A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 388 Qin Keer's Confession

Chapter 388 What Qin Keer Confessed

Holding the teacup in her hand, and observing other situations in the cloth shop with her eyes, Qin Keer subconsciously brought the teacup to her mouth.

A light tea fragrance hits the nostrils.

This tea seems to be brewed with sweet-scented osmanthus, but Qin Ke'er sniffed it carefully, but felt that the aroma was not exactly like sweet-scented osmanthus.

What kind of tea is this?

Qin Ke'er couldn't help flashing a doubt in his mind.

As a foodie, besides being interested in eating, drinking is also an important part of their life fun.

Obviously, the aroma of the tea attracted Qin Ke'er's attention.

He took a small sip of the tea, it was a little sweet, but not as sweet as sugar, it was a little fragrant, but it tasted completely different from the tea he had drunk.

It felt like putting my entire mouth in a place with flowers and plants, it felt amazing.

Take another sip, and the sweetness dissipates, replaced by a little astringency, as if the tea has been overcooked, so the taste of the tea can't help but become a little astringent.

One cup of tea, but two completely different tastes, Qin Ke'er became more and more curious.

But Qin Keer forgot one thing, a very important thing.

When I was eating with Wei Liao at noon, I realized that I had encountered the dilemma of "curiosity killed the cat", but now, I have forgotten this lesson.

Just about to take a third sip of tea, Qin Ke'er suddenly felt dizzy.

It felt like jumping off a high-speed Ferris wheel. Although he was not injured, he was very dizzy.

Putting the teacup in her hand on the table rationally, Qin Ke'er leaned on her head with the other hand, her body began to shake slightly.

Halo, so dizzy!

At this moment, Qin Ke'er only had this feeling in her heart.

Just before Qin Ke'er was about to close her eyes and lose consciousness, Qin Ke'er vaguely saw the little boy who was standing next to her running towards her quickly, and there seemed to be an unspeakable complacency on that face .

Oops, fell for it...

This was Qin Keer's last thought before fainting.

Xiaoju has always been a good baby, at least when facing Qin Keer's orders, she is absolutely obedient.

So as soon as the three of them left the cloth shop, they clamored to find Xu Niang and others.

Lu Xiaoyu ignored Xiaoju because she was in a bad mood, Hu Miaoxiang knew what was the reason for Lu Xiaoyu, she was worried that something would happen to Lu Xiaoyu, and she was also a little angry that Qin Keer ignored Lu Xiaoyu's mood instead of going to the rag shop to buy it. Things, so she didn't take Xiaoju's words to heart.

Xiaoju couldn't help being a little anxious, and talked about it many times around the other two sisters, but after the two of them still ignored her, Xiaoju waved her hands and ran directly towards the Zuixian Pavilion.

The reason why he chose Zuixian Pavilion was because Qin Ke'er said that if everyone gets separated and can't find each other, they should go to the Zuixian Pavilion to gather, and if the matter is urgent, ask Shopkeeper Xu to help.

Although Xiaoju didn't understand why she was so impatient, her mind kept ringing with Qin Ke'er's last confession, taking everyone to the cloth shop.

As for whether she went to the cloth store to move things or to do something else, Xiaoju couldn't understand it, and didn't have the heart to think about it.

Arriving at the Zuixian Pavilion, Xiaoju found no one else except Xu Niang, so anxious, she told Xu Niang and shopkeeper Xu what Qin Keer had said in the end.

"What? Which cloth shop did Miss Ke'er go to?"

(End of this chapter)

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