online maid

Chapter 175

Chapter 175
Xuehou Chuqing didn't go to do the task, but went to the library.From the question of sticking to the rules, I found out that what I was going to do in the afternoon was a place called Baichong Cave. Chuqing had no impression of it, so she came to the library to find materials.She also didn't want to be rejected by others once she went to make wine with green plums.

It is undeniable that there is only one reason for Xuehou Chuqing to return to the game, and that is Nanting.

In reality, she has no way to inquire about Nanting, and she can't let Madam know that she is still hanging around Nanting.But she was worried, she had to see Nan Ting regain his sight and see him live a good life.Games are her only way.

And one step closer, just thinking about taking another step closer.

As long as you don't admit that it is Nuan Qing, who can be sure that she is?

Even if she changed her vest, she still hoped to help Nan Ting, at least to see him well.

After the snow, Chuqing walked to the door of the library, showing a hint of a smile, remembering the past.

Stepping into the library, Xuehou Chuqing excitedly ran towards a bookshelf, met her eyes suddenly, and made her stop immediately. The word "young master" blurted out, and she hurriedly covered her mouth in panic.

"What did you call me?" Nan Ting's voice was slightly cold, and his eyes were full of inquiry.

"I... watched some videos on the forum." Xuehou Chuqing hurriedly explained, "In the video... that's what you're called."

Nan Ting didn't respond, and stared suspiciously at Xuehou Chuqing, but frowned when she saw Nuan Qing's account that hadn't been online.

After the snow, Chuqing didn't dare to move, she secretly glanced at Nan Ting and then quickly lowered her head, her heart beating all the time, why did she call out so carelessly.

"Don't call me that in the future." Nan Ting convinced himself and believed Xuehou Chuqing's words. The previous account is still there, so it shouldn't be Nuanqing. "Only one person can call that name."

Xuehou Chuqing's heart was sour and sweet, the young master wasn't angry that she left?But she shouldn't be remembered.

"What are you doing here?" Nan Ting closed the book in his hand and asked.

"Reading." Xuehou Chuqing timidly responded, and then changed the subject, "President, I am Xuehou Chuqing. I just joined the guild today, and I am a disciplined apprentice."

"I know." Although Nanting had never seen this face before, her level could be seen from the equipment on her body. There was only one person with such a low level in Flame City.What's more, the sound is so like...

Xuehou Chuqing scratched her head, and stood in front of Nanting a little helplessly. Because of the mistake just now, she didn't dare to look at him, for fear of revealing something.

"What book are you looking for?" Nan Ting wanted to help Xuehou Chuqing, and asked one more question.

"I'm going to Baichong Cave in the afternoon, I'll look for it..." Chuqing immediately stopped talking when she said this, and looked at Nanting anxiously. Isn't this showing her flaws again?
Nan Ting looked at her thoughtfully, but then he was relieved. He and Nuan Qing both knew that the books in the library had such a purpose, how could no one else know.He has been really bewildered recently, he feels like Nuan Qing when he sees everyone, does he miss him too much?
"The book about Hundred Insect Cave is on the shelf over there." Nan Ting calmly pointed to the other side, "There is a copy of "Tyne's Adventure" on the shelf, which contains relevant information. After reading it, remember to put it back in its original place .”

After the snow, Chuqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded: "Okay,... President." Almost shouted the wrong thing again.

Nan Ting did not stay, and left the library after telling Xuehou Chuqing that he really couldn't stay any longer, otherwise he would have other ideas.

Xuehou Chuqing watched Nan Ting walking out of the library quickly, and kept watching him disappear from sight.

Knowing the name and location, the book was found in no time.

This book talks about the various dangers Tyne encountered on the way from leaving to returning to Flame City, including wild BOSS, and the dungeons encountered by chance.It has to be said that this book contains a lot of information, not only around the Flame City, but also about the bosses and dungeons on the various maps Tyne walked through.

The book was written after Tyne returned to Flame City, so Xuehou Chuqing hadn't read it before.

The Hundred Insect Lair was encountered by Tyne when he left Flame City, not far from Flame City.It is a cave where all kinds of poisonous insects live, scorpions and centipedes are common things, and there are all kinds of poisonous insects that cannot be named. The boss in the cave is not insects, but a poisonous swallow.

After learning about the information about the cave, Xuehou Chuqing felt a little better.

With her current level, it is impossible to resist the monsters inside, and she will not be able to stand up for a while, so she cannot be attacked by monsters.The cave is full of poisonous insects, and the poison is continuous damage, which is really stressful for Xuehou Chuqing.

The antidote must be brought with her. Although she doesn't know if she will use it in time, she should be prepared.You also need to bring more Qi and blood potions, in case they come in handy, that's good.

But after all, there is a safe way to do it.

Both the antidote potion and the blood potion came in handy when she was hurt, but now she was like a porcelain doll, dangerous if she was rubbed against.It's good to find a way to stop being hurt.Moreover, the antidote potion and blood potion are so expensive, she doesn't have the financial strength to prepare too much.

Xuehou Chuqing was saving money while trying to find a way.

There are two tasks in Flame City that are better for making money, but they have less experience.There is one that needs to kill monsters, Xuehou Chuqing can't do it now, so she can only pick up another one.

This is the task issued by the Flame City Gila, and it must be completed after completing four small tasks.

Gila is a cultivator who likes art, but she didn't learn it for some reason, so she made a task for players to complete to satisfy her wish.

"I need paints, paper and pens, but I have no money to buy them. Can you find them for me?" Gila said sadly.

"Okay, Jira." Xuehou Chuqing took over the task and searched around the Flame City.

Somewhere in Flame City, you can find paints, paper and pens discarded by others. It is not a fixed place, so you have to look for it.Fortunately, the city of Flame City is not big, and the carpet search only takes two hours, but experienced people know that the places where items are discarded are usually in the corners, and it actually takes less than two hours to find them.

"Jila, the paints, paper and pens you need." It took only 10 minutes for Xuehou Chuqing to find them.

"That's great, I've wanted to draw since I was a child." Gila looked up at Xuehou Chuqing and said expectantly, "Xuehou Chuqing, can you sit over there and let me draw a picture for you. "

Here is the second task, Xuehou Chuqing smiled slightly: "It's an honor." Then she sat on the wooden chair beside her, motionless.

About 2 minutes later, Gila stopped drawing and said distressedly: "Suddenly I miss Teacher Bell's violin very much. Teacher Bell said that if I can find the lost score, I will lend me the violin for a day. The score has been scattered and lost. It's everywhere, Chuqing after the snow, can you find it for me, and then find Teacher Bella to exchange for the violin?"

"Okay, Jira." Xuehou Chuqing immediately got up and searched for the lost score in the Flame City.

This time is different from last time, last time you need to find it in various inconspicuous corners, but this time you need to find it in the NPC shop of Flame City.It is much more difficult to find in the store than in the corner.I don't know where the scattered music scores will be placed in the store. Some of them can be seen at a glance, while others need to be rummaged through.Fortunately, there are task reminders, you only need to find six, and there is at most one in a shop.

The third task took two to three 10 minutes to find all. This is because of bad luck. If you are lucky, every sheet of music is placed on the table in the store, and you can leave after you take it.After finding all the music scores, he can exchange the violin with Bella. This step does not require much effort.After giving the violin to Gila, she handed the picture she had just drawn to Chuqing Xuehou to color it.

It's a strange feeling to color your own portrait.

No matter what the color is, Jira will have no problem, this is art, and it can be fully rewarded.

30 copper coins.

Money rewards are okay, but the experience gained is negligible.

This task can be straightforward, but it is very boring, not to mention that the uncertain factors in finding the task items are too great, some people can't find something after searching for hours, so not many people do it.

Xuehou Chuqing didn't know how many times she swiped, watching the money go up little by little.

"Jira has a 100% crush on you."

The sound of the system made Xuehou Chuqing slightly stunned, and then smiled. The NPC's favorability is a good thing in this game. It may be that this task has been done too much, so it is treated like this.In the past, he was able to be a prince, in the final analysis, because of the favorability, but it is impossible to get to that level of favorability, unless the Flame City suffers again.

With enough favorability, Xuehou Chuqing can learn higher farming skills from Gila.But there is no need to learn it now. After all, it takes a certain amount of financial ability to practice farming skills, and seeds cost money.

With the money in her pocket, Chuqing went to the shop opened in Nanting.

The items in the shop were arranged by category, and the medicines were all placed in one direction. Xuehou Chuqing stood in front of the medicines for a long time.With her current level, it would be too wasteful to take large potions, so she can go directly to the NPC to buy small ones, so that she can save money to buy antidote potions.

It's just that she hasn't thought of a way to satisfy Xuehou Chuqing, and she can't make up her mind to spend all the money on medicines for a while.

"It would be nice to have something anti-poison." Xuehou Chuqing frowned and thought.

"Little apprentice, where is it?" Xuehou Chuqing dripped sweat at her sticky words.

"Shopping in the store." Xuehou Chuqing said quietly.

Unable to arouse Xuehou Chuqing's mood swings, she curled her lips in a rut and said, "Come to the warehouse."

Taking a look at the things in the shop, Xuehou Chuqing left without buying anything. She hadn't decided what to buy yet, so she had to come over and look at it later.

Sticking to the rules put a bunch of things in the trading column, flattering the authentic: "The equipment you can wear is a bit low-level, I searched for a long time before I found it." For the first time accepting apprentices, sticking to the rules was still a little excited, and he never took care of it. As an apprentice, she only wanted to get her something good.

Xuehou Chuqing was attracted by an item in the trading column.

Anti-poison fragments? !
Just what she needed urgently.

(End of this chapter)

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