Huadu Xiaoxuanyi

Chapter 951 The Surviving Victim

Chapter 951 The Surviving Victim

After Lin Ruofan finished talking, there was a burst of laughter from the other end of the phone, and then the director of the Public Security Bureau said: "Mr. Lin, you really know how to joke. I'm going to tell you something serious today!"

Lin Ruofan thought that his guess was right, so he said, "Let me guess, Director, you want to talk about these serial murder cases, right?"

"Yeah, Ruofan, it seems that you know everything! I'm completely confused by these cases, and you should know it too. There are similar cases happening all over the country. How about you? Did you find anything?" the Chief of Public Security asked.

At this time, the director had no choice but to call Lin Ruofan to ask Lin Ruofan, because he himself had no clue about the case.Don't even know where to start.

However, what the director knew was that there must be something strange about these cases, and Lin Ruofan was the only person he knew who had a little research on this aspect, so there was this phone call between the director of public security and Lin Ruofan.

"To tell you the truth, Director! I don't have any clue about this case, it's just too strange. I really don't even know the motive for the murder?" Lin Ruofan said.

Of course Lin Ruofan knew that these serial murder cases were most likely caused by vampires, but Lin Ruofan would not tell the chief of public security this information.

Because Lin Ruofan knew that in the eyes of ordinary people, it was impossible for people like vampires to really exist. If ordinary people knew about it, it would definitely make people panic and bring about certain turmoil.

"Yes, Ruofan, I am the same as you! I don't know the murderer's motive for the murder, so I called you, right?" said the chief of public security.

Lin Ruofan obviously felt that he still had something to say, so he said, "Is there anything else, Director!"

Now that Lin Ruofan asked this question, the director simply said: "Ruofan, today we found a victim in our city who hadn't died yet! Now I have sent him to the Provincial People's Hospital, do you want to Go and have a look?"

In fact, the director of the Public Security Bureau was asking Lin Ruofan for help at this time. If there was anything that happened normally, he would definitely talk to Lin Ruofan directly, and he would never procrastinate.

But today, he is the majestic director of the Public Security Bureau, and he will definitely not put down his figure to beg Lin Ruofan in front of his subordinates, otherwise he will definitely not be trusted by others in the future as the director of the Public Security Bureau.

Lin Ruofan immediately knew that it was the chief of our public security department asking for help, so he replied straightforwardly: "Okay, chief, I will definitely do it!"

Lin Ruofan was very generous now, and then the director said: "Then I will trouble Mr. Lin, and I will send you the victim's ward number!"

After Lin Ruofan hung up the phone, Xuanlong complained: "Is Xiao Zhao from the Public Security Bureau always being so stingy now? Mr. Lin, why are you giving him face!"

Obviously, in Xuan Long's eyes, Lin Ruofan shouldn't be so polite to the chief of the public security department, and he readily agreed to some conditions, making it look like he was sent by the public security department.

Lin Ruofan laughed out loud, flicked on Xuanlong's shiny forehead and said, "Why don't I keep saying that your EQ is zero. Xuanlong, you can't find a wife like this."

"His grandma's, if you can't find it, you can't find it. What's the use of having a woman, it's good for me to live alone!" Xuanlong said in an indifferent tone that he didn't know where he learned it.

Lin Ruofan completely ignored Xuanlong now, so he said to Professor Zheng: "Good news, Professor Zheng! Just now the director called and said that they rescued a victim and are now in the hospital!"

"It shouldn't be. When did this group of vampires become so humane that they won't kill them all?" Louis said, looking at Lin Ruofan with a puzzled expression.

"Louis, why haven't you made any progress yet! We who are engaged in science must seek truth from facts and speak with evidence. Haven't we not yet determined that the vampire did something good?" Professor Zheng said.

Yes, they are now very suspicious that these bizarre serial killings are the masterpieces of vampires, but who can guarantee that other terrorist organizations will not do such things.

"Anyway, Ruofan! I think we need to meet this surviving victim immediately to see if we can get any useful information from his innermost being." Professor Zheng said.

This time, Lin Rufan's cell phone rang.Lin Ruofan took out his hand and saw that the chief of public security had just sent the survivor's ward number and said, "That's what I mean too, Professor Zheng! No, the ward number has already been sent!"

"Just me, Professor Zheng, and Mr. Louis. They are patients after all. It's not good for me to go too many people. Xuanlong Xuanguang, you go to the society to find out if there are any other legends about these murders!" Lin Ruofan said.

When bizarre cases like this happen, it is often because some of the information circulating in the market is just right.

"Yes, we understand!" Xuan Long and Xuan Guang answered Lin Ruofan at the same time, then turned and left Professor Zheng's laboratory.

Lin Ruofan, Professor Zheng and Louis soon came to the survivor's ward of the Provincial People's Hospital.At this time, this lucky person has just escaped the danger of life!

The appearance of the survivor in front of them shocked the three of them who were already prepared. Although the survivor's life was saved, his legs and one arm were lost.

There were several deep wounds drenched in blood on his body. It was obvious that these wounds could not be caused by humans. Lin Ruofan and the others did not wake up the survivor, but waited until he woke up naturally.

Lin Ruofan thought that when the survivor woke up, he would yell loudly and ask what happened to his legs and arms, but he just stared at the ceiling blankly for a long time!

"You are from the police, are you here to ask me about the situation?" Unexpectedly, it was the survivor who broke the silence first and asked.This really surprised Lin Ruofan and the others.

Since they already regarded them as members of the public security system and were willing to tell them the situation at that time, Lin Ruofan also decided not to reveal his true identity to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Yes, we are from the Provincial Public Security Bureau. Imagine you understand the situation at that time. Then can you restore the scene when you were attacked like us?" Lin Ruofan asked cautiously, for fear that he would have something to say It's wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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