A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 503 There is something serious to talk about

Chapter 503 There is something serious to talk about

In the middle of the day, I could actually see him appearing in front of my eyes. Now that's all right, I don't want to have a leisurely life for the whole afternoon.

"Wei Liao, are you free? Appearing in front of me at this time, don't you have to work? Have you changed the diapers of Xiao San and Xiao Si? Have you fed them milk?"

Qin Ke'er glared at Wei Liao angrily, grabbed the chubby hands of the two children in front of her, and was about to go downstairs.

"Oh, my wife, don't worry, all the work has been done. I took a shower and changed my clothes. I don't believe you smell it. Is it your favorite mint fragrance?" The clothes I just changed shook in front of Qin Ke'er, and then angrily knocked off the little hands of the two children, "Go, go, go and have fun on your own, your father and I have business to discuss with your mother. "

(End of this chapter)

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