A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 505 Endless Black Line Swish Swish

Chapter 505 Endless Black Line Swish Swish

Dabao and Erbao looked at each other, turned their heads to look at Qin Ke'er at the same time, and said pitifully, "Mother, our Shaqima..."

The endless black lines swished down, Qin Ke'er just wanted to jump off the stairs, hang up as soon as possible, and get rid of all the big and small headaches in the house as soon as possible.

"I got it, I got it, you guys go down and play first, and mother will make you Shaqima to eat in the evening." Qin Ke'er sent the two little babies away with a smile on her face, and then pinched her waist and turned to look at Zheng Zheng. Wei Liao was half lying on the soft couch.

Qin Ke'er didn't understand, why did he feel that the man in front of him was like an exile?Why do you think this man is a big ice cube who doesn't understand style?

(End of this chapter)

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