Chapter 249 Fragrant Fruit

"'Xiangxiangguo'." Gu Yao sniffed it, then bit into it, her eyes lit up immediately, and said vaguely: "Uncle, it's delicious."

"Girl, your Hu spicy soup." Just at this time, Gu Yao's Hu spicy soup came.

"Thank you, Boss." Gu Yao scooped up a spoon carefully, shook it, and said, "It's comfortable!"

"Girl, don't tell me, this hot and spicy soup is the most comfortable to drink in winter. I have to drink it every time I come back."

Gu Yao nodded, swallowed a fruit, then looked at the basket at the man's feet with bright eyes, and said, "Uncle, how do you sell this fruit!"

The man was taken aback, and said with a smile: "Girl, this fruit is not cheap, it costs one tael of silver a catty." Because this fruit ripens every five years, it is relatively expensive.

Moreover, this fruit grows on the mountain and can be transplanted. Every time you pick it, you need to go up the mountain. The mountain is the most dangerous in winter, so this fruit is not cheap.

"I want it all." Gu Yao waved her hand, this fruit is not bad, she used her ability just now, and found that this fruit has high nutritional value and sufficient water content.

In winter, there are few fruits in the first place, so we can't let them go when they come across them.

"Look at how much silver you need." Gu Yao stared at the man and said.

Seeing Gu Yao's serious face, the man thought for a while and said, "I just brought out ten catties, a total of twelve taels." Because the fruit was expensive, not many people bought it.

Fortunately, it is resistant to release, so he would bring a similar amount every time he came out, but he didn't expect to meet a big customer today.

Gu Yao took out an ingot of silver from her pocket, put it on the table, and said, "Give me the basket as well." Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to take it!
When the man saw the ingot of silver, he quickly picked it up with a smile, bit it, and said, "Okay, the basket is here for you."

"En." Gu Yao picked up the fruit and wiped it casually. After a while, he almost ate it. After looking at the fruit in the basket, he thought of those people in Xuanyuan's family and asked, "Uncle, do you still have this fruit?" ?"

It's rare to meet fruit sellers, if there are some, buy more and take them home for them to taste, if not, just share some with Xuanyuanqiu.

The man looked at Gu Yao in surprise and said, "Little girl, you are not enough!"

Gu Yao shook her head and said, "Not enough, we have quite a lot of people, and they are all big men, so do you have any more?"

"Yes, yes." His family was lucky, and there were two fragrant fruit trees on the top of their own hills.

"How many?" Gu Yao asked with a smile.

The man smiled and said, "About a few hundred catties."

Hundreds of catties! ! !
Gu Yao stared at that man like a big bad wolf staring at a little white sheep, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll take all of them, so I'll live in Yuelai Inn."

"Today is here all day, you go and bring all the fruits of your family, of course, only today."

"Really?" the man said in disbelief.

Gu Yao took a sip of Hu spicy soup and said, "Of course it's true, I won't lie."

The man thought for a while, this year the children in the family were going to marry their wives, and finally the Xiangxiang tree had matured and could be sold for money, but he had been wandering around for a long time.

They all dislike the price and don't want to buy it.

"Okay, but you have to pay me a deposit of ten taels of silver. After all, I just saw you for the first time today. What if you lie to me?"

Gu Yao thought for a while and said, "Okay." Then he gave the man ten taels of silver, and said, "Look, I choose to trust you, you can't lie to me!"

"Girl, don't worry, my name is Li Daniu. I live in Lijia Village, not far from here. I come here every winter to eat spicy soup. The boss knows me." Li Daniu said with a smile.

"Okay." After Gu Yao finished speaking, she drank the remaining Hu spicy soup in one go, paid the money, picked up the basket of fruit with one hand, carried it back, and said, "I'll be waiting for you at Yuelai Inn!"

Li Daniu was surprised at Gu Yao's strength at this time, so he nodded his head silly and said, "Okay, okay, okay."

Back at the inn, Gu Yao met Ada, and greeted him with a smile: "Ada, this is for you." She said and gave him several fruits.

"Miss Gu." Ada took the fruit unceremoniously, smelled it, and said, "It smells so good, what kind of fruit is this, why is it still there?"

"This one is called 'Xiangxiangguo'. By the way, someone will send this 'Xiangxiangguo' over later. You can watch it for me when the time comes. Remember to call me if someone comes!" Gu Yao said with a smile.

"Okay, Miss Gu." Ada said, took a bite of the fruit, his eyes lit up, and said, "This fruit is really good, refreshing!"

"That's right, I think it's good too, let's not talk, I'll go up and find your young master." Gu Yao went upstairs after speaking.

Ada looked at Gu Yao's back, smiled, and thought to herself, this Miss Gu is different from those in the capital, she is refreshed, without the coquettishness of those noble ladies.

It's just a pity that he doesn't have a good family background, otherwise he would be a good match for his young master!
'knock knock'

"Come in."

Gu Yao pushed open the door, and saw Xuanyuan Qiu leaning against the window, walked in with a smile, and said, "Aqiu, look what I bought back."

Xuanyuanqiu looked over, picked up a fruit, and asked, "What is this? It's quite fragrant."

"This is 'Xiangxiangguo', I met it when I was out shopping, and I have ordered a lot with them, and they will send it over when the time comes, so that everyone under your command can taste it." Gu Yao said laughingly.

Xuanyuanqiu tossed the fruit in his hand and said, "It took a lot of money!" After all, there are not many fruits in this winter!

"It's okay." Gu Yao picked up a fruit and took a bite.

"Then I won't be polite to you." Xuanyuanqiu also took a bite, nodded, and said, "That's right, I don't know how long these fruits can last."

If it is kept for a long time, it can be taken to the capital. His wife likes to eat some fruits in winter, but unfortunately, winter fruits are hard to find.

Gu Yao smiled and said, "When the time comes, you'll know if you ask."

"That's right." Xuanyuanqiu said, "That's right, Ada said, if the snow can stop, we will start tomorrow, if it can't stop, we have to stay here for a few more days."

"I see." Gu Yao nodded.

On the other hand, when Li Daniu returned home, he quickly called his family to pick fruit.

"Father, someone really wants to buy all the fruits in our family!"

"That's right, it's not cheap to buy them all!"

"What are you talking about? It's not good for someone to buy this fruit!"

"That's right, I sold the silver, just to give you three brats to marry your daughters-in-law."

Li Daniu listened to what they said, and quickly said: "I want it, and I also gave me a deposit of ten taels of silver, but I only want it today, so let's act quickly."

"Got it, Dad."

There are many people and strength, and they picked all the fruits from the two trees in half an hour, that is, Li Daniu was a little worried looking at the big baskets.

"Father, our bullock cart can't fit!" Li Daniu said to his father.

His father waited for him, and said: "You don't need to say, I have asked the eldest son to find someone to borrow a ox cart, and it is almost back."

After the words fell, Li Daniu's eldest son came back, "Father, you have finished picking!"

"Stinky boy, hurry up, we'll send them over in one go." Li Daniu patted his elder son on the shoulder and said.

"Good good."

Yuelai Inn
Ada looked at the two bullock carts driving towards this side, looked at the baskets of 'Xiangxiangguo' on it, and felt that they should be the people Gu Yao mentioned.

So he said to the people around him: "Go, tell Miss Gu, the person he is waiting for is here."


As soon as the man left, Li Daniu walked over, hesitantly not knowing what to do, the little girl didn't say who to turn to when she came!

Ada stepped forward and asked, "How are you, fellow townsman, have you made an appointment with our young lady?"

"Huh." Li Daniu looked at Ada and said, "I have an appointment with a little girl, but I don't know if she is your lady."

"It should be." Ada said with a smile: "When our lady came back just now, she told me that someone would come to deliver 'Xiangxiangguo', is it you!"

"It's me, it's me." Li Daniu said excitedly.

"Uncle." As soon as Gu Yao heard the news of Li Daniu's arrival, she immediately came down with Xuanyuanqiu, and immediately saw Li Daniu chatting with Ada.

Li Daniu turned his head and said with a smile: "Little girl, I brought them to you. They are all fresh and just picked."

"Master, Miss Gu." After Ada finished speaking, she stood beside her.

Li Daniu looked at Xuanyuanqiu, then at Gu Yao, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said nervously: "Little girl, we will divide it when we come."

"Six baskets, one forty catties, a total of 220 catties. As I said before, it's a tael of silver. But if you buy a lot, even if you buy 850 Wen, what do you think?"

Gu Yao smiled and said: "Uncle, thank you, I will do as you said." Then she said to Ada: "Ada, go unload the goods."

"Okay, Miss Gu." After Ada finished speaking, she went over to get into an ox cart, greeted Li Daniu's eldest son, and asked him to follow her.

As for Li Daniu, Gu Yao took him into the backyard, where they parked the carriage, after a while, Ada brought Li Daniu's son over.

Gu Yao saw that everyone was here, so she smiled and began to take out the money, and said, "Uncle, I gave you ten taels just now, so I will give you another 190 four taels, you do the math, right?"

When Li Daniu heard the amount of silver, his heart was full of excitement. With so much silver, he could finally marry his three sons. He paused and said: "Little girl, I haven't weighed it yet, I will weigh it later."

Gu Yao smiled and said, "Uncle, I believe in you." Then she stuffed the money into Li Daniu's hand.

In fact, Gu Yao believed in herself, this Li Daniu had clear eyes, he didn't look like those short-sighted people, and what's more, the ability didn't tell her that Li Daniu had evil thoughts in his heart!
"By the way, uncle, how long can this 'Xiangxiangguo' be stored!" She did not forget what Xuanyuanqiu said before.

Li Daniu said with a smile: "It can be stored for a long time, but it will not work when the weather gets hot. Also, if it becomes soft, it will go bad, so eat it as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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