Huadu Xiaoxuanyi

Chapter 459 Adjusting Deployments

Chapter 459 Adjusting Deployments
Lin Ruofan and the others chuckled inwardly. Jiang Yu really fell into Ma Lan's trap, and he could be so impulsive just by provoking him with a few words. Can such an idiot lead the army?The fairy master really knows how to "know people and make good use of them".

But the fairy master is a smart person after all. He must know how much Jiang Yu has. Since defending the city wall this time is a mortal task, it just happens to be handed over to this guy. No one is really suitable for this kind of sacrifice right now. .

Jiang Yu turned around imposingly and faced the Immortal Lord, bowed his head and cupped his fists in salute, "The final general is willing to swear to the death to defend the city wall!"

"Okay! Sure!"

In this way, James' plan was passed, and then began to deploy overnight.

In addition to the fairy army on the central road, the underworld and celestial troops at the entrances of the left and right wings are also deployed here, and some people will stick to the existing defensive positions. At least once they are attacked, they cannot give up to the enemy in vain.

Soon, there was movement on the enemy's side. According to James' drone investigation, at least 20 troops began to move forward. Judging from the weapons and equipment they carried, this is to directly attack the middle road The walls are gone.

The attack officially started the next morning, and the city wall was almost taken down in one go. Fortunately, some soldiers resisted desperately in the end. At the cost of losing 2 people, they repelled the enemy's first wave of attack.

Lin Ruofan and the others did not expect this kind of victory. Jiang Yu is probably going to die. If he lets the city wall fall again, he can kill himself.

The enemy deliberately destroyed a lot of drones that James sent out to deploy, which reduced their own monitoring field of vision, and many scouts who sneaked out were also silent.James thinks that the enemy is a scout who is specially staring at his own side, so that his side will lose his scouting vision and look like a blind man.

Generally, if the enemy is doing it like this, they will usually have some major actions, but now James can't guess what the enemy is going to do.

Because the first wave of attack was withstood, Jiang Yu began to get carried away with his complacency, clamoring for the fairy master to send some more people over.

The reason why he was able to withstand the enemy's attack, James thought it was the devil's intention, just to paralyze Jiang Yu, the deployment of his own side, the devil must have seen it, knew that the commander was Jiang Yu, I'm afraid he wanted to play with this guy It is very easy.

That idiot Jiang Yu left Lin Ruofan and the others to meet the Immortal Lord alone, and even brought a lot of officials from the Immortal Realm with him. This was obviously to hold an internal meeting.

Lin Ruofan and the others didn't rush over immediately when they heard about this incident, they could do whatever they liked, if they didn't suffer a few times, they wouldn't grow their memory.

really!The Immortal Lord agreed to return the army under Jiang Yu to him, 30 people, plus the 10 people who were stuck on the city wall, and he became the leader of the army of 40 people again.

After the arrangements were made, the Immortal Lord found Lin Ruofan to explain the situation, so what could Lin Ruofan say, he could only continue to deploy in the urban area according to James' plan.

However, when many Immortals heard that the main focus now was on defending the city wall, they were very attentive to this matter. As a result, those who deployed defenses in the city had no intention of working, and the progress was very slow.

In fact, James' plan is also based on the fact that the fairy lord wants to focus on the demon-inhabited area. This place happens to be a key node, and James is ready to lose the central area. The final decisive battle will be at the lower-level demons. Inhabited area, so he completely abandoned the upper area where the fairy hall is located.

For this point, the people in the fairy world are also quite critical. Anyway, they think that they should fight the enemy in the wild.Lin Ruofan and the others had no choice but to worry.

The Demon Lord also violently attacked the city wall "to save face". Both sides suffered great losses, and the battle was extremely fierce. It was even said that the city gate almost changed hands several times.

This guy Jiang Yu also tried his best to resist, and he was still complacent. This situation has completely violated the plan made by James. James has been worried that something unexpected will happen again. The devil is obviously a bad intention!His focus is definitely not on the city wall!
Ma Lan couldn't help cursing angrily, "Jiang Yu, the shit! Don't do what you should do! You must do what you shouldn't! Do you think this person is a slut!?"

Lin Ruofan smiled helplessly, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, what else can we say at this time."

Finally, what James was worried about happened.

Two days later, the battle on the other side of the city wall was still very fierce. Both sides had lost more than 10 people. Judging from this 1:1 exchange ratio, it seemed that their side had made a profit.

But fog began to form in the sky, and it was spreading rapidly. Even if James' drone could break through the blockade of the demon army, it would not be able to detect useful information.

So, now it means that one's own side is blind and can't see the enemy's movements at all!The several batches of reconnaissance teams that have been sent out many times have not heard from them, and they are probably wiped out by the demon army.

This inexplicable dense fog must have come from the formation deliberately arranged by the Demon Lord, and everyone knew that.But what is the intention of the Demon Lord to deceive people like this?Many people have different opinions on this point.

Jiang Yu thought that the Demon Lord was simply setting up a suspicious formation, but in fact he still wanted to storm the city wall and drive in.

James and his thoughts are just the opposite. In James' view, the devil must be attacking the garrison area of ​​the underworld or heaven.

But in the next two days, the enemy's offensive was still strong, and there was no movement at the other two entrances. This made many people believe in Jiang Yu's judgment, and thus believed that James was not omnipotent, and there would always be mistakes in judgment.

When the 50 troops of the Demon Race suddenly launched an attack on the Celestial Army, they were still arguing in the headquarters, and a message from the messenger made everyone shut up.

The fairy master frowned, "How many people!?"

The messenger repeated, "According to the news delivered by General Mo Hou, at least 50!"

Everyone was shocked!

At present, there are almost 70 demon troops, and there are almost 20 attacking the city wall right now. The remaining troops have all been transferred to the left entrance. Mohou must be under a lot of pressure!
James immediately said, "Master Immortal Lord, I suggest stopping all activities in the city at this time, and mobilize troops to support Mohou!"

Jiang Yu snorted heavily with disdain, and then said, "Why retreat into the city to fight in the streets, now you can see how ridiculous your plan is?"

Ma Lan said angrily, "Nonsense! It's not that you are so stupid! Disrupted the original deployment!"

Shuqin said anxiously, "Master Immortal Lord, our 80-strong Heavenly Army can fight against 50 demons. It can still resist for a period of time, but the situation in the end is not optimistic. Please, Lord Immortal Lord, listen to James's advice." Suggestion, quickly send troops to support."

Everyone was talking in a hurry, and the fairy master was also thinking about countermeasures quickly.

At this time, Jiang Yu actually put forward a bold suggestion, asking to concentrate all the troops in the fairy world, first to eat the enemies outside the city wall, and to fight out in one go.At the same time, let the underworld army on the right also attack quickly to join them, and swallow the enemy first.

What Jiang Yu meant was to completely abandon the entrance on the left, and let the celestial army retreat while fighting.Jiang Yu said that the speed at which one's own side eats up the oncoming enemy must be faster than the speed at which the demon army defeats the heavenly army.

If the celestial army can withstand more time, when the time comes, after the frontal enemy is eaten by one's own side, they can go directly to the past, and directly have a final battle with the enemy's 50 army.

Because the situation is not particularly clear, James does not agree to mobilize the underworld army at all. The left side and the center have already encountered enemy attacks, and the right side must not act rashly at this time.

Moreover, the current situation has become what James was worried about at the beginning. The three parts cannot support each other smoothly, so naturally there is no deterrent effect on the enemy.

Lin Ruofan glanced at the Immortal Lord, it's broken!The fairy master has been attracted by Jiang Yu's bold plan, and he must be inclined to Jiang Yu's plan in his heart.

Coupled with the strong support of all the officials of the fairy world, this matter may...

In the end, the fairy master decided to adopt Jiang Yu's opinion, but in order to take into account Lin Ruofan's feelings, the fairy master only took out 60 of the 40 troops in the city, and left 20. Anyway, I have to find someone to help me.

Lin Ruofan made a hexagram on the spot, with a serious expression on his face, and then said, "My lord, this hexagram is empty! The hexagram of great evil! Obviously, the enemy has set up a trap for us on purpose!"

Just as Lin Ruofan was about to continue talking, Jiang Yu interrupted him. The grandson asked disdainfully, "Dean Lin, what is the use of your hexagrams?"

"Hehe, hexagrams are naturally used for divination of good and bad luck, to seek good luck and avoid bad luck."

"Can't you kill people directly?"

Lin Ruofan smiled, and didn't bother to argue with him.

Jiang Yu continued, "Since we can only look at good and bad luck, I only believe that everything is man-made! Nothing is fixed."

Lin Ruofan nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, yes, you are right about this."

"That's why Dean Lin, you go and get busy with your own affairs, and you don't need to worry about it here."

"Hehe, good." After speaking, Lin Ruofan looked at the fairy master, but he deliberately avoided it.

Regarding the fairy lord's decision, not to mention Lin Ruofan and the others, even Shuqin lost face on the spot, and decided to personally bring the 20 troops and more than 1 coalition troops to support, and let Lin Ruofan and the others follow.

As for the battle in the central area, let Immortal Realm fight it slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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