I opened the way of earth practice

Chapter 345 3 Materials Part 1

Chapter 345
"Thank you, friends from the media, for participating in the first press conference of the Alien Exploitation Alliance. Today's press conference is over here. See you next time."

After finishing speaking, Wu Shanyou left calmly, regardless of the enthusiastic atmosphere at the scene, it was obvious that he wanted him to say more.

Although the press conference is over, the news about this press conference is not over, but has just begun.

The press conference of the Alien Exploitation Alliance was approved by all countries, so it directly made the headlines of all countries in the world.

All of a sudden, almost [-]% of the nearly [-] billion people in the world knew the news.

Countless people who knew the situation directly took to the streets and marched with banners, went to the capitals of various countries, and asked the governments of various countries when they would be able to open the Xuanhuang Realm and when they would be able to practice.

The answers from all countries are similar. They are already considering and preparing. The opening time has entered a countdown. Most countries have also given a clear time node, which will basically be opened within the next year.

This also means that one year later, the Xuanhuang Realm will almost be open to the whole world, and the era of true global practice is not far away.

Less than half a month after this press conference, the heads of state gathered in the International City for a summit.

Therefore, as the second largest country, the Lighthouse Country naturally became the host of this conference.

"Everyone can come, it means that you are all troubled by the fragmentation of the territory. Today's meeting, we only have one theme, which is to integrate the territories of various countries through territorial exchanges and reduce fragmentation as much as possible." Philips, the new president of the Lighthouse Country Said.

"I agree that many of our countries are divided into dozens of pieces, or several pieces. Not only is it not easy to manage, but the intertwining of countries is likely to cause conflicts, which is not good for future development." On this issue The upper polar bear has no objection, and it is rare to agree with the opinion of the old opponent.

"Amalgamating territories is beneficial to your big country, but we have few in the first place, so it doesn't matter. Instead, we have to work hard to integrate these, wasting a great opportunity for development, and the gain is not worth the loss." A leader of a small country said.

The gains outweigh the losses, isn't this the main benefit in disguise?
All of you here are human beings, and you can't tell it, but small countries account for the majority, and they have a tacit understanding on this issue.

Exchanges are fine, but benefits must be given, otherwise there is no way.

Philip frowned slightly. This question was within their expectation before he came, and he was even ready to offer some benefits, as long as these greedy guys don't be greedy.

"Territory replacement is inherently fair. We will evaluate each territory based on its strengths and weaknesses, and we will make some compensation in terms of profound stones or cultivation resources. Don't worry about that," said Philips.

"I didn't say that, and it doesn't represent us in England." The famous shit stirrer immediately came out to mix up the water.

Purpose?It is also for profit.

"I think this replacement can be divided into three steps. The first step is to replace the territories that are unquestionable and recognized by both parties first, and merge them together as much as possible. The second step is to make reasonable compensation for slightly disputed territories. The last step , Those problems are relatively big and cannot be carried out in a short time, we can let them go for a while, I believe that this kind of territorial integration will never be done only this time, and will be done in the future." The Polar Bear head stood up and said.

It can be regarded as easing the embarrassing atmosphere. At the same time, this plan is more feasible, and it suddenly stole the limelight from Philips, which made this old opponent very unhappy.

He is really the president of the lighthouse country with flowing water, and the head of the polar bear with iron iron, but he always doesn't like each other.

The size of the territory, the product resources on the territory, the concentration of profound energy, the distance from the International City, the geographical location, etc., there are countless factors that affect the replacement of the territory.

Not to mention that there were more than 100 leaders who were arguing all day long. It took nearly two months to complete the first step. Fortunately, most of these things were discussed by these high-level leaders. relatively small impact.

Otherwise, it is estimated that after this meeting is over, Huaguo will go one step further.

Huaguo Yazhou Province is currently the most popular province in the world, with more than 15 billion tourists coming here every year.

It is the number of people, not the number of people. Some people come many times a year, but this is also extremely scary.

Even if a person only spends 1000 yuan, that is 1.5 trillion yuan, but this is the first practice free trade zone, and [-]% of the people who come here are for practice, and only less than [-]% of the tourists are actually tourists.

Tourists who are real tourists may spend a limited amount of money, ranging from hundreds to hundreds of thousands, but those foreign tourists who come here for spiritual practice spend money like dirt, spending hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions abound. yes.

The influx of so much capital has naturally brought infinite glory and development opportunities to Yazhou Province, and created countless wealth myths. As long as ordinary people are willing to work hard, they can also benefit from it.

In just a few years, the total population here has exceeded 3000 million, and the goal of comprehensive prosperity has been achieved ahead of time. The per capita annual income exceeds one million, making it the first provincial-level province in China whose per capita annual income exceeds one million. administrative unit.

It directly leads the major provinces and municipalities across the country, and becomes the province with the highest per capita income and total income in the country, realizing a real counterattack.

Even compared with the per capita GDP of all countries in the world, Yazhou Province ranks first (now the meeting place of Ruanmeibi and the US dollar has fallen below 4, entering the era of 3).

Just ask you, is it awesome?
In addition to the development of Yazhou Province itself, the various materials and industries they need here have also driven the development of the surrounding provinces. The GDP growth of the surrounding four or five provinces is also very amazing. This radiation effect has also appeared in the other three provinces. Practice free trade zone.

It is equivalent to saying that Huaguo's limbs have become extremely strong, and they are constantly absorbing nutrients from the world.

Yazhou Airport is to deal with the problem of excessive passenger flow, and the new airport, which has just been built for less than a year, is also the largest airport in Huaguo. Once it is completed, the passenger flow is constant, and outside the airport, many monks wearing clothes are often found people in clothing.

Xu Xiaobei, 25 years old this year, has just graduated for two years. She is young and well-trained. She is more cheerful and can see trends clearly, so she chose a very promising career.

(End of this chapter)

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