Daqin: Inheriting the Sword Saint and being read by Zulong

Chapter 443 I Want Princess Daqin and One Head

Chapter 443 I Want Princess Daqin and a Human Head

"Have you heard, this time, His Majesty is in danger."

"Where did the assassins come from? How did they really succeed??"

"It is said that ten days ago, four assassins sneaked into the Daqin Palace at night. It is strange that the guards in the palace did not notice their existence, and they approached His Majesty's study."

"Fortunately, there are masters from the Sky Survey Division who have been guarding the surrounding area, showing up in time to block the assassins, but in the end, all the fifteen fifth-rank masters from the Sky Survey Division died in the hands of those four."

"One of the poison masters even directly injured His Majesty."

"Nowadays, there are already a lot of masters who use poison in the Jianghu, and they have been implicated. Master Xun is hunting around in Daqin, and many masters who use poison have died tragically in their hands."

"Many doctors have also been transported to Xianyang by the experts of the Sky Survey Division, and asked them to heal His Majesty, but until now those translators have not left Xianyang City."

Soon everyone fell into silence.

The fact that those doctors didn't come out only meant one thing, that is, they couldn't solve the poison on Ying Zheng's body.

As a result, it is still unknown whether Ying Zheng can survive.

Besides, ten days have passed.

In this case, His Majesty is indeed in danger.

"If His Majesty dies, who will succeed David?"

Suddenly, someone raised a crucial question.

"Hehe, do you need to say it? Of course it is the Eldest Young Master. The Eldest Young Master has always been very popular among the people, and he is gentle and refined. He has become the favorite of everyone. If he can't make it, who else can?"

At this moment, an old man chuckled, as if he had already seen through everything.


A farmer next to him shook his head decisively, apparently having a different opinion.

"Don't forget Mr. Hu Hai. Mr. Hu Hai has a chest, and he is definitely not an ordinary person. Now there are many families openly supporting them, and the sects in the world are directly headed by him. I think his hope is relatively high. Some."

"What about the thirteen sons?"

At this moment, someone suddenly mentioned Ying Zige.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Ying Zige?
That kid is indeed talented, and it is said that many masters of the rivers and lakes who went to the Huns this time came for him.

Relying on his penetrating tongue, he persuaded many martial arts sects to join this crusade.

But the question is, is there a fart for being eloquent?
Being able to control the world with one hand depends on fame and one's own background.

That kid, apart from some Jianghu figures following behind him, there are only two followers left.

And those two attendants are humble characters at all, so what can they do?
Therefore, Ying Zige is indeed eye-catching, but it is not enough to take over the big position.

Almost everyone has the same idea in their hearts.

Da da da!
At this moment, the sound of a fast horse suddenly sounded, and a man in black iron armor was galloping at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this person's appearance, those Daqin Tiejia wandering on the street all avoided him one after another, fearing that he would not be able to avoid him.

"What kind of character is this?"

"Why does everyone avoid him when they see him?"

"Even Daqin Tieqi doesn't seem to dare to block his footsteps?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, someone frowned and asked curiously.

"Looking at the attire, it should be a visitor from the border, and it is indeed a figure in the army. Maybe there is some bad news from the border this time."

The old man from just now sighed, shook his head, and there was another look of worry on his face.

Although Yingzheng did not participate in the border battle, he has been strategizing and winning thousands of miles.

Even the two Mongolian armies thousands of miles away have always been under his secret control.

But now that he has fallen, he is doomed to have no leader.

The border war may soon get into trouble.

And this moment.

The black-clothed iron armor with a serious face was galloping on the long street on a fast horse.

There is no intention of staying at all.

Soon it was straight into Xianyang Palace.

He quickly got off his horse, as if entering no man's land, and then stretched out his movements and went straight to the hall.

At this moment, in the main hall, all civil and military officials had already gathered, and all of them were full of gloom.

Obviously they were all worried about Ying Zheng.

And just then the iron armor arrived.

"Border Secret Letter!"

"From the King of the Huns, please give it to the person in charge!"

The iron armor was out of breath, and he directly raised the secret letter in his hand.


"From the King of the Huns?"

"After the war, he never sent a secret letter. Could it be to ask for peace?"

"Peace with me! Don't forget, our Majesty has already fallen, and those assassins are probably sent by the King of the Huns. How could they surrender at this time??"

"Could it be..."

The faces of all civil and military officials changed. At this moment, their eyes fell directly on Li Si's face.

With the fall of Ying Zheng, Li Si is now in charge of the affairs of the officials.

"Bring it up."

Li Si also seemed to have realized the seriousness of the matter, and his face suddenly became extremely solemn.


The iron armor walked away quickly, and directly handed over the secret letter to Li Si.

Then the luggage went back.


Li Si, who saw the content of the secret letter, suddenly changed his expression drastically, his eyes filled with deep surprise.

His reaction instantly made the people present look at each other in blank dismay.

Although I haven't seen the contents of the secret letter, I have already realized that the contents must be very shocking.

"So that's it! The King of the Huns has already mentioned in the secret letter that the assassin this time was indeed sent by him."

"Moreover, they are the famous Four Heavenly Kings."

"The poison master is one of the Four Heavenly Kings, the Heavenly King Pharmacist!"

Li Si said loudly.

Everyone's faces suddenly changed.

At this moment, my heart felt cold for a while.

Sure enough!

This time the King of the Huns used vicious means, and directly sent the Four Heavenly Kings.

It is said that the Heavenly King Pharmacist among them was originally from the Daqin Jianghu, but because of his insidious and vicious behavior, he was expelled from his sect.

Later, he moved to the Huns and directly became one of the heavenly kings under the throne of the Huns.

"And the Xiongnu and the king also said that if they are willing to agree to his conditions, he will immediately ask the pharmacist of the king to hand over the antidote."

Li Si sighed, and then added.

"What are the conditions??"

"No matter what the conditions are, you must agree."

"This is related to His Majesty's life!"

"Let's see what conditions he proposes!"

"Needless to say, it must be for us to retreat."

Civil and military officials speculated one after another, and at the same time their hearts were beating wildly.

The battle for the border is overwhelming, and now there are signs of a big victory.

Now that His Majesty suddenly fell down, and the King of the Huns took this as a threat, it is not difficult to guess that his request is to let Daqin retreat.

"It's not just about retreating troops, there are also tens of thousands of cattle and sheep, and one hundred thousand deniers of grain."

"You want me to be Princess Daqin. And I want a human head."

"This head is... the head of the Thirteenth Prince."

(End of this chapter)

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