Chapter 569

Speaking of which, this General Ma still kept his promise, and he really didn't take away anyone or anything in the town.

Lin Ruofan thought to forget it, the old man and the others were also thinking about those hundreds of people, and it must be out of helplessness, forgive them, this is also the best way to help them.

We traveled on this road for an afternoon, and at night we walked out of the buried ruins and came to a small forest. This is a small enclave of oasis land. Unfortunately, the area is too small for living, so we can only temporarily Take a break here, and the soldiers stop for a short time.

What puzzled General Ma was why Lin Ruofan hadn't woken up yet?It stands to reason that although the effect of the poison has not faded, Lin Ruofan himself should have woken up.

Several other lieutenants came to the tent where General Ma was, and they started discussing how to complete this mission.

Lin Ruofan also got some useful information from their conversation.

This General Ma's real name is Ma Junwei, and he is also a descendant of the royal family of the previous dynasty, and he is of direct blood.It is said that the top leader of Beima Village is named Ma Xiao.

As for Ma Junwei, he is mainly responsible for conscription on weekdays.Because of the perennial wars, the population of Beimazhai has dropped sharply, and it is generally aging. Young and middle-aged people who are suitable for joining the army either died in battle or were disabled and unable to join the army. A considerable number of them escaped from the conscription.

So, not only the North Ma Village, but also the Dong Ma Village. They can only arrest the young and middle-aged men in various small towns scattered here and there.

However, the reason for taking everyone away is not only to allow young and middle-aged people to join the army, but also to bring other old, weak, women and children back to their territory, so as to increase the total population.

Those old and weak women and children can help with construction no matter how poor they are, and they can also help take care of the wounded. They are finally human resources.

Right now, according to what this group of people said, they have been out for four days, and they have been walking around the established route for a long time. They only found the previous town. The rest of the nearby towns seem to have received the news in advance and fled long ago. It's gone without a trace and is hard to find.

So they haven't completed the task now, how should they go back and explain to Ma Xiao?This is the main problem they have to face.

Ma Junwei sighed heavily, lightly flicked the whip in his hand, and then looked at Lin Ruofan.

Lin Ruofan knew that Ma Junwei was looking at him, so he said in his heart: What are you looking at! ?
"This person is very special, and he should be able to do business when he takes him back."

The lieutenant who was shaken out by Lin Ruofan before said, "General Ma! This man's ways are very evil! If he is really a spy from Lingwang City, wouldn't we be leading wolves into the house?"

Ma Junwei shook his head, and then said, "I don't think this person is from Lingwang City, and his cultivation base is very high. Although it is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, if we can win over our camp, it will definitely It will be very beneficial."

Hearing what he said, Lin Ruofan felt relieved, since he intended to win him over, he would definitely not be able to fight.For a newcomer, offending the locals is never a good thing. Anyway, the task is to stop the war. If you don't enter the high-level military forces here, it will be difficult to do it.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the tent, and various screams came one after another.

General Ma and the others looked at each other, and then drew out their weapons one after another. Not even a messenger came in to report, there must be an enemy attack!

But just when they were about to rush out of the tent, they all screamed and fell to the ground, moaning continuously, as if their bodies were suffering severe pain.

After a while, a few guys walked into the tent.

The leader among them was a big fat man with a mace in his hand, and his hairstyle seemed to be the dreadlocks that are more common in Africa in the human world.

They were all naked from the upper body, with a wolf's head and a tiger's head tattooed on the left and right sides of their chests.Among these people, there are fat and thin people. If they are relatively strong people, the two tattoos look pretty good.But it looks very weird and ugly on a relatively thin guy.

The big fat man put the mace on his shoulder, laughed proudly "haha", and then said, "Ma Junwei! Is this in my hands?"

Ma Junwei lay on the ground, gritted his teeth weakly and said, "Ma Fei! It's you!?" Lin Ruofan wondered, is it the Ma family again?It looks like it should be from Dongma Village.

Ma Fei asked proudly, "Ma Junwei! Have you met no one along the way? Hahaha!"

At this moment, Ma Junwei suddenly realized, "So it's your fault!"

Maffei also unabashedly showed off his strategy and plan.Ma Fei's subordinates have been watching Ma Junwei's team. They have been tracking them since they left Beima Village, and they have accurately judged the route of travel.

So, Ma Fei led people to loot several towns along the road ahead of time.Because Ma Fei knew that Ma Junwei would not return empty-handed when he came out, so he deliberately led them away from Beima Village, and then set up an ambush on the way.

Several of Ma Fei's subordinates wanted to tie up Ma Junwei, but Ma Fei raised his hand to stop him, "Hey! Don't be presumptuous! How can you tie up General Ma? I'm his brother-in-law!"

After speaking, those few people laughed.

"Ma Fei, you bastard! Don't insult my sister!"

From the conversation between the two, Lin Ruofan learned that Ma Fei was indeed from Dongma Village, and it was said that he was the biological son of the leader there.Because the descendants of the two Ma family had marriage contracts in the past, but that was still a matter of the Ma family's rule.

The conflict between the two sides was due to the marriage in the first place. Of course, it was just an opportunity. In fact, the main conflict lies in who leads the other.

In terms of bloodlines, the people from Beimazhai belong to the orthodox royal family, while Dongmazhai can only be said to be partial, which is probably the case.

Ma Fei took down Ma Junwei this time because he wanted to use Ma Junwei as a bargaining chip to threaten Beima Village. On the one hand, he wanted to force the marriage, and on the other hand, he wanted to take over the leadership.

But Maffey looks stupid, like a mentally handicapped guy.Even Lin Ruofan, an outsider, knew that his delusion was impossible to realize.

Just when this guy was proud, there was another commotion and the sound of weapons clashing outside the tent.Maffei left two people in the tent to take care of them, and the rest went out to check the situation.

Lin Ruofan didn't move at all. About 20 minutes later, another group of people walked into the tent. It looked like they were from Beimazhai, but they were all female soldiers, all wearing white battle armor, each with a Things like chicken feathers, colorful and pretty, more like a guard of honor.

It turned out that this female soldier was the personal guard of Ma Xiao, the boss of Beima Village, and now they have taken down Ma Fei and the others in turn.It is said that Maffei poisoned the nearby water source, which is the same as what Lin Ruofan said, but it does not cause much actual harm to people, but will temporarily lose his action.

The reversal of the plot was really quick, which was unexpected.

The leader of the female soldier knelt down and saluted, and asked someone to give Ma Junwei the antidote, and then said, "Young General."

Ma Junwei frowned slightly, and corrected, "Yuhong! Call me General Ma, don't call me Young General."

"Yes! General Ma!"

Lin Ruofan secretly opened his eyes to look at that Yuhong, although Lin Ruofan could see it without doing so.Whoops!What a beautiful woman!
After each took the antidote, this time it was Ma Junwei who was escorting Ma Fei and continued to move forward. It was almost dawn after all this tossing, because they were escorting people, so the speed was slow, and it took a whole evening to arrive at Beima Village.

The name of this Beima Village may sound like a bitch, but it is a city with strong walls, and it is also one of the few oasis lands with a relatively large area in the chaotic world.

The biggest difference between the yellow sand land and the oasis land is the water source.On the way, Lin Ruofan also learned from the conversation between Ma Junwei and Yuhong that the North Mazhai and East Mazhai are also competing for water sources, but the issue of "who leads whom" is the second place.

Between Beimazhai and Dongmazhai, there is a water source that is considered to be the second largest in the chaotic world. The two sides stationed heavy troops there, and there will be some friction from time to time. During the offense and defense between you and me, you will change hands many times. In the end, no one can completely take this side, so they can only take some water sources and transport them away while their own side is temporarily occupying it.

However, after Lingwang City sends troops to attack, the two sides will work together to fight against foreign enemies.

It's just that the current situation is getting worse and worse. Not to mention that the respective strengths of the two Ma families have declined, and they have their own ghosts when they cooperate. It is said that the last large-scale attack on Lingwang City was just three months ago, and they were almost defeated. Well, it was a miserable victory in the end.

Therefore, in Ma Junwei's view, since Ma Fei came to throw stones at his feet, he simply took this opportunity to take down the East Ma village in one fell swoop, and let the entire Ma family's soldiers unite in one place, so that they can exert their greatest strength.

In fact, from Lin Ruofan's point of view, although he doesn't know the specific strength of Lingwang City.But this kind of thing abounds in the ancient history of the human world. I am afraid that if the two horse families continue to consume like this, they will only be slowly swallowed up by Lingwang City.

What is the way to stop the war?Trying to negotiate a solution between the three parties?impossible.

Yuhong pointed to Lin Ruofan, and asked curiously, "General Ma, who is this man?"

"This person is very powerful! But I don't know the origin of his identity, let's take him back first and then talk about it."

After entering Beimazhai, they headed all the way towards the palace. Strictly speaking, it was said to be a palace, but it was actually very simple.

(End of this chapter)

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