Chapter 33 Just Shout!
One of the good things about being high in the palace is that whatever you want to do is the right time to do it.

For example, at this moment, if the empress dowager wants to take a bath, the people below must obey unconditionally and get ready as quickly as possible. Moreover, there is a hot spring in the backyard of the empress dowager's bedroom. Such enjoyment is only available to senior leaders.

Xu Yanwenyin would not waste it.

Lying in the bathtub, the warmth and fragrance made me uncomfortable, and my head didn't seem to hurt so much.

Xu Yanwen leaned his head against the edge of the pool, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Maybe it was because he didn't sleep well last night, or because the hot spring was too comfortable, Xu Yanwenyin fell asleep right there.

I also had a very unhappy dream. In the dream, Su Qi frame was dressed in modern clothes, but he was dressed in his own era. Xu Yanwen taught him how to adapt to modern life like teaching an idiot.

See how happy he is to make a fool of himself.

There was a sudden itching of the nose, Xu Yanwenyin reluctantly opened his eyes, but what he saw was a delicate belt,

Xu Yanwenyin felt a little familiar in a daze, and raised his eyes along his belt, it was Su Qi's malicious smiling face.

Only then did Xu Yanwenyin react and grab the belt, put his arms around his chest and buried his body in a ball in the water, only his head was exposed, and he glared viciously at the person in front of him.

"How did you get in?"

"Come in."

"Lanhua, Jasmine!" Xu Yanwenyin shouted with his throat open.

Su Qi didn't stop him, and said calmly: "Emperor Grandmother just shout, they come in and see this situation, what do they think?"

Xu Yanwen's voice stopped immediately, and the voices of Lanhua and Jasmine came from outside the room immediately: "What orders does the Empress Dowager have?"

"It's nothing, I just saw a cockroach, but when I looked closely, it turned out to be a mouse.

I want you to come in and make sure, it’s unnecessary now, it’s already been shot to death by Ai’s family. "

Lanhua and Jasmine were very puzzled. There seems to be a big difference between cockroaches and mice! ?

When Su Qi heard that Xu Yanwenyin compared himself to a cockroach and a mouse, he didn't take it seriously, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What are you still doing here?" Xu Yanwen said angrily, "Aren't you going out?"

Even though I come from the open 21st century, although the relationship between men and women has been made public, it is not yet to the point of honesty.

(End of this chapter)

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