Huadu Xiaoxuanyi

Chapter 434 Dragon Bone

Chapter 434 Dragon Bone
Shuqin heard that Lin Ruofan had visited Wei Jiaojiao's room twice in a short period of time, so he naturally knew that he was doing something, so he called Lin Ruofan over alone.

Because it was the Emperor of Heaven who personally summoned Lin Ruofan, Liu Hezhuang and the others naturally hid farther this time.

"How is it going? What's going on?"

Lin Ruofan clicked his tongue and shook his head, then said listlessly, "I'm getting bored to death, and I haven't made any progress at all."

Maybe Shuqin would know something, so Lin Ruofan told her about the handkerchief.

"Handkerchief? Show me."

Lin Ruofan took out the handkerchief and handed it to Shuqin, Lin Ruofan was also thinking while she was observing carefully.

In fact, is it not the point of the handkerchief itself?In fact, if it is not a handkerchief but something else, such as a box, clothes, etc., it is also fine.It's not that the pattern above is the most important.

"Ruofan, do you know what the pattern on it is?"

Lin Ruofan looked at Shuqin curiously, shook his head and asked, "I don't know, what is it?"

"Have you ever heard of dragon bones?"

Lin Ruofan frowned, and asked curiously, "Dragon bone? What is that? Could it be a dragon's bone?"

Shuqin nodded and said, "Exactly."

As she spoke, Shuqin put on a posture that she was about to tell a story, Lin Ruofan even laughed at her, and listened carefully to her story after being stared at.

A long time ago, there was a giant dragon that traversed the entire fairyland, like a steel bar in the fairyland.Later, after the death of the giant dragon, the cultivators in the fairy world developed a way of cultivation higher than stepless, that is, becoming immortals and becoming demons.

However, the long spine of the dragon just connected the ancient tree of wisdom and the ancient tree of war. Later, people cut it off, and only then did someone successfully ascend to the immortal rank and the demon rank.

However, a small portion of the dragon's spine could never be destroyed.I don't know where the rumors came from. Anyway, it has been passed down from generation to generation in the fairyland that whoever owns that keel can open the door to a new world.

In other words, the part of the keel that cannot be destroyed is the key, and no one knows what the new world is.Perhaps it is equivalent to the way practitioners in the human world see the heaven, underworld and fairy world.

Lin Ruofan asked in surprise, "Then you mean that Master Wei has a dragon bone in his hand?"

Shuqin returned the handkerchief to Lin Ruofan, nodded and said, "The pattern on it is the dragon pattern, which means that Master Wei wants to tell you that the precious treasure is the dragon bone."

Lin Ruofan took a deep breath, "Could it be that the reason why Master Wei chose to defect was because he got the keel? Then why didn't he use it himself?"

Shuqin said that on the one hand, this keel is rumored to be the key to open the door to the new world, but many people also say that it is an ominous thing that will destroy the fairy world.

Anyway, the saying that human speech is awesome is also applicable in the fairy world.

Moreover, no matter what the keel's function is, if you want to use it or activate it, you must have top-level cultivation.So from the current point of view, only the fairy master and the devil can activate it.

Then continue to think along this line of thought, no matter whether he tried to get the keel or not, Master Wei must know that he can't activate it anyway.In other words, Master Wei is likely to prevent others from using it, that is, to prevent the fairy master from using it.

Lin Ruofan lit a cigarette, took two puffs with a solemn expression, and then said, "Is this a huge conspiracy?"

Shuqin didn't answer, even with such a close relationship with Lin Ruofan, she couldn't say some things nonsense.Especially at this juncture, the Three Realms already had some rifts, and the recent meeting was not going well.If the three leaders are suspicious of each other, then it is enough for everyone to surrender directly to the Demon Lord.

"Ruofan, no matter what, you have to find the keel. In my opinion, let Mo Hou take care of the coalition affairs. You are fully responsible for the keel."

Lin Ruofan said with a wry smile, "You didn't send me some experts, so let me find it myself?"

Speaking of this, Lin Ruofan thought of that old bastard Wen Chong.Although that guy might be irritating, he can always call in some experts at critical moments, such as the Luo Yuan sisters and Wei Li back then.Although looking at it now, Huang Jie's cultivation base is really scum.

When Lin Ruofan was about to leave, Shuqin suddenly stopped him, "Wait."

Lin Ruofan turned around and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Shuqin hesitated for a while, then waved her hand and said, "Come here, then I'll tell you another secret."

"Okay, listen carefully." Lin Ruofan thought Shuqin was joking, he walked to Shuqin and sat down, smiling and waiting for her to speak.

But this time, the secret that Shuqin told Lin Ruofan was extraordinary.

Before, Shuqin was hiding many things from Lin Ruofan, but it couldn't be said that she was hiding it on purpose, and it was useless to say it before the time came.

But this time Shuqin decided to tell the whole story.

This matter still has to be talked about from the time when the Xuanyi Immortal was still there.In fact, the keel has always been in the hands of the mysterious doctor.After all, he has the jade unicorn to protect him, plus he has a very high level of cultivation and superb medical skills.

Therefore, the Immortal Physician is almost the only person who can destroy the keel, and that is also the task entrusted to the Immortal Physician by the previous Immortal Master.

Then Lin Ruofan already knew what happened later. From Shuqin's point of view, the reason why the Immortal Lord wants to use the Immortal Doctor Immortal is that besides his high cultivation level and jealousy, the most important thing is that he wants to take away the treasure from him. keel.

The previous fairy master thought it was an ominous thing, but the current fairy master just thinks the opposite.

Even if Master Wei didn't say anything, Shuqin believed that Master Wei must have discovered that the Immortal Lord seemed to be using the keel to do something, so he risked his life and defected.

Later, Shuqin repeatedly wanted to know more from Master Wei. Later, Master Wei told Shuqin about it, but he didn't go into too much detail.

No matter how much Master Wei knew about Dragon Bone, he was already ready to bring the secret into the coffin.Those who are willing to protect it with their lives will inevitably bring disaster to the fairy world.

Shuqin said that she was very impressed. When Wei Ye told her about it, he specifically mentioned the reincarnation of Xuanyi Immortal.At that time, no one knew that Xuan Yi Xian had a reincarnated body, so Shuqin didn't pay much attention to it.It is true that everyone was distracted by other things at that time, and it seemed that the keel had long been forgotten.

To this day, Shuqin thinks the time is ripe.

According to Master Wei's confession at the time, if one day he was killed by someone, the keel must be obtained by the reincarnation of the fairy doctor, because it is a special fate, and only the reincarnation of the fairy doctor can destroy the keel .

In Wei Ye's view, the existence of dragon bones seems to be more terrifying than the threat from the demons.

At this moment, Lin Ruofan felt that Alexander was so attracted by what Shuqin said that he even forgot the cigarette in his hand, and it burned naturally between his index finger and middle finger, and he extinguished the cigarette end only after feeling the heat.

"So, you mean that the Immortal Lord originally planned to use the keel to open the door to a new world? Is that what you mean?"

Shuqin nodded, "Yes", and then said, "I think so. The fairy master is too ambitious, especially the pursuit of power has almost fallen into a state of madness."

Having said that, Lin Ruofan also felt that the Immortal Lord must be the only one, and there is no one in the world whose cultivation level can threaten him, which is almost what it means.

So it's not difficult to understand, the Immortal Lord is at the ninth rank of the spiritual rank, and he must have accumulated a lot of merit. He wanted to go to the next level, but he couldn't find a better way, so he thought Try it out with a keel.

"Then aren't we facing two enemies now? They are both extremely powerful."

Shuqin sighed helplessly, and then said, "You can't treat the Immortal Lord as our enemy. He has indeed made great contributions to safeguarding the safety of all walks of life. It's just that with his identity, there are some things that cannot be directly discussed with him." Said, we are only helping the fairy master not to go astray."

After leaving here, Lin Ruofan has been thinking about this problem all the way.

Going astray, what does it mean to go astray?What is going astray?
If they were in the human world at the time, if you wanted to tell others to improve your cultivation level and then go to the heaven or fairy world, other practitioners would definitely laugh at you and say you were crazy.

So what do they think of the Immortal Lord now?

Lin Ruofan shook his head quickly, maybe he was too tired recently, and he was always thinking wildly.

But before he returned to his room, he saw a lot of people running around here, because of Lin Ruofan and Master Wei's matter, all the officials from the three realms were temporarily staying in the heavenly realm, all in the heavenly palace.

From time to time, Lin Ruofan could see one or two teams of guards escorting certain officials to the main hall, and what surprised him even more was that Shuqin was also there.

Lin Ruofan came out one step ahead of her. If she was in the state of "walking well", Shuqin couldn't have arrived here faster than herself. Something urgent must have happened.

"Ruofan, what are you doing here?" Ma Lan patted Lin Ruofan behind him.

Lin Ruofan turned around and saw that she and Tian Ye were wearing armored military uniforms.Lin Ruofan frowned and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Ma Lan asked Tian Ye to stay and explain to Lin Ruofan, while she hurried to the main hall.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the devil led someone to attack?"

Tian Ye nodded with a serious expression and said, "Yes! The demon army took the lead in attacking the underworld, and they have approached the city many times. The situation is critical!"

Lin Ruofan was shocked!Then he followed Tian Ye to the main hall immediately.

As soon as he entered, Lin Ruofan heard all kinds of voices mixing together, it was very noisy.

High-ranking officials from the Three Realms are arguing, and you and I are talking about each other.

(End of this chapter)

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