A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 399 Squirrel Mandarin Fish

Chapter 399 Squirrel Mandarin Fish
Qin Keer was speechless.

No matter whether she asked or begged, she was about to give an order in the end, but Shopkeeper Xu still insisted on sticking to the address he chose.

Miss Ke'er, that's Miss Ke'er!
Before shopkeeper Xu knelt down and begged Qin Keer not to force him to change his address, Qin Keer finally compromised.

Ms. Ke'er is Miss Ke'er!Anyway, in this day and age, Miss is still a very pure and kind title.

In terms of titles, after the two finally reluctantly united, the next thing is to start discussing what to choose for Qin Keer's first special dish after becoming a shareholder.

The first dish, which can be regarded as a new beginning, should not be too casual, nor should it be difficult for everyone to accept.

And now it is midsummer, and the appetite of the diners has to be taken care of.

Putting these requirements together is really difficult for ordinary people, but for Qin Keer, such a problem is still acceptable.

Squirrel mandarin fish.

A sweet and sour dish that is both salty and light.Even in the height of summer, such flavors will definitely whet people's appetites.

Gui has the same pronunciation as expensive, which makes people feel happy.

Fish and Yu have the same pronunciation, and there is more than every year, which is very appropriate for Qin Keer's idea of ​​making the first shot.

Although Qin Ke'er is a self-sufficient foodie, although she knows how to cook some dishes, it is a completely different matter to actually operate them.

This squirrel mandarin fish shows the chef's profound skills in terms of knife skills, seasoning, even the heat of frying and the torment of the soup.

Qin Ke'er thought that she didn't have such a great ability, so in her previous life, if she wanted to eat this dish, she would find an authentic Suzhou restaurant, order such a fish dish, and eat it very happily.

In this life, Qin Ke'er naturally still doesn't have that ability, but luckily the chefs in the back kitchen of Drunken Immortal Pavilion are good at cooking. I just need to take a small fish to make a model, and let the master chefs play freely. would be too bad.

In the Ming Dynasty, it was not a rare thing to eat fish. There were fish in rivers in summer, and there were fish in ice holes in winter. It was just in the way of eating, but the practice of hanging paste was never used.

Maybe it was in the imperial palace in Kyoto, but Qin Keer hadn't seen it or eaten it, so it didn't count.

So when Qin Ke'er said that he was going to dip the fish in batter, the master chefs in the kitchen couldn't help laughing.

But when they saw Qin Ke'er's disheveled but tasty little fish, the master chefs put away their disdainful expressions.

Especially when shopkeeper Xu finally revealed that Qin Keer was the creator of mushroom powder, the faces of several master chefs showed a layer of admiration.

As chefs, being able to cook delicious food is naturally the happiest thing for them, especially the chefs who are master chefs in this Drunken Fairy Pavilion.

If you encounter a very delicious new dish, it will definitely be more attractive than giving them a lot of money.

After trying repeatedly and ruining more than a dozen fresh fish, a squirrel mandarin fish that was most similar to Qin Ke'er's memory was born.

It is said that they are similar, not the same. In fact, the main reason is that there is no ketchup in this era.

In terms of taste, Qin Ke'er can only be reconciled with sweet and sour, and in terms of color, it can only be made with soy sauce and sugar.So this squirrel mandarin fish, apart from being similar in appearance to the previous life, tastes like sweet and sour mandarin fish at best.

(End of this chapter)

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