Chapter 97

"Then Lieutenant Carlo, you can report this to the Card family. I will inform you about your assignment later. During this period, you can rest at home."

"Yes, thank you very much!"

Carlo lowered his head and walked out of the room.

Ye Yan and Wu Zai looked at the closed door——

Wu Zai said, "What a good boy... I think I want a son like that."

"Huh? Then you should also consider that it's time to stabilize, right? The opponent has as much as he wants, Wu Zai."

"If I do that, I will definitely be killed!"

"Of course, because you hang out with several women at the same time every time."

"I am a person with a fair heart."

"I can really tell."

"Leave this aside, that his name Carlo? Where are you going to send him?"

Ye Yan replied very simply,

"Frontier Pursuit."

Wu Zai couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

"Ah? Why is he assigned to that kind of place..."

Surprise is a given.

Frontier Pursuit, one of the most hated troops.

Those who fled the Starry Night Empire without authorization—that is, the former companions were captured or wiped out.The troops responsible for such tasks are among the most difficult in this era without war.

In addition, the place they went to was in the territory of another country without the support of the Starry Night Empire.Moreover, the people who can cross the border are at least those who have learned the powerful illusion of the Starry Night Empire, and they are their opponents.


Troops that carry out such missions that are often accompanied by death... The pursuit troops are always called "companion killers" contemptuously by people in other troops...

So the children of nobles will definitely not be assigned to that place.

Gathered there are only orphans who have strength but are helpless...

So Wu Zai was very surprised.

"Yeyan, what are you thinking about?"

Ye Yan shrugged his shoulders,

"Hehe, this is a secret. In short, give him to Luke and the others."

Wu Zai became more and more surprised...

"Luke? I said... why is he still doing border pursuit work? Why? Didn't you pull him out when you overthrew the former emperor..."

"Haha, he, he seems to want to work under Mi Li. He has no interest in getting ahead."

"No, that's the case... Senior Mi Li can be more outstanding..."

"The same goes for Mi Li. He doesn't want to leave the task of chasing down this man's life to other people. Even if I wanted to give him the position of lieutenant general, he refused. He said that it would be more convenient to keep the rank of major commander. .”


Wu Zai looked helpless.

"Is that guy an idiot? Staying in that nasty department by himself..."

Ye Yan smiled happily.

"It is because of such people that this country is safe and sound. Even if there is an emperor like me."

"I see."

"Don't agree so simply!"

While chattering with Wu Sha, Ye Yan closed the documents in his hands, "Okay, today's work is over. Let's go."

"it is good."

The two were about to leave the room.

at this time.

Ye Yan and Wu Sha Wu felt an overwhelming murderous aura from outside the door of the room...

The murderous aura rushed in from the door undisguised.

Wu Sha transformed into a posture protecting Yeyan.

"What was that just now!?"

"I don't know...but..."

Nightflame stared sharply at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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