A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 222 Who is your master

Chapter 222 Who is your master

Fortunately, in addition to the large pots commonly used in rural areas, the kitchen of Weifu also has many small iron pots, which are used to fry delicate side dishes.This is also convenient for Qin Ke'er's operation at this time, otherwise, according to her current height, she really can't handle that kind of big iron pot.

When the tomatoes were about to come out of the pot, Qin Keer ordered the cook to prepare two bowls of rice for the two uncles.

When the rice was served, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes came out of the pot, and what came out of the pot immediately was naturally braised peppers.

There are two dishes, one is red and yellow, and the other is emerald green. Just by looking at it, I feel very appetizing.Coupled with the fragrance of peppers and the unique aroma of tomatoes in the air, the environment in the kitchen really made people feel hungry for a while.

Qin Ke'er really couldn't eat anymore, so these two dishes were completely cheap for the Wei family brothers.

"Tsk tsk, it's not bad, it's delicious!" Wei Jian couldn't help exclaiming while eating.

The techniques used by Qin Ke'er were all learned in her previous life. They are basically the same as the cooking methods used by the Ming Dynasty, but they are not the same in many small details.

If you are not a person who has special research on food, it is really difficult to taste the difference for a while.

But now, the two people who are eating obviously have some research on food.

The iron hand who had just arrived had already closed the door of the kitchen, so the maids and servants who watched the excitement outside did not see the two god-like masters in the mansion, and they were in a state of almost madness at this time.

It's not that they look ugly when they eat, on the contrary, Qin Ke'er feels that just watching these two eat is already a great enjoyment.

But for those who have seen Wei Jian and Wei Liao eating, the scene at this time is simply a world-shattering scene.

After eating, Wei Jian wiped his mouth eagerly, and looked at Qin Ke'er very curiously: "Ker girl, who did you learn this cooking from? Can you recommend it to me? This cooking skill is great. Already!"

computer, tv, internet...

Qin Ke'er secretly answered in her heart.

"This, I taught myself." Qin Ke'er replied.

Such an answer is not a lie!Qin Ke'er really looked at the recipes provided by the majority of netizens on the Internet, and tried to make them at home time and time again.More or less self-taught.

"Self-study?" Wei Jian's eyes widened when he heard this, "Ke'er, you are not a good boy to lie to others!"

A row of black crows flew overhead, and Qin Keer looked at Wei Jian speechlessly.

"Brother, are you full?" Wei Liao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke to Wei Jian.

"Me? I'm full! I'm not hungry at all." Wei Jian didn't understand the meaning of Wei Liao's words, so he answered honestly.

"Oh, I'm full, let's go for a walk! I heard that Chunxiangyuan has a new girl again."

When Wei Liao said this, it seemed as simple as telling Wei Jian that it was raining outside.

"Ah? Really?" Wei Jian's eyes lit up when he heard that a new girl was coming, but he quickly reacted and said angrily, "Third brother, what do you mean by that? Is it possible that you don't agree with me?" Go to Ke'er's master to learn art?"

"I heard that he is still a young man, and the price will be auctioned tonight." Wei Liao still ignored it and said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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