I opened the way of earth practice

Chapter 368 Merging Villages and Towns

Chapter 368 Merging Villages and Towns
"So many? It seems that when we promoted the Thousand Cities Plan, we were a little too anxious and took a long step." Someone reflected.

"Counting those county towns, county towns and Nanmingzhou City, I'm afraid there will be no one down there, not in the villages, but in the towns and villages." Some people were frightened by their own thoughts.

"It's not that serious. Over the years we've encouraged childbearing, and with the immigration from the south, our current population is not small, and we'll have a larger population in the future." There is something in the words.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, understanding the meaning of the voice, but for the time being, peace is the main priority, and they have no intention of continuing to expand.

In addition, immigrants in the south, this matter is worth mentioning.

The earliest immigrants were all the people in the south who saw the hope here and fled here secretly.

Later, Huaguo and Yaozu signed an economic and trade agreement, which can be regarded as establishing a cooperative relationship. Huaguo hoped that Yaozu would not restrict those immigrants.

This matter was not negotiated at first, but after Hao Ren's friendly visit, the matter was settled.

Seeing that more and more slaves of the human race are heading north, and those lords of the monster race have quit, since the high-level officials are not organized, then I might as well sell them to you, and I can still make a fortune, which can barely make up for part of the loss.

Therefore, there are often people trading on the border between Huaguo and Yaozu. Although Huaguo doesn't want to do this, if it can make more people live a better life, why not do it.

So a large-scale population transaction was formed under the tacit understanding of the two parties. I even heard that the lords of the Yaozu fought for the population.

What Huaguo is concerned about is that more and more people have entered the Nanming Prefecture of Huaguo, and no one knows how many people have come except the relevant responsible persons and high-level officials.

"Since we're talking about population, let me just talk about the third thing," he said.

Although the vast majority of the population has been counted through household registration ID cards in recent years, but in such a large place with such a large population, it is inevitable that some people will slip through the net.

In addition, some of those who secretly immigrated have reissued their ID cards, but there are still black households, spies from other forces, or the large-scale population of human trafficking, etc., all of which require a comprehensive census to consolidate and sort out.

"And for this census, what we need to know is not only the population, we also need to know everyone's real age, gender, work skills, cultivation, skills and financial status, etc. The more detailed the better." Said.

"Why do you need to know so much? This is not an easy task. Is there any decision from above, and what action should be taken?" Long Zhan asked suspiciously.

"Don't think too much, it's just to establish a detailed national file. With this big data, it will be more beneficial to our subsequent policy implementation." Long Zhan said after taking a look.

Seeing this, Long Zhan didn't ask any more questions, no matter whether he had any other purpose, he only needed to do his own thing well.

"Let's continue to discuss the issue of hollowing out villages. As for towns, let's not talk about them for the time being. There should be no such problems in a short time. If it doesn't work, we will temporarily seal up the newly built cities." He said.

As soon as you hear it, you know that you are very optimistic about the population issue, which means that the number of immigrants in recent years is definitely not a small number.

"I think the hollowing out of villages is inevitable in the process of urbanization. When cities develop to a certain extent, some people will return to their hometowns. We just need normal guidance and don't need too much intervention." Some people choose liberalism.

"You can't let it go like this, or the villages will be completely abandoned. If it doesn't work, some villages can be merged."

"Then it's better to merge the villages and towns directly, abolish the village level directly, and move all the people in the villages to the town."

"How can things be so simple? It's not based on imagination. Some people can't move to their homeland and don't want to leave. It can't be enforced. This is not our governing philosophy."

"Then let those who are willing to move to the town go to the town, reduce the size of the village, etc., you can change it into a kiosk, and put those who are unwilling to leave together to form a kiosk of a few or a dozen households. , do you think it is feasible?"

Everyone had their own opinions, and even quarreled at the end. If it wasn't for sitting in the town, I'm afraid it would be full of martial arts.

After arguing for a while, everyone found that their faces had been sullen, so they calmed down and continued:

"First of all, merging villages and towns is a very good idea, and it is feasible. This is settled, but it is reasonable for some people to move from their homeland, so we need to comprehensively consider these factors."

"We should preserve some villages with characteristics or potential for development and help them grow stronger. These characteristic villages have self-hematopoietic functions and are worth learning."

"The merger of villages and towns this time is mainly for those villages that are seriously hollowed out, such as the direct population has been reduced by half, or even villages with almost no people or relatively poor villages with no special industries. Demographic advantage."

"Of course, the process of merging villages and towns must be well controlled. Once it is discovered, it will be severely punished and the necessary compensation will not be less." Said.

These are the viewpoints discussed just now, but we have just synthesized them, taking into account the opinions of all parties, and found a relatively balanced point.

"As for the difficulty of relocating the homeland, or those who are unwilling to merge, we can't force it, so I plan to proceed step by step." Said.

"For example, first of all, those villages that are particularly hollow and more than two-thirds of the population have left will be merged first; those villages that are extremely barren and cannot find any development industries for the time being; those villages that the whole village is willing to merge are merged; The following is the second step, and it will be formulated in the future according to the actual situation at that time." Everyone understands the words, first easy and then difficult.

At the same time, the process of merging villages and towns in the front can also be used as an example for the people behind to see the process clearly. In addition, government personnel can also accumulate more experience in this process, which will be more beneficial to the second step in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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