Huadu Xiaoxuanyi

Chapter 156 Centaur

Chapter 156 Centaur

Lin Ruofan and Luo Yuan followed Xiao Ke to the opposite teaching building, which is the office of the church, and Emma's office is over there, and she just came back.

After seeing Lin Ruofan, Emma immediately remembered the matter of the centaur, and asked directly without any greetings, "Have you seen this kind of creature over there?"

This Emma is too impatient.

"I haven't seen anything like what you're talking about."

"Then let's go and have a look now?"


According to Emma's point of view, if the centaur is an existing earth species, it seems acceptable.But according to their understanding, the centaur discovered this time was artificially transformed, which made the church very nervous.

This incident involved the Pure White Family and the Evil Alliance, and the church suspected that they were engaged in biochemical weapons.

Lin Ruofan took a brief look at the information Emma gave him, it was full of pictures and texts, it was the inspection result of the church's medical team, Lin Ruofan probably had an idea in his mind.

According to the picture, this centaur is a human upper body with four arms, plus a four-legged lower body with the same structure as a horse.According to the dissection results of the corpse by the church, Lin Ruofan concluded that this creature has two sets of human meridian node systems.

As for the lower body, to put it bluntly, there are four Yongquan points. What does this mean?Lin Ruofan was thinking.

The place where the centaur was held was in an old castle halfway up a mountain outside the suburbs, and Melbourne was waiting there.The road was very bumpy and no one spoke during the whole process, and the atmosphere was quite stiff.

Lin Ruofan turned her head and asked Luo Yuan with a smile, "By the way, your name is Luo Yuan, why isn't your sister's name Luo Yang? Yuanyang Yuanyang, this is in line with the regular rhythm of naming."

"It was originally planned to be like this, but it was raining when my sister was born, so she was named Luo Yu by the way. After I was born, my parents might really love 'mandarin ducks'. Mandarin ducks are male and female, so they gave me the name "Mandarin Duck". The name is Luo Yuan. What about you?"

"I really don't know the origin of my name, I never asked."

After chatting for a while, the time passed much faster, and soon the car drove to a flat road and drove into the castle.

This area is very large, and the manor outside the castle is overgrown with weeds, and the wall-climbing tigers "clamping inside and outside" have grown all over the walls, and no one has taken care of them for a long time.

There is a lot of dust inside the castle, and some will be raised with every step. There are still many footprints on the ground that are not completely covered by dust. It seems that there are not many priests here.However, there is a powerful prohibition formation in the entire area, which needs to be actively activated, and ordinary people still cannot break in.

After meeting with Melbourne, he directly cut to the subject with a blank face, "Follow me."

Following Melbourne to the basement of the castle, there is plenty of light here, and even some high-tech equipment imitates sunlight to illuminate, which makes people feel very comfortable, without the depressing feeling of "below the ground" at all.

The structure here is similar to the place where the S department detains patients. They are all small rooms, but here is more advanced. You can walk into the cell, and there is an invisible protective net inside to prevent the centaur from coming out.

Following Melbourne into a prison cell, the centaur is currently in a very calm state, lying on the ground as if it is resting.

Lin Ruofan turned on the perspective to check. As he judged, this centaur does have two sets of meridian systems, and the acupoint nodes are of the oriental type, which must be the work of the Pure White family.

This reminded Lin Ruofan of the first time he saw the white peacock of the Pure White family, the lower body of that guy was the body of a peacock.

What would happen if one person could have two meridian systems?Right now Lin Ruofan still doesn't have any thoughts on this question, maybe it can improve his cultivation?Maybe an extra life?

In short, this kind of existence that violates the way of heaven is extremely evil!

Lin Ruofan asked, "Mr. Melbourne, did they attack people?"

"Fortunately, we didn't attack ordinary people, but only targeted the church. We have arrested the ninth child of the Pure White family, but unfortunately he didn't say anything."

Lin Ruofan remembered that Bai Liuli told him that the white peacock in the pure white family was relatively close to the fourth, fifth, and ninth children. It seems that these guys have been conducting this kind of evil research, and they don't know what their purpose is. .

Naturally, Melbourne will definitely prepare a "luxury" cell for Lao Jiu.

The ninth child of the Pure White family is called Bai Wen. When Lin Ruofan heard this name, he couldn't help laughing. The name is really interesting.

Lin Ruofan jokingly said, "Mr. Melbourne, is there still a need for this guy to be interrogated? Look at his name."

Melbourne couldn't help "giggling" a few times, "You have to ask what you should ask."

When he came to the cell where Bai Wen was being held, the guy slowly opened his eyes, sneered and said, "What? You specially invited an oriental man to deal with me?"

Through perspective, it can be seen that Bai Wen is half human and half eagle, and also has two sets of meridian systems.It is said that in order to arrest Bai Wen, the church paid a heavy price with many deaths.

Lin Ruofan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not here to deal with you, but to 'study' you." When he said the word "study", Lin Ruofan's tone was very strange, and Bai Wen felt a chill down his spine. It's like meeting a mad bioscientist.

Melbourne patted Lin Ruofan on the shoulder, which seemed to mean: I leave it to you.Then he left the cell.

"Actually, there is still a lot of fate between us." Lin Ruofan said with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Ruofan lit a cigarette and took two puffs, Bai Wen immediately frowned to express his disgust.Lin Ruofan mischievously spat smoke on his face on purpose, and he gritted his teeth so angry that there was nothing he could do.

"There is something you don't seem to know. Your eleventh brother and twelve brother have been arrested."

Lin Ruofan concentrated on observing the changes in Bai Wen's expression. This guy seemed very calm and calm after hearing Lin Ruofan's words, not because he didn't believe it, but because he didn't care about it at all.

Seeing that the road was blocked, Lin Ruofan immediately continued, "It's a pity that I can't rescue him."

"Rescue? Why do you want to rescue people from our Pure White family?"

Lin Ruofan smiled, and then said, "Your pure white family? You are indifferent to the arrest of your two younger brothers. Are you embarrassed to say 'our' pure white family?"

"You don't have to lie to me with these lies, don't worry, my second brother will find you!"

"Your second brother? I still want to find him. You should know about your seventh sister's illness, right?"

Bai Wen frowned, and asked half-believingly, "Do you know Seventh Sister?"

"It's not just acquaintance, I'm her attending doctor. I met through Bai Liuli's introduction, including your sixth brother. We have a good relationship."

"How are they doing now?"

Lin Ruofan secretly smiled, it seemed that Bai Wen was still interested in Bai Liuli and the others, so he could try to start from here.

"Hey! It's okay, anyway, I didn't get arrested like your two younger brothers. It's a pity that the werewolf's house was destroyed."

Bai Wen snorted coldly, and then said, "I told them earlier that it would be nice to be together. Then you..."

"I said that I am a doctor and have nothing to do with these disputes between you. I am only responsible for saving lives and researching the disease. Isn't this here to 'study' you?"

Bai Wen said in surprise, "Illness? Do you think I'm sick?"

Lin Ruofan asked in a "natural" tone, "Of course! You are far from normal humans, isn't this a disease?"

Bai Wen took a deep breath and was about to say something, suddenly realized that Lin Ruofan was trying to trick him, so he stopped abruptly, and then said with a proud smile, "You are a very good doctor, you almost got out of the way .”

Lin Ruofan frowned slightly and said, "Your seventh sister mentioned you many times."

"Oh yeah? What did you say?"

"Said I was more worried about your condition."

Bai Wen snorted coldly, and then said, "Seventh Sister is indeed a nice person, but she is not an ordinary person, how could she think that I am sick?"

Lin Ruofan put on a look of hating iron but not steel, and reprimanded, "Why not? If she didn't think you were sick, would she risk herself to lead to today's situation!?"

Bai Wen was surprised!Then he asked, "What do you mean!? What happened to Seventh Sister!?"

Lin Ruofan quickly took two puffs of cigarettes, pretended to be a little disappointed, and said in a low tone, "She is in the same state as you now. To be honest, I can't cure it. It is precisely for this reason that I came here for research. , After I heard that you were arrested, I wanted to come over and ask you."

Bai Wen stared closely at Lin Ruofan's eyes, he must be struggling violently in his heart, thinking whether Lin Ruofan was lying.But judging from the various situations Lin Ruofan said, he must have known his brothers and sisters in the family, and must have had contact with them. Such things cannot be fabricated out of thin air.

"Impossible! How is it possible for Seventh Sister!?"

It was true that Bai Liuli found Lin Ruofan because he wanted to see a doctor for Bai Wu, but now Lin Ruofan changed the plot of the story a little and added some new content to tell Bai Wen, which further dispelled his doubts.

"As I said just now, with my current level, there is no cure at all. If you want to save your Seventh Sister, tell me how to recover. Of course, I am definitely not capable of saving you. You have to be prepared mentally."

Bai Wen slightly lowered his head and said, "I understand."

Lin Ruofan was relieved after hearing this answer, this guy has already started to fall into the routine he set.

"Doctor, can you pinch the cigarette first?"

"Huh? Do you hate tobacco so much?"

(End of this chapter)

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