Huadu Xiaoxuanyi

Chapter 985 Assassination

Chapter 985 Assassination
Legalization, Lin Ruofan has been silently repeating these three words in his heart.He really couldn't understand what Ace meant by saying this. Could it be that he wanted to legalize their people's crimes in human society?Then this is too far-fetched.

"Is it possible that your people have been captured by us humans, do we need us to release them on bail?" Professor Zheng also asked Ace with a puzzled expression.

Ace looked at Professor Zheng and Lin Ruofan's puzzled expressions and said, "I think you probably misunderstood me. I want my people to live legally with you for a period of time!"

"You also know that most of my people have deep-rooted misunderstandings about humans. They don't want to believe that vampires can live in peace with humans, so I came up with such a method!" Ace added.

Lin Ruofan pinched his Renzhong acupoint and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve! First of all, you have so many people, and secondly, the vampire clan has always been a legend in the human world. I'm afraid it will make everyone accept this legend."

Indeed, as Lin Ruofan said, even if they saw a vampire on TV, people would involuntarily feel chills on their backs.

If everyone knows that there really is a family of vampires in this world, and they live with them day and night, it will definitely cause a lot of panic in the society.

"Of course I will select some of my most trusted subordinates, and I will easily tolerate them and let them appear in human form. They are just representatives of the tribe, brother Ruofan can rest assured about this!" Ace said.

After hearing this, Professor Zheng and Lin Ruofan felt that Ace's method was feasible, and nodded their heads to express their willingness to carry out Ace's plan.But at this time, Louis, who was supposed to attend the meeting with his ears, suddenly spoke.

"Can you guarantee that the vampires you selected will not betray? Don't forget that your most proud student is the one who kidnapped us!" Louis shouted.

What Louis said made Professor Zheng and Lin Ruofan tremble.Indeed, Ace can't guarantee that things like Hongyue won't happen again!
"Don't worry about this, Darko, I will infuse my own engraving blood into the representatives of the tribe I have selected, and I will monitor their every move. Once I find anything wrong, I will completely Make them disappear!" Ace said, eyes full of sincerity.

All three of them knew the power of the engraved blood, as Ace said.He can monitor every life that has been injected with the engraved blood by himself. With this layer of protection, they really don't have to worry about things like Hongyue happening.

"Let Donglai assist us in this matter, do you think he is reliable, Ruofan!" Professor Zheng suddenly turned his head and asked Lin Ruofan, Zhao Donglai, as the director of the Public Security Bureau, is indeed the best candidate for this matter.

Since it is "legal" for vampires to exist in this society, they must have the identity of human society.It seems that Zhao Donglai is not only the best candidate for this matter, but also the only one who can do it.

"This person is reliable, so let me do his work. I believe he will help us for the development of all mankind!" Lin Ruofan replied.

Originally, Professor Zheng had a good impression of Zhao Donglai.Since the last serial killing, it can be seen that Zhao Donglai is indeed a very good person.

The reason why Professor Zheng has to get Lin Ruofeng's "consent" is because he knows people and faces but not his heart. Lin Ruofan has the blessing of orange beads, so he should be more accurate than Professor Zheng in judging people.

After getting Lin Ruofan's affirmation, Professor Zheng said: "Then Zhao Donglai's work will be handed over to you, Ruofan. Donglai is indeed a very good person, but he is a bit afraid of trouble!"

This is also what Professor Zheng is worried about, but if Lin Ruofan is asked to persuade Zhao Donglai, he will definitely not refuse, because Zhao Donglai can now become the director of the Public Security Bureau, it can be said that it is all due to Lin Ruofan's superiority!

Therefore, the problem of creating fake identities for the people of Ace so that they can "legally" survive in human society has been solved for them!

"Mr. Louis, do you have anything else to ask Ace?" Ace looked at Louis sincerely and said, he always cared about Louis' opinion very much.Although Ace still doesn't know what kind of intersection he had with Louis, but in the dark Ace feels that he owes Louis a lot.

Louis sighed and said, "I don't have any problems anymore. I will vigorously support this operation. As for the grievances between you and me, let's talk about it later!"

"Hey, are you coming from the east? I'm Lin Ruofan, come on for a while. Let's meet and agree! I'll wait for you here!" Lin Ruofan said to the other end of the phone.

After speaking, Lin Ruofan nodded to Professor Zheng and Ace to indicate that he had already started to act. At this time, Ace also stood up and prepared to leave.

"Brother Ruofan, I'll take my leave first. I'm going back to plan the assassination operation. It's best that we can do it at the same time. Take care!" Ace said, and then Ace bowed to everyone and turned to leave .

As soon as Ace left, Professor Zheng patted Louis on the shoulder.Professor Zheng knows how difficult it is to resist the urge to "pounce" on Ace with Louis' character. After all, the enemy who killed him is standing in front of him.

"I'm fine, Mr. Zheng! I'm not the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation!" Louis said to Professor Zheng fiercely, and the pain in Louis' heart could be heard.

Lin Ruofan was also moved by Louis's fearless spirit, lit a cigarette and handed it to Louis and said, "Thank you, Louis!"

On the one hand, Zhao Donglai panicked after hanging up on Lin Ruofan's phone, because he didn't know why Lin Ruofan found him at this time.

After Lin Ruofan helped Zhao Donglai to take the position, he never asked Zhao Donglai for anything, but this time Lin Ruofan actually called himself.This made Zhao Donglai flustered, and secretly felt that Lin Ruofan must have something serious to entrust to him.

"My lord, why don't you let Mr. Lin assassinate the elder? We vampires can't kill our own people!" A soldier said to Ace on the way back to the base.

Of course Ace knew that vampires couldn't kill vampires. At this moment, he looked at the slowly rising sun and said calmly: "It seems that I can only use that!"

(End of this chapter)

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