A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 304 Land reclamation!

Chapter 304 Land reclamation!

 Village Chief Si really couldn't beat Qin Ke'er, and at the same time realized that this little girl might want to set up a cottage on her own, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement in the end.

 According to Qin Keer's request, the village head Si pointed out that the wasteland behind Qin Keer's house, that is, at the foot of the mountain, is actually unowned land.

 Although it is difficult to open up such land, the price is low. For Qin Ke'er's current situation, it is definitely a good choice to bulldoze and build a house on such land.

 Once the location is selected, the rest of the work can only be handed over to Hu Jiren.

 And Qin Ke'er led all his subordinates to start mining the wasteland in full swing.

 This piece of land is about 80 meters long and [-] meters wide, and it is roughly a square. The land deed says [-] mu of land, but in the actual measurement, the village head allocated a large amount of nearby wasteland to Qin Ke. Son.

 Calculated in this way, the land under Qin Ke'er's name is nearly [-] mu.This is in Ningcheng Mansion, the size is really a landlord.

 Qin Ke'er was naturally happy when she thought that she was one step closer to her dream of being a landowner.

 However, he didn't dare to be greedy. This time, the land reclamation was just to clean up the boundaries needed to build a house. As for other places, they remained as they were.

 After all, manpower is limited, if you want to open up all of them, you have to hire more workers.

 In addition to eating and drinking, these workers hired are also paid a lot of money.

 Qin Ke'er thought about it, but decided to take it step by step, anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future.

 As for the others, when they heard that Qin Ke'er was going to build a new house, they were all extremely happy.

 Even Lu Anbang, who was in better health, clamored to join in.

 But with his small body, who would dare to let him do heavy work!In the end, only the job of serving tea and water was left to him.

 The only big animal in the family, the mule, also became the main labor force at this time, but this time it was no longer pulling the mill, but pulling carts, sledges and other things, walking back and forth on the wasteland.

 This kind of work continued for three days, and everyone was so tired that their bodies ached, but no one said they were tired.On the contrary, there was an unconcealable look of joy on everyone's face.

 This is the longing for a new life.

 Anyone who has lived with Qin Ke'er knows that this little girl who doesn't look very old, only ten years old, is far better than too many adults in dealing with others.

 And she has ideas and goals in her head, she knows what she wants, and she knows what she wants to bring to everyone.

 Although she is the master of everyone in name, in reality, everyone is equal in this family.This way of treating others made Qin Ke'er the backbone of everyone.

 On the third day, after sunset, the sky was slightly brighter, and it would be completely dark in a short time.

 At this time, Qin Ke'er's house was busy making dinner.After a long day of exhaustion, Qin Ke'er was never stingy with this evening meal.

 "Miss Ke'er! Miss Ke'er!" An anxious shout suddenly came from outside the gate.

 Judging from the voice, the person who came should be Xiaoju's father, Erdan Kui.

 "Uncle Kui, why are you here?" Qin Keer was washing his hands in the yard, when he heard someone calling him, he looked up.

 "Oh, Miss Ke'er, it's not good!" Kui Erdan looked anxious, and when he saw Qin Ke'er, he even slapped his thigh with two big hands.

(End of this chapter)

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