A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 362 The Lucky Star of the Wei Family

Chapter 362 The Lucky Star of the Wei Family

Facing Qin Ke'er's acknowledgment, Wei Jian gave her a few words very bluntly, and then the two began to plan one by one for the next thing to do.

The first is to openly sell the recipe for mushroom powder.

It's not a big deal to say that Wei Jian is in charge of this matter, but the problem lies in the picking of mushrooms.

Qin Keer asked Xiaoju to bring some dried mushrooms that she had sun-dried, soaked them in boiling water, and placed them in front of Wei Jian.

As soon as Wei Jian saw the soaked mushrooms, he yelled, "Qin Ke'er, this, this is poison, what are you using it for?"

Shaking her head helplessly and sighing, Qin Ke'er knew that things would turn out like this.

"Master, you just ate so many mushrooms, are you poisoned? Is there something wrong?"

"What did you say?" Wei Jian looked at Qin Ke'er in horror, as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of her words.

Qin Ke'er shrugged helplessly, turned around and walked out of the room, and walked in with a job after a while.

There was half a bowl of miso in the bowl. Wei Jian remembered that the taste of this sauce was not bad, and he ate a lot just now.

"What happened to the meat sauce?"

"Meat sauce?" Qin Ke'er looked down at the sauce bowl in his hand, then looked up at Wei Jian, and said, "You think this is meat sauce?"

Wei Jian didn't speak, but the expression on his face was obviously saying "how could it not be meat sauce".

"Xiaoju, come in with an empty bowl and a ladle of water." Qin Ke'er put down the sauce bowl, and beckoned Xiaoju to come in and help him.

Pick out the diced mushrooms in the sauce bowl with chopsticks, and soak them in clear water until the sauce on the diced mushrooms is washed off, Qin Keer then Wei Jian took a closer look.

At first glance, the appearance of diced mushrooms was similar to diced meat, but when Qin Keer cut the diced meat in half, Wei Jian discovered that there was no meat inside.

This fact made Wei Jian extremely shocked.

"Mushrooms are divided into poisonous and non-toxic. The ones we eat now and the ones added to the mushroom powder are not poisonous." Qin Keer patiently explained to Wei Jian .

"Then how do you distinguish whether this thing is poisonous or not?" Wei Jian looked at Qin Ke'er in disbelief.

"It's very simple, just look at the appearance." Qin Ke'er shrugged and said it naturally.

"Wait, you said that these things are divided into poisonous and non-toxic, and you can distinguish whether they are poisonous or not." Speaking of this, Wei Jian couldn't help but pause, and then continued: "So at the very beginning , You said that you want to announce this thing to the public when you are in a disaster, just to let the disaster have something to eat?"

Qin Keer nodded and agreed with Wei Jian's words.

Qin Ke'er had already mentioned this kind of thought at the very beginning, but some people didn't take it to heart.

"Ke'er, you, you are the lucky star of our Wei family!" Wei Jian laughed out loud, making Qin Ke'er's hair stand on end in shock.

I don't know why, but when she heard Wei Jian say this, Qin Ke'er felt a sense of terror.

"Master, sir, please speak up if you have something to say, don't, don't be surprised, I'm timid, I can't stand your outburst."

"Haha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this time is a good thing, a great thing! Ke'er, I will give you three days to prepare some non-poisonous mushrooms. After three days, I will send someone to pick you up in your prefecture." As he said, Wei Jian had already got up from the chair and walked towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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