A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 524 Entry of participating teams

Chapter 524 Entry of participating teams
Although Qin Ke'er had already forced herself to make all kinds of psychological preparations, when she stepped into the main hall and saw the scene before her, her heart still hurt very much, extremely severe.

I saw a young woman in a red dress sitting on Wei Liao's lap, with her arms around Wei Liao's neck, and one of Wei Liao's hands was around the woman's waist, and the other was holding her waist. He picked up a grape and was about to raise his hand to deliver it to the woman's mouth.

This, what is this?
Qin Ke'er only felt that her consciousness was in a trance for a while, if it wasn't for a hand suddenly coming from behind to support her, she would most likely faint immediately.

"Miss Ke'er, you can't lose at this time." Chunhua's voice came softly from beside her ear.

Although her voice was very soft, Qin Ke'er suddenly calmed down as if she heard thunder that broke the sky.

Yes, she can't lose. At this time, she can't lose no matter what.

Qin Ke'er changed into a surprised expression as quickly as possible, and then changed into an angry expression in the blink of an eye.

"What a bold maid! Come on, get her out of here!" Qin Ke'er shouted sharply, thinking that Chunhua behind her would rush up immediately, but who knew that before Chunhua could take a step, the other two in the main hall Several people rushed in through the door.

After Qin Ke'er saw the people who came in clearly, he realized that the people who came in were all his servants.

The women's team rushing out of the north door on the west side is mainly Qiao's, supplemented by Xu Niang and others.And rushing out from the south door on the west side is the men's team that mainly focuses on the style of the year and is assisted by two masters, Zhang and Wang.

If you remove the anger on their faces, it really looks like two participating teams are on the field.

(End of this chapter)

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