A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 345 I Can't Promise This

Chapter 345 I Can't Promise This

 "Yusuo, why do you want so much mushroom powder? Is it possible that you don't plan to come to me for a year or so, so you want to take away the amount for a year and a half at once?"

 Although she was puzzled in her heart, Qin Ke'er still had an expression of ignorance on her face.

 Hearing what Qin Ke'er said, Liu Yusuo showed a layer of shyness on his face, and said in an embarrassed tone: "Ke'er, what you said, how could I do that! In fact, it takes so much quantity, not only For my own use. My father said, this thing tastes so good, I want everyone to taste it. That's why I came here to buy more from you, and brought it back to Qiuqu shop, so that everyone in our place can know This thing."

 The words are nice enough, and inside and out they want to let the villagers eat delicious food together, but as long as anyone with a little brain hears these words, he will definitely think that Liu Yusuo's father wants to make a fortune with this.

 Qin Ke'er has no objection to making money, but if he wants to make money from mushroom powder, then everything needs to be studied.

 "So, Yusuo, may I interpret your words as saying that your father wants to earn some money by selling mushroom powder?" Qin Ke'er didn't continue to pretend to be stupid this time, but directly pointed to the point.

 Just now, Qin Ke'er was still quite talkative, but when he said that suddenly, Liu Yusuo's face was inevitably a little uneasy.But fortunately, there were only three of them in this room, and they could be regarded as best friends with handkerchiefs, so Liu Yusuo's face just blushed, and soon returned to normal.

 "Keer, we don't take this stuff for nothing. If you say a price, my family will definitely take a penny from you. You see, you have to build a house and feed so many people. Isn't money needed everywhere? Son! We don’t count this money flowing into the pockets of outsiders, my father said, my family will only earn a carriage fee, and we must not treat you badly.”

 Liu Yusuo's face was very serious, it could be seen that she really wanted to help Qin Ke'er.

 But for some things, Qin Ke'er accepts help, but for some things, Qin Ke'er must not back down.

 For example, mushroom powder.

 "Yusuo normally says that I shouldn't save your face, but I really can't agree to this matter. If you like to eat this food, I can send it to your home later, but if you sell it to make money. This matter , I can't make the decision." Qin Ke'er also had a straight face, very serious.

 The scene at this moment looked a little weird, a girl who was only ten years old and a girl who was only 13 years old were facing each other, completely in a posture of negotiation, only Xiaoju was in the middle looking at the left and then the right, A look of bewilderment.

 "Ke'er, you!" Liu Yusuo never thought that Qin Ke'er would refuse so directly, and couldn't help feeling a little angry for a while.

 Others didn't understand, didn't understand, but this sentence Xiaoju already understood.

 "Sister Yusuo, let's talk about everything, don't worry!"

 Being interrupted by Xiao Ju, Liu Yusuo also realized that he was a little anxious just now, so he hurriedly recovered his emotions, and said to Qin Ke'er patiently: "Ke'er, what you said is too extreme, isn't it hurting our sisters? But he has a solution for everything, right? Just tell me, what are you going to do to sell this mushroom and mushroom powder to my family. "

 Having said all this, Qin Ke'er knew that she should show her truth, otherwise Liu Yusuo might not be able to embarrass herself or Xiao Ju!

(End of this chapter)

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