Secret Service Crown Princess: Fudge a country to play

Chapter 191 White Tiger Country Special Protected Animal 2

Chapter 191 White Tiger Country Special Protected Animal 2
Tang Chu stretched out his hand to pat my mouth pamperingly, and said:

"Why are you still here! Don't look at these things about Luoluo! I hope that from now on, all the things and words that fall into your eyes and ears will fall into your eyes and ears."


I really like Tang Chu, this person has the purest soul in the world.

Many years later, I thought that the reason why I didn't become a problem girl because of my special family environment and my own special abilities when I was young was probably related to my encounter with Tang Chu early on.


We walked all the way down the mountain along Shifu, and after a while, the person who carried Xu Jing on his back also caught up.

I saw that Xu Jing's face was normal except that he was still in a coma, so I was a little relieved.

I thought the way down the mountain would be relatively calm. After all, everyone’s energy was concentrated on the fight at the wedding banquet. We chose to go down the mountain at this time, which is really a unique school.

I was even talking to Tang Chu:
"Actually, that little prince is quite stupid! You know if you want to come or not, won't you secretly find someone to steal it? If you can't steal it, you can still cheat, or put an eyeliner on Yanhui Mountain to find out where the things are first. He is serious. But he is very persistent in playing smart, I really don’t know whether to praise him for being upright or scold him for being stupid.”

Tang Chu smiled:

"Luoluo, you kind of sympathize with him."

I replied:

"It's not sympathy, I'm just explaining this matter! Life is like this, you can't always expect to be hanged from a tree! This tree is too thin to hang people, you can try it a few times on other trees nearby ! He...huh?"

While speaking, a white mass on the ground in the forest caught my attention.

I pointed my finger there and said to Tang Chu:

"You see what that is?"

He also brightened his eyes, looked at it for a long time, and then said:

(End of this chapter)

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