Huadu Xiaoxuanyi

Chapter 349 Overwhelming Advantage

Chapter 349 Overwhelming Advantage

Wu Gu has also been looking forward to it for a long time. He has been waiting to fight James again to determine the outcome. It seems that he has been preparing for a long time and is training hard.

Pluto asked with a smile, "How are you going to fight this time?"

Lin Ruofan said confidently, "You defend and we attack, but I suggest that you have more soldiers to participate."

When these kings of Hades heard it, wow!Still dare to despise us?
The location chosen this time was a desolate place, not far from the village where the plague last time, and it happened to be the place where the army of the underworld often fought in actual combat.

Even though it was an actual confrontation, the underworld still had some reservations, it couldn't really hurt someone, right?So Wu Gu specially told his soldiers to be careful.

After some discussions, the two sides decided to dispatch an army of 5000 people. Begu selected all elite soldiers and strong generals to defend at the designated location, and made a very ingenious defensive arrangement around a depression surrounded by mountains on three sides.

Of course, it looks like this is asking for a dead end, but in fact Begu has dispersed his troops near the depression and is in a state of swimming.If an ordinary commander sees this situation, he will definitely kill him in one go. In this way, he will fall into Wugu's trick to lure the enemy. The terrain over there is quite special, with constant ups and downs.

So although there are depressions inside, the periphery is composed of more "small depressions", and if you come over rashly, you will be trapped inside.

This guy, Wu Gu, really prepared it carefully, but unfortunately everything was in vain.If the overall strength of the two sides is similar, this kind of tough battle is really difficult to fight.

Especially when people in the underworld saw that there were only 2000 people on Lin Ruofan's side, they all became confused. They didn't know what Lin Ruofan and the others meant.
These Hades were naturally gloating, and just sat and waited for Lin Ruofan to make a fool of himself.

Wu Gu stood on the lookout from a high place, and he was very concerned about the weapons and equipment of the new army. Of course, he had seen the Ferris wheel in the sky, but he couldn't figure out the remodeled thing, and he was a little uncertain. So they changed their deployment and arranged 1000 melee troops and long-range soldiers in the forward positions.

At the same time, Begu gathered scattered troops and arranged them not far behind the forward position, ready to maneuver at any time.

James also saw the change in the opponent's configuration, and smiled knowingly, let them see what real power is!

James ordered the whole army to charge, and all the soldiers charged on the ferris wheel of the tank. After entering the range, Begu ordered a long-range attack.The weapons used by the underworld army this time have very low damage, and hitting the ferris wheel is not even a tickle.

Seeing this situation, Begu immediately asked the soldiers to switch to slightly more powerful weapons, but it still didn't work.

Originally, Wu Gu also intended to "give way" to James. Seeing the situation, he simply asked the soldiers to change into normal weapons. He never expected that it would not work, because the arrows could not penetrate at all.

James ordered some soldiers to shoot towards the top of the hill. After several violent explosions, Begu ordered all the soldiers in the depression to go out to avoid being hit by the falling stones.

After there was no one in the depression, James led everyone to continue charging while firing a long-range attack. The hilltop over there had been lowered a lot, and it was obviously visible to the naked eye, not to mention soldiers from the underworld. Even Begu, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, has never seen any regular army with such firepower.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent's weapons could not penetrate the Ferris wheel, when James led the new army to rush over, they could only quickly get out of the way, unable to resist at all.

If this is a real battlefield, they can basically announce the end of the imminent annihilation of the entire army.Bu Gu panicked and immediately mobilized all the soldiers to form a defense network, ready to fight head-on.

James knew that Wu Gu was panicking, but on the other hand, it was also a manifestation of courage. Even if there was a difference in the level of weapons and equipment, they would still form flesh and blood to defend the position.

Of course, whether this approach is correct is still open to debate. After all, there is a saying that if you keep the green hills, you will not worry about having no firewood.Seeing Wu Gu's reaction, James ordered the whole army to stop, and they faced each other at a distance of more than ten meters.

After some internal struggles, Wugu ordered the soldiers to disperse to make way for James, and also expressed that he voluntarily surrendered.

Pluto asked Lin Ruofan in surprise, "How could you train such an army in just a few months!? Although I have always been full of expectations and confidence in you, this is beyond my expectation."

Lin Ruofan asked with a smile, "Mr. Pluto, how does my new army compare with the army of the fairy world?"

Pluto sighed, and then said, "I didn't hit you, nor did I deliberately belittle you because I lost face. We are not the same as the fairyland. Although your new army can fight with the fairyland army, but It’s still invincible, you have to understand that.”

Lin Ruofan nodded and said, "I know, that's why we should form a coalition. Of course, it's not to fight against the fairy world, but to use them as a standard to measure our own strength."

After finishing speaking, Pluto looked at the Hades in turn, all of them bowed their heads in silence, as if they had been greatly wronged, and could only admit defeat if they were unwilling.

Lin Ruofan clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, the times are changing all the time, and people who are self-styled will be in a dangerous situation. Only by breaking out of the original fixed thinking can we be able to protect everything we want to protect. Lin Ruofan hereby urges everyone to agree with both of us. Form a combined army."

Seeing Lin Ruofan's sincerity and witnessing the result of the actual confrontation, the Kings of Hades also began to feel like a frog in a well, their inner attitudes began to change, and finally they all nodded and agreed.

So far, the heaven and the underworld have formally reached a military alliance.The formation of the joint army was fast. Begu selected 2000 elite soldiers. Lin Ruofan and the others did not rush back. They happened to take the new army to train these elite soldiers. The number of soldiers was the same, so they could teach one-on-one.

As for weapons and equipment, Lin Ruofan couldn't directly hand over the "production line" related technology to the underworld, after all, they were still at the technological level of an "ancient era".

So Lin Ruofan proposed to Pluto that the underworld should also promote Internet informatization.Although even if there is no signal equipment, James can also use the enhanced version of the black ball to temporarily form it.

But I have to consider one thing, what if the battlefield is in the underworld?What if it is invaded by the Demon Lord?At that time, there will be no better means of communication and command, and the number of black balls with limited functions will seem like a drop in the bucket.

Lin Ruofan originally thought that he could use this opportunity to change the underworld into a new look. After all, the kings of Hades agreed and accepted Lin Ruofan, and also agreed to form a joint army for technological innovation.As a result, they still have a conservative attitude towards the promotion of the Internet information age.

Tian Ye complained, "Recognize the technical level and strength of our new army, but not the promotion of informatization? Do you think these hell kings are short-hearted!?"

Lin Ruofan said with a wry smile, "Forget it, take your time, it's still difficult to eat a fat man in one go, after all, they have to spend some time to accept it slowly."

Next, Lin Ruofan plans to stay in the underworld for a while to strengthen the training of the joint army and strengthen the coordination between the two sides.Then let Tian Ye and Wu Di go back for the time being, explain the situation here to the Emperor of Heaven, and let the two of them build the Tianjie Internet as soon as possible.

James and James have had many exchanges and fusions in terms of technology and tactics, and they are especially interested in James' concept of "special operations".

There is, however, a small hiccup here.Originally, James and Wu Gu had the same opinion, and selected the best of the elite to form a special force. The scale did not need to be too large, just a few dozen people, and Wu Gu would lead them.

In this situation, any changes in the size of the coalition forces have to be told to Pluto and Hades, and they need to get their consent.Other things are fine, but the kings of Hades have been refusing to let go when it comes to the selection of officers. Maybe they still think that Lin Ruofan and the others want to weaken the existence of the underworld in the coalition army.

Therefore, I strongly oppose letting Begu take up such a small position.In fact, the special forces are the core of the entire coalition army. It’s hard to say what to say, so we can only transfer Wu Gu from the coalition army to replace Wei Jiaojiao as the commander of the regular army of the underworld, and then let Wei Jiaojiao come over to be the commander of the special forces .

Of course, this kind of personnel arrangement is also good. Wugu is good at commanding large corps, and his personal combat ability is not too strong.Wei Jiaojiao, on the other hand, is more brave personally, and has a little less command experience as a commander.

After a period of time, Wei Jiaojiao also took this opportunity to resign and give up the seat of War Hades to Wu Gu, and Hades also agreed.

After more than a month of training in the underworld, the coalition forces have almost entered a good state. Of course, this is just a prototype. The ultimate goal of Lin Ruofan and the leaders of the two worlds is still to promote it comprehensively.

Although you have good intentions to help everyone pursue progress, there are still a lot of obstacles in the development of things, which Lin Ruofan and the others have deeply understood after this experience.

The Emperor of Heaven sent a message to Lin Ruofan, asking how the situation of the coalition forces is going. If possible, he would show everyone the training results in the Heaven Realm. He also took this opportunity to invite Pluto to visit the Heaven Realm to enhance the relationship between the two sides.

Pluto readily agreed, and he had long wanted to meet the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, after two days of preparation, Pluto personally led the coalition forces to the heavenly realm. The welcome ceremony was naturally quite enthusiastic, which was a rare event in both realms.

This time, Pluto also brought many Hades with him, and the Emperor of Heaven also summoned the corresponding officials.

(End of this chapter)

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