A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 275 Improved Western Food

Chapter 275 Improved Western Food
There was still one day and one night before the time set by the Queen, Qin Ke'er's laughter finally erupted in the kitchen of the Wei Mansion.

"Successful! Hahahaha! Successful!"

After a day and night of hard work, Qin Ke'er finally succeeded in making seven kinds of western food condiments and ten kinds of western food dishes.

Although there are only [-]% of these now, the remaining things such as salads are easier to operate than others as long as they are mixed with condiments, so Qin Ke'er did not start making them right now.

"Ker, that's all you said?" Wei Jian looked at the dishes on the Dafang table in disbelief.

Although these things were all made by Qin Ke'er under his own eyes, when he thought of putting those weird things together, Wei Jian felt that the taste must be not very good.

"Master Tie! Master Tie!" Qin Ke'er ignored Wei Jian's astonishment, wiped his hands, and shouted outside the door.

Tie Shou entered in response, Qin Ke'er asked Tie Shou to come and invite Wei Liao to come over.

During this day and night, Qin Ke'er and Wei Jian hardly closed their eyes, and Wei Liao was busy all the time.

Different from Qin Ke'er and Wei Jian, what Wei Liao had to do was to assemble his troops as quickly as possible to rescue the emperor, and also to collect all the evidence against the leftist in the fastest time.

Hearing that Qin Ke'er was looking for him, Wei Liao quickly put down his work and rushed over.

When Wei Liao appeared in the kitchen, Qin Ke'er had already made a chowder salad with some vegetables and fruits left on the dining table.

"Okay, everyone is here, let the two masters have a taste of the little girl's handicraft!"

Qin Ke'er looked smug. When it comes to cooking, Qin Ke'er thought he couldn't compare to the masters of his previous life, but in this Ming Dynasty, he can still do it well.

Beef tenderloin with black pepper, rice wine steak, fish fillet in honey sauce, tomato seafood soup, crispy baked apple...

These Western dishes, which were more or less improved by Qin Ke'er, were put on the table one by one. Although the appearance was not very good, the smell was really interesting.

"Are these things really edible?" Wei Jian once again expressed his doubts.

It's no wonder Wei Jian has such doubts, it's really something made by Qin Ke'er, it's too ugly.

In fact, Qin Ke'er also felt that the selling of these dishes was a bit off, but there was nothing he could do!In the Ming Dynasty, there were no ovens, ovens, or even a pressure cooker, let alone a microwave oven.

Many things and many methods are tried out by myself, and it is not easy to make the taste. As for the appearance, Qin Ke'er is really powerless.

In contrast, Wei Liao was much quieter.He only asked "Are you ready?" after coming in, and never spoke again.

Until Qin Ke'er handed over the silver chopsticks, Wei Liao picked up the dish closest to him without any hesitation, and put it directly into his mouth.

And the dish he picked up was the rice wine steak improved by Qin Keer.

The steak was cut by Qin Ke'er into chunks of beef that could be chewed in one bite, and the red wine was replaced by rice wine.

In fact, there is no red wine, and fruit wine is also a good choice.It's just that at this moment, it's too late to make fresh fruit wine.There is no way but to use rice wine instead.

After eating a piece of steak, Wei Liao didn't say a word, but put down his chopsticks to pick it up again, which annoyed Wei Jian who was standing aside.

(End of this chapter)

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