Why didn't you escape before?
Li Ping'er said:
The slave family has been rescued by the officials again and again, and it has been determined that the officials are the slave family's reliance in this life, so what else can they escape?
Hu Qian stopped talking and kissed her lips.Then he picked her up by the waist and walked to the bed step by step.

In the frenzy, Li Ping'er suddenly exclaimed:
Officer, what is this?
Hu Qian smiled and said:

I am a god descending to earth, even this matter is different from others, you know why Xiaocui follows me so hard, in fact, there are also reasons for this, all the women who practice with me.Not only can you live forever, but also stay young forever.

If these words were said a few days ago, Li Ping'er would never believe it, but after seeing him, how could he not believe it?
Immediately served more tenderly.

After a few more days, Hu Qian's body has almost recovered.

Coupled with the role of channeling supernatural powers, he gradually became different from ordinary people in that aspect. Xiao Cui and Li Ping'er couldn't be satisfied, and in the end they simply pulled Liu'er in.

As for the soap shop and tavern outside, let Wu Song take care of it.

After the previous events, Wu Song even thought about killing Li Datian.

Even if he didn't do anything now, he would have already left his heart, and it was impossible to be like before.

Li Datian knew that Hu Qian was recovering from his injuries at home, and no one was looking after the soap shop and tavern, so he specially took Wu Song's leave for many days, and compensated him with many silver gifts for him to bring to Hu Qian.

As for Li Datian, Hu Qian will naturally not let him go, but it is not easy to fall out with him now.

So at this time, I have to endure it.

After he recovered, he saw many people coming to worship at the door, so he and the three women left at night through the back door and went to Li Ping'er's house.

After settling down, Li Ping'er said:
From then on, this house is the master's house, and the slave's house is just the master's.

Hu Qian was not polite, just nodded and said:

Master will not treat you badly.

Then asked again:
How is the situation of Simon's family now?
Because Xiao Cui has been running to soap shops and taverns these days, she knows the most about the situation.

Xiao Cui said:
The bodies of Sister Ximen and Chen Jingji had been taken home by Wu Yueniang, although they joined forces with Sun Qiangong, Sun Sheng and others.

However, Cai Jing, Liang Zhongshu, Yang Jian and others kept it.So Sister Ximen and Chen Jingji were accused of ignorance, and they died as soon as they died, and they will not be pursued any more.

It is only said that Sun Qian colluded with his younger brother, the Liangshan bandit Kou Gongsun Sheng.

So all the Qingfeng Temples outside the city were sealed off, and the Taoist priests and others inside were arrested and taken to Daming Mansion.

Have you ever heard of any movement in Liangshan?

Xiaocui shook her head and said:

There is no movement for a while.Or it does exist, but the servants don't know it.

Hu Qian nodded, thinking that with Chao Gai's temper, knowing that Gongsun Sheng was arrested, he would definitely take measures.

However, Liang Shan's current strength is not as strong as when they attacked Zhujiazhuang and Zengtou City, so they will probably resort to outsmarting.

Li Ping'er said:
If the master wants to take revenge, then Wu Yueniang's house is next door.

Of course Hu Qian knew this, but he still had to think of a specific way.

The three of them slept together that night and spent the night in a mess.

The next day, when Hu Qian returned to the store, he first comforted Brother Yun, and then he went to the tavern, and he entered the door, and the diners inside stood up one after another.

Many people even knelt on the ground, shouting to Lord Daoming.

Hu Qian knew that these people were all capricious villains. When he was escorted to the stage before, they also said that they were monsters from Wuhan University. Now, seeing the continuation of the power, they said that some gods came down to earth. In fact, each of them was just selfish. Li, so at the moment, he didn't pay attention to them at all, and just walked to the back on his own.

However, the more he is like this, the more mysterious he will appear in front of everyone.After he left for a long time, everyone still hadn't got up.The matter of distilling liquor has long been known to the cooks, and even the soap is not made by himself, so he simply stepped out and said to everyone:
Earlier I promised to teach you how to make soap and this wine, and now I have fulfilled my promise.

After finishing speaking, he fetched pen, ink, paper and inkstone.Write down the two production methods, and then ask the boy to post it at the door to inform everyone.

Although leaking this thing out, there are two advantages. First, the wider the spread of the thing, the more people know about it, and his name as Ming Wang Zao Ming Wang Liquor will bring him a lot of prestige and faith .

What's more, it wasn't just these two things that were spread out, there must also be the story of his descending from the gods on the execution ground.What's more, these crafts can't be hidden for a long time.

However, the more he did this, he did not expect that the tavern and soap business would become more and more popular. Everyone respected him as a generous person, so even though more and more people opened soap shops or sold Some people are used to buying such good wine here.

On the way back home, he thought about Xiao Cui. Although Li Pinger and Liu Er had their own tastes, and Hu Qian also liked them very much, for cultivation, the willpower and endurance of the three of them was very difficult. It is not enough, so we still need to have more cultivation partners.

He was thinking about whether he should buy some maidservants.

Suddenly, there was a carriage waiting beside the house.Just when he was wondering, he saw a woman in her twenties walking out of Ximen's house. Seeing no one around, he walked into the carriage in two or three steps.

Seeing that it was getting late, the carriage went out of the city.

Hu Qian couldn't help being very curious, first went home and explained to a few people, and then quickly followed out.

It was getting dark, and there were very few pedestrians on the street, no one noticed his figure at all.

After the carriage left the city, Hu Qian gradually couldn't keep up.

So he waited in place.Less than an hour later, he saw the carriage coming back again, and he covered his head with the black cloth he had prepared earlier.

When the man approached, he hit the horse's leg with a stone.The horse neighed once, hopped twice on the spot, and then stopped slowly.Hu Qian stepped forward and shouted:
This road is opened by me, and this tree is planted by me.

However, before he finished speaking, the coachman immediately jumped out of the car and ran away.Hu Qian laughed, walked slowly to the back of the carriage, opened the curtain, and saw that it was indeed that woman.

I saw her slender oval face, delicate eyebrows, and a terrified expression on her face. Seeing Hu Qian approaching, she said:

Lord don't kill me.I'll give you all my money, and I beg the master to let me live.

Hu Qian said:

Do you know who I am?When the woman heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, then looked Hu Qian up and down and saw that he had a short figure.He immediately widened his eyes in horror and said:

Could it be that you are Lord Ming Wang?

Hu Qian immediately tore off the black cloth on his face, and said with a smile:

Not bad.

woman said:
Whatever your lord wants to do, the slave family has never done anything to be sorry for you.

Hu Qian said:

Your eldest sister Ximen from the Ximen family, Chen Jingji, and Wu Yue'e have done me a lot of harm, and almost killed me on the execution ground. Shouldn't I take revenge?

woman said:

That's what they did and it has nothing to do with me. When they did that, I tried to persuade them, but they didn't listen.

Hu Qian asked:

It seems that you are not a good person, and you dare to quibble, once Ximen Qing died, you ran here to have an affair with other men.If you still come to coax me now, do you think that I am really a fool?

The woman was taken aback for a moment, then denied it:
My lord, please don't get me wrong, the slave's family is just visiting relatives, it's getting late, so I hurried home.

Hu Qian said:
You want to coax me again, don't you have a tryst with your lover here?Come on, what's your name?Who is that lover?

The woman just bowed her head and said nothing. Hu Qian inserted the steel knife into the car board and said angrily:

If you don't say it, your head will be cut off.

The woman was so frightened that she trembled all over, and then she trembled and said:

The slave family is called Sun Xue'e.She is Ximen Qing's concubine.

Hu Qian nodded, but he had heard it before. This person was originally the maidservant of Ximen Qing's original wife, Mrs. Chen. Leave her alone.

Sometimes I would not look for her several times a year, in fact, it was almost the same as being a widow, and then she had an affair with her servant Laiwang.Knowing that Ximen Qing had taken away her head and jewelry, and told her to focus on the affairs of the kitchen stove and not go out for half a step, it seemed that after Ximen Qing's death, her mind became active again.

Seeing that Hu Qian was silent, she suddenly felt that there was still room for things to turn around.Suddenly there was a flattery on his face.Looking at Hu Qian said:
If the officials don't kill me, the servants can do anything.

As he spoke, he stretched out his legs in front of Hu Qian.

Hu Qian chuckled, raised the steel knife, chopped it down, and pinned her trousers to the car board.

She was so frightened that she almost cried out.Hu Qian said:
Don't worry about this, I was almost killed in the execution ground by that sister Ximen and Wu Yueniang, this revenge must be avenged no matter what, if you are willing to help, I will spare you, and you can also help you hide your cheating affair Come down, if you dare to think carefully, I will let you die here.

Sun Xue'e said:

The slaves dare not, just ask the master if there is anything to do.

Hu Qian asked:

Now how many masters and servants are there in Simon's house, and how many wives and concubines are there.

Sun Xue'e said:

Wu Yueniang is still in charge at home.Zhuo Di'er clamored to remarry, but she hasn't remarried yet.Li Jiaoer is currently ill and does not know when she will recover, and Meng Yulou was originally the wife of a businessman. After the businessman died, she took a lot of family wealth with her and married Ximen Qing as a concubine.

Hu Qian nodded and said:

Would you be willing to help me deal with them?
Sun Xue'e said:

The slave family was originally the maidservant of the Chen family. Although she was raised as a concubine, she never saw Ximen Qing's face all year round. She often stayed alone in the vacant house or as a widow, and was bullied by Zhuo Di'er and Li Jiao'er. , Once I even beat the slave family for several months and couldn't get out of bed. Although the wives and concubines did the work of the maids, they just served them to eat and drink every day.So I don't have any kindness with Ximen's family at all. If the master asks me to deal with them, just do as I say, just don't tell me about me and others.

Hu Qian said:
That depends on your performance.Now that Sister Ximen and Chen Jingji are dead, what is Wu Yueniang's attitude?

Sun Xue'e said:

Wu Yueniang originally believed in Buddhism and ate vegetarian food, and always believed in karma, but now she saw Sister Ximen and Chen Jingji colluding with Liang Shan and others.Being beaten to death by the people is also said to be his retribution.He also knew that the lord was a god descended from the earth, so he put down his thoughts of revenge, and even said that he would tell his family members not to make trouble anymore, because Ximen Qing and Ximen's elder sister Chen Jingji died, and the family had no support, so it would be fine if they caused troubles indiscriminately.You must not live in peace.

Hu Qian hummed:

They also want revenge.That Ximenqing hooked up with my wife first, then humiliated me in the street, and beat me seriously.Have you ever paid me a penny for soup and medicine?Not only that, but his daughter and son-in-law colluded with Liangshan bandits to kill me. If I hadn't descended from heaven as a god, I would have died long ago.Now they say they want to stop revenge.Is it too much?

Sun Xue'e said:

The slave family just listened to what she said. In fact, the slave family didn't know what happened, and hoped that the master would calm down his anger.

Hu Qian looked at her and said:
If I want to calm my anger, I have to ask you for help.

He said and pressed it on her head.

When they got home, it was already the second watch, Xiaocui and the others saw him come back, so they calmed down and washed him again.I went to bed early.

the second night.Hu Qian and Xiaocui spoke together.Let them go back to their respective rooms to sleep.Around midnight, I sneaked under the wall.Lightly learned a meow.

It didn't pass over the wall, and after a while, there was a cat meowing.

Hu Qian knew that this was Sun Xue'e, so he took the ladder and slowly climbed over.Wait until it falls to the ground.Immediately there was another cat meowing.He leaned over slowly.Sure enough, I heard Sun Xue'e whispering:

Master come here.

Sun Xue'e took his hand and moved forward slowly.I couldn't tell the direction in the dark, so I felt that I had arrived in a room after half a stick of incense.

Hu Qian asked:

Where are they, let me take a look.

Sun Xue'e responded without daring to light the lantern, and took Hu Qian to adapt to the darkness, then took him around the backyard, pointing out the rooms of Wu Yueniang, Li Jiaoer, Zhuo Di'er and Meng Yulou respectively.

It was only after a while that a maidservant opened the door and came out, pouring a basin of water on the ground.Fortunately, the two of them were far away, otherwise they would have got their clothes wet this time.

After going around in a circle, she returned to Sun Xue'e's room.Came here tonight just to find out.When she was about to leave, she found that Sun Xue'e was holding his arm.said:
The master is here.Don't waste your time.

Hu Qian really didn't expect that she would have such a side.But speaking of it, Sun Xue'e can't be blamed, since Ximen Qing brought him up as a concubine, she has been a widow, usually only coming once every few years.She was in her youth and how could she bear it, so she took the risk to have an affair with the servant below.

He was trained by Hu Qian in the car earlier.It seems to be awakened, and Na Laiwang is a silver-like wax gun head.There is nothing wrong with it at all, so the virtual fire has been unable to be suppressed.Seeing Hu Qian right in front of him now, how could he bear it?He immediately greeted him with his chest out.Only half an hour later, Hu Qian turned over the courtyard wall and returned to his house.

Then Sun Xue'e benefited.Waiting under the wall every night.Sometimes when Hu Qian didn't go, he could hear cats meowing from over the wall.In the blink of an eye, it was mid-April, and I heard that Song Jiang was captured and dispatched to Jiangzhou.

Because Li Datian, the county magistrate, had reported his merits in advance, he was given a verbal commendation last time. He was so happy, and asked Wu Song to give Hu Qian a few jugs of good wine.But this wine was also bought at the No. [-] Tavern in the World, so Hu Qian didn't pay much attention to this matter at all.On weekdays, I just practice with a few Xiaocui, and occasionally go to the store to have a look.

One day when I was talking to a few acquaintances in the shop, I suddenly heard someone say:
Have you heard?The king of Nanyuan in the Liao Kingdom turned out to be a Han Chinese.

Another person asked:
How can this be?

The man said that he saved the emperor of Liao.It is said that the emperor of Liao Kingdom was haunted by the fox demon day and night and could not get away. Fortunately, he helped the emperor and saved the emperor's life. Therefore, he was named the king of the South Court, which seems to be called Qiao Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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