A Handbook of Happiness for Small Farmers

Chapter 130 You have to take good care of me

Chapter 130 You have to take good care of me
Qin Ke'er simply cleaned up the pork she bought, then put it aside to dry, and took advantage of this time to light up the stove.

Then use a knife to shave off the fat and put it in a pot to fry. Slowly pour the boiled lard into the jar for later use. Then cut the remaining fresh meat with fat and meat into several pieces, and put a little freshly boiled pork The oil is in the pan, and the pieces of fresh meat are fried back and forth until the meat is fully cooked, and then these pork pieces are put into the previous jar.

Finally, pour the remaining meat oil in the pot into the jar until it is almost capped, and then seal the mouth of the jar.

Such marinated meat, as long as it is not exposed to the sun, can generally be stored for a long time. When eating, open the lid of the jar and fish out a piece, which is simple and convenient.

After processing the pork, the sky was already dark. Qin Ke'er wiped the sweat off her face without washing the pot, and directly sautéed the green onion with the meat oil left in the pot, and then poured in the green vegetables prepared earlier , Stir-fry a few times, add some seasoning, and a dish will come out.

Since Aunt Qin's current situation is not conducive to eating too oily food, Qin Ke'er steamed egg custard and sprinkled some dried shrimps and chopped green onion on it. This is considered dinner for Aunt Qin.

After steaming some more rice, Qin Ke'er turned around and left the front room, went to the back room and asked Aunt Qin and Xiao Ju to get up and eat.

But when Qin Ke'er entered the room, he realized that the other two had already woken up.Mrs. Qin was leaning against the wall, sewing something with a needle, while Xiaoju was weaving the locks that Lu Xiaoyu had taught her. There was a candlestick on the small table between the two of them. bright light.
"Ah, Ke'er, you're done!" Seeing Qin Ke'er, Xiao Ju quickly put down the locks in her hands, patted the seat beside her, and signaled Qin Ke'er to come and sit down.

Qin Ke'er wiped her hands with her apron, sat down on the edge of the kang with a smile, and asked, "Aunt Qin, how are you feeling? What's wrong?"

Aunt Qin had already put down her work when Qin Keer entered the room, and now she heard Qin Keer asking herself, she hurriedly nodded with a smile.

"Well, it's fine. Xiaoju, how about you?" Qin Ke'er turned to ask Xiaoju who was sitting next to Aunt Qin.

Compared with Aunt Qin, Xiaoju's reaction was much more active, "Ker, I'm fine, really. If you didn't say that I would not be allowed to stay here if I was working, I wish I could just run out and report to you." You help!"

It can be seen that Xiaoju is very concerned about not being able to work for Qin Keer.

Qin Ke'er was moved when she heard this, but she put on a straight face on the surface, and said seriously: "Xiaoju, yes, and Aunt Qin, you two listen, I won't let you work now, not just for Hello, you are still saving money, you know?"

After hearing this, Aunt Qin and Xiaoju were taken aback. They didn't work anymore, so how could they still save money?

Knowing that such a situation would happen, Qin Ke'er pursed her lips and smiled, and then said: "Think about it, if you don't take care of your health, and then go to work, what should you do if you turn around and suffer from the root cause of the disease? Aunt Qin, you It's okay, even if you get sick and can't move, I can still take care of you. But you Xiaoju, you will marry in the future. What kind of man would be willing to marry a woman who is sick and unable to work? ah!"

"Ah, Ke'er, what are you talking about! Oh, oh, I won't talk to you anymore! Hmph!" How could Xiaoju think that Qin Ke'er, who was still serious just now, would change the subject and discuss the issue of her own marriage .

(End of this chapter)

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