A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 333 Is the money enough?

Chapter 333 Is the money enough?
 Because of Hu Jiren's relationship, the green bricks bought by Qin Ke'er's family have already been discounted.

 When the person in charge of the brick kiln heard that the number would quadruple, he couldn't help being surprised.

 Coupled with the Huji people's dealings, the price of green bricks was once again lowered by a part.Qin Ke'er did the math, although the overall budget was a little higher than her own, but thinking about the shadow of her big house, she gritted her teeth and paid the money in one lump sum.

 At the same time, Qin Ke'er's drawings were soon known by more and more people because of Master Lu's publicity.

 The Qin family in Dongning Village, Changcang County wanted to build a large and beautiful three-story building!

 For a while, the three aunts and six wives in the surrounding villages who had nothing to do went for a stroll in Dongning Village, but when they rushed to Qin Keer's house and were about to see the beautiful three-story building, all they saw were two planted buildings. A crooked little earthen house.

 All of them couldn't help being so angry that they stood not far from Qin Ke'er's house and scolded their mothers.

 Facing such a phenomenon, Qin Ke'er seemed a little helpless.In fact, I didn't want to be so flamboyant. Who knew that Master Lu's mouth was looser than a cotton crotch, and he had already publicized the house before the foundation of the house was laid.

 But seeing Master Lu seriously checking the materials and discussing the details of building the house with Qin Keer carefully, Qin Keer finally decided to endure it.

 Because I didn't see the house, after a long time, the news that Qin Keer's house was going to build a three-story building gradually faded away, which made Qin Keer heave a sigh of relief.

 After all, the feeling of being treated as an animal and being admired by others is not very good.

 On the fourth day after finalizing the design draft with Master Lu, the vacant land that Qin Keer's family had just bought was finally cleaned up.

 I originally planned to only clear the grass on the area where the house was built, but who knows that the plan is not as fast as changing, because Master Lu repeatedly suggested amendments, and all the grass on the ground was cleared out.

 But this time, the floor area of ​​Qin Ke'er's house has really become the level of a landlord's house.

 "Ke'er, is our money enough for such a big house?" After dinner, Zhang Liu'er pulled Qin Ke'er aside and asked in a low voice.

 Regarding money, Qin Ke'er was not worried at all at first, but now that Master Lu is going to build a house for him, he is afraid that the budget will far exceed his plan.

 Now that Zhang Liuer asked herself, Qin Keer finally couldn't pretend anymore.

 "Auntie, to be honest, I'm also worried about this now."

 Hearing what Qin Ke'er said, Zhang Liu'er was not worried, but heaved a sigh of relief, "You know what's in your heart, then, that's good, Auntie is worried about you, don't count, mess, mess around."

 "Auntie, Ke'er, don't you know how to do things? Although I am also worried about not having enough money, it doesn't matter. We can make money while building a house! At worst, we won't build such a big one!" Qin Ke'er chuckled, He held Zhang Liuer's hand instead.

 Zhang Liu'er patted Qin Ke'er's head lovingly with one free hand, and said with a smile: "Yes, Ke'er, yes, if the money is really not enough, I must, tell my aunt, aunt, yes."

 "Huh?" Qin Ke'er was a little puzzled by Zhang Liu'er's words. Didn't Zhang Liu'er have nothing when she came out of her hometown?Why did you say yes all of a sudden?
 "Auntie, what do you mean? Do you have money? Where did you get it?"

(End of this chapter)

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