Huadu Xiaoxuanyi

Chapter 616 Position of Vice President

Chapter 616 Position of Vice President

Lin Ruofan calculated the location according to the information given by the hexagrams and got the result, this Sun Xiaowang is planning to escape to the Zhang family!What a coincidence!
This situation is quite dangerous!

Lin Ruofan continued to calculate based on the information in the hexagrams. If Sun Xiaowang successfully defected, the hexagrams showed that it would not have much impact on the Sun family.

First of all, Sun Xianghe had already guarded against Sun Xiaowang's move. In other words, if Sun Xiaowang really defected, compared to Sun Xianghe, not only would he not be affected, it would be a great thing!

After all, this was his own defection, not an internal struggle. Sun Xianghe just happened to be able to take over the military power.

But this matter will have a great impact on the Zhang family.Although Sun Xiaowang wanted to lead the army and leave with him, unfortunately, the hexagrams showed that Sun Xiaowang's conspiracy would not succeed smoothly.

Judging from the numbers, there are only a few hundred people who can go with him.

If the Zhang family got a team of hundreds of people, they would definitely be disappointed. What they expected was that Sun Xiaowang would take away at least 30% of Sunwangcheng's troops. Just saying that Sun Xiaowang is not of much value.

From the point of view, since Lin Ruofan is on the side of the Sun family, this matter is tantamount to God helping the Sun family.Once the Zhang family got Sun Xiaowang, the other two families would definitely be suspicious of the Zhang family. It was a deal that lost both his wife and soldiers.

Seeing Lin Ruofan remained silent, Sun Mingzhang asked even more angrily, "What's wrong! Are you dumb!?"

At this time, Sun Xianghe said, "Everyone, Lin Ruofan is the son-in-law I elected in a serious way under the martial arts competition. He can easily defeat Chun Yu, and his strength is beyond doubt."

Sun Xianghe said that the position of vice president must be held by a brave person.The dean is naturally the marshal who is responsible for commanding the three armies and sitting in the center to command.

And the vice president must be leading the soldiers to charge into battle, and even specialize in that kind of bloody and bitter battle.

Although Sun Xiaowang is also very brave, but after all, there can be no leader without leader, how can the Generalissimo go into battle in person?

So Sun Xianghe's reason made everyone else speechless, but Sun Xiaowang reprimanded Sun Mingzhang, and Sun Mingzhang stopped talking.

Judging from the conversation process of these people just now, other officials of the nearby military aircraft academy hardly interrupted, Lin Ruofan carefully observed the changes in the expressions on the faces of other people.

Not counting them, there were a total of 10 senior officials of the military aircraft academy, and almost all of them maintained a neutral position.This matter is also quite strange. I don't know whether it is Sun Xianghe's ability to win people over, or Sun Xiaowang's failure in life.

It is really pitiful that Sun Xiaowang, who has been in the army for a long time, has no confidantes, no wonder the hexagram shows that he is isolated and helpless.

Sun Xiaowang turned to face Sun Xianghe and saluted, and then said, "My lord, I am very happy that you appointed someone to take the position of vice president. After all, this position has been vacant for a long time. However, in addition to being brave, the person who comes here must also understand Some military common sense. Otherwise, how to lead troops to fight?"

After finishing speaking, Sun Xiaowang looked at Lin Ruofan with provocative eyes, making it clear that he wanted Lin Ruofan to come up with something to convince everyone.

Lin Ruofan smiled in his heart, hehe!Young Master, I have already prepared it for you!
Lin Ruofan also turned to face Sun Xianghe and saluted with clasped fists, and then asked tentatively, "Your Majesty? Then me?" Sun Xianghe nodded to signal Lin Ruofan to "perform".

Then, Lin Ruofan pointed to the map on the big screen, which showed the positions of the troops of the four major families.

"In my opinion, in terms of military strength alone, we are evenly matched with the other ones, but in terms of the total number of troops, they are stronger than us."

Sun Mingzhang immediately snorted coldly, and asked in a sarcastic tone, "Evenly matched? How do you see that the two sides are evenly matched?"

Lin Ruofan had already collected relevant information, so he ignored Sun Mingzhang, and then began to talk about his own opinions.

Sunwangcheng has a force of 80, and if you count the Imperial Forest Army, it can have almost 100 million.

Zhang Wangcheng has 40 troops, including their own Yulin Army, which is almost 42.

Wangwang City has 40 troops, and the Lin Army for the city defense is almost 35.

In the end, Zhao Wangcheng had 50 troops, and with the addition of the messy paramilitary forces, it was almost 80.

In total, the three enemy families have 80 more people than Sunwangcheng.Why did Lin Ruofan say that the overall military strength is evenly matched?

When fighting a war, it is not the number of the army itself, but the quality of individual soldiers, logistical support, economic strength, and military potential.

Of course, Lin Ruofan learned this from James before, but he didn't expect it to come in handy today.

The military service system in King Sun City is very complete, and the soldiers are well treated.This is naturally supported by strong economic strength. The military service period of ordinary people is two years, and elite soldiers will be selected from them to stay in the army for a long time.

With such a two-year rotation, the reserve force is very strong.If the battle is really stalemate or the damage is very serious, then there will be a lot of potential reserve soldiers in Sunwangcheng who meet the basic combat literacy, and they only need simple training to quickly enter the state.

If that happens, the other party must be seriously injured.The other three families maintain a standing army, and they don't pay much attention to the strength of the back and have no economic ability to pay special attention to it.

According to what Lin Ruofan has learned about the history of wars in the world of ten directions, the other three families fight with fear every time, just to preserve their own vitality.

Because they know that this group of elites in active service cannot be lost, otherwise there will be big trouble!

Therefore, in a single battle, because of the opponent's rigid tactics and various scruples, coupled with some internal problems, it is difficult for them to defeat the Sunwangcheng army.Let alone long-term wars, they will consume energy and kill them. Even if they are in a stalemate, they can better find opportunities to deal with them.

After all, even if the number of opponents is almost double that of your own, there is no need to panic, be steady!
Many people admire Lin Ruofan's analysis. In fact, they have many of the same views as Lin Ruofan on the overall situation and the situation between the enemy and the enemy.

It's just that Lin Ruofan is an outsider, so he can explain these things clearly, which is equivalent to boosting everyone's confidence a lot.And if you can have this kind of analysis, then you naturally belong to someone who "knows a little bit about military affairs". The position of vice president has been finalized, so there is basically no problem.

What can Sun Xiaowang and Sun Mingzhang say?He could only praise Lin Ruofan along with Da Bo. This analysis made Sun Xianghe very satisfied and won him a lot of face. At least the person he recommended was not just for the prospective son-in-law.

Now, they can't talk about making any military plans, because the enemy has not moved.Although the situation between the enemy and us is relatively optimistic, Sun Wangcheng definitely does not want to say that it is actively launching a war, and definitely wants to resolve the conflict.

However, Sun Xiaowang's attitude is different from Sun Xianghe's. He advocates directly overthrowing the other three families and making the Sun family the dominant one, completely unifying the entire ten-party world.

In private, the most researched by this military aircraft academy is various strategies and tactics, and it is now on the defensive.Lin Ruofan roughly looked at the distribution of troops on the map.Not to mention, Sun Xiaowang's arrangement is still very reasonable, and his military literacy is quite high.

Seeing that Lin Ruofan was fascinated by the positions of the troops on the map, Sun Xiaowang asked, "Vice President Lin, can I call you that now?"

Lin Ruofan said with a wry smile, "You are being polite, it all depends on what the king wants."

Sun Xianghe immediately said, "Yes! Of course! What? Do you still need me to issue a formal decree?"

After saying this, the rest of the people shook their heads and waved their hands to express their support for Lin Ruofan.

Then Sun Xiaowang asked Lin Ruofan, "In Vice President Lin's opinion, if we take the initiative to attack in the future, how will we defeat the coalition forces of the other three families?"

Lin Ruofan asked back with a smile, "Why do you want to take the initiative to attack? Why must the other three be coalition forces?" After finishing speaking, Lin Ruofan pointed to the distribution of the other three armies. Not to mention echoing each other.

"Vice President Lin, as the so-called rainy day, we are just practicing."

Seeing that Lin Ruofan didn't give a strong answer immediately, Sun Mingzhang thought that Lin Ruofan had no thoughts in his head, so he proudly handed the baton to his father.

Then Sun Xiaowang also said what he meant, and started various war games, and he played really well. From a tactical point of view, he was almost impeccable.

When it was time for Lin Ruofan to express his opinion, he said that all military struggles are prepared to start when they fail at the diplomatic level, or when there are signs of imminent failure at the diplomatic level.

Just like the current situation, if our own side takes the initiative to attack any side, no matter what conflicts there are within the three of them, all of them will disappear at that moment, thus truly uniting against the Sun family.

To put it bluntly, one's own active attack will directly connect the opponent, so why bother?
Lin Ruofan also gave an example of the Qin State sweeping Liuhe during the Warring States Period. Seeing that none of them raised any questions, they probably all knew this story.

As the saying goes, distant friendship and close attack are easy first and then difficult. If you can disintegrate the opponent from other aspects, whether it is to neutralize a certain party or join your own side, even if it temporarily puts them at a loss. They unite.

In fact, Sun Xianghe and most people in the Military Aircraft Institute had the same idea as Lin Ruofan, and only Sun Xiaowang and Sun Mingzhang supported the idea of ​​proactive attack.

(End of this chapter)

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