Huang Ting Xiandao

Chapter 499 134. In the poisonous fire, the microbes are like a dream

Chapter 499 134. In the poisonous fire, the microbes are like a dream

With a ruby-like body, magma flows between the joints, and fire is shining between the pincers. The person stands up, and the red flaming eyes stare at Mo Xian, emitting a red semi-viscous liquid. poisonous fog.

With a wave of Mo Xian's hand, a whirlwind rolled out, sweeping away the poisonous mist, and the poisonous mist fell on the fire elves that appeared and disappeared in the magma, only one fire elf didn't dodge, and with a thin scream, Seeing that it was already like a dead fish, its belly was up.

Mo Xian was so frightened by the fire poison that the fire centipede flew up, rolled up the magma, and rushed straight at Mo Xian.

Mo Xian adjusted the meaning of guishui in his kidneys, reversed Zhou Tian, ​​opened his mouth, and spewed out a chill, hitting the centipede that was rushing towards him. In an instant, the chill pierced his bones.

Before the fire centipede pounced, it froze immediately like red-hot steel entering the water, the color was receding rapidly, Mo Xian stretched out his finger, just flicked, with a sound of pounce, the fire centipede collapsed and scattered, A fiery red bead appeared in the middle, and Mo Xian held it casually in his hand. The surface was warm and not hot. Mo Xian walked on the magma, and his whole body shone with aura. Don't underestimate this layer of aura, it is not hot. intrusion.

Mo Xian took a look at this bead. It can be said that this bead contains heat. If it is released, I am afraid that within a few miles, a sea of ​​​​fire will pass through it. Put it into the universe bag and move on, as long as those things in the magma don't attack him, Mo Xian won't be bothered to waste time.

This is just the beginning, Mo Xian did not expect that there is life in the magma, but it is different from ordinary life forms, the form of qi, the spirit attached, Mo Xian obviously feels a rhythm of life, and there is life information, Mo Xian Feeling in my heart, there are indeed surprises everywhere.

After crossing the magma river, the eyes are brightened. There are gaseous poisonous flames here. There is a rumbling sound, and magma is constantly dripping from the four walls. This standard is a sea of ​​​​fire, which is more violent than the sea of ​​fire on the ground. It all softened into juice, and turned into magma, which already had a tendency to innate fire, but Mo Xian knew that this was not innate fire.

If it was innate fire, bad karma would not stick, and cause and effect would not enter, Mo Xian would not dare to enter. Fortunately, it was acquired fire. Mo Xian sacrificed a fire-avoiding talisman, which turned into a clear light, covering the whole body, stepping into it, as if entering no one. realm.

Magma was constantly dripping from the side, and some of them turned into gas and dissipated before they fell to the bottom. Mo Xian knew that this was just some fire gas leaked from the ancient poisonous flame, not the real ancient poisonous flame. Monsters, however, appear at any time and disappear at any time, and their lifespan is extremely short. The so-called birth and death, their time perspective should be different from that of humans and most creatures.

These creatures should not pay attention to Mo Xian. In their eyes, Mo Xian is like a rock, lifeless at all, but Mo Xian has to be careful. His spirit is highly concentrated, and he saw many unexpected scenes in a trance.

He saw a large number of flying insects flying non-stop among the countless subtleties. They were so small, but they made a sound like thunder. When they were tired from flying, they perched on a layer of invisible spiritual light. Mo Xian seemed to realize the protective aura outside, and then he saw that the sky was filled with trillions of various kinds of lives, all flying up and down in the void. This space is so vast, it is simply Boundless, suddenly a huge mountain floated in the distance.

Mo Xian woke up in an instant, the scene just now was like a dream, the time just passed in the blink of an eye, I don't know if it was an illusion, Mo Xian seemed to be lost, he looked up and saw a flaming fire spider, riding on a crystal spider silk , has come to the present, this is a mutated life form, which is already qualitatively different from the ordinary subtle life forms. For those lives, it is a long-lived body, but it is no longer possible to communicate with those life forms, because at different levels.

Could it be that one day in the sky and one year on the earth, Mo Xian suddenly realized that if this is a kind of longevity, for those subtle life forms, if it is only like this, then it is not longevity at all, they did not jump out of the eternal river, Mo Xian thought of a lot in an instant, which was a big shock to his Dao Xin.

Dao heart lies in sticking to oneness. This is a kind of belief, not a kind of knowledge. Since everything is impossible to create, what can move his Dao heart, Mo Xian smiled. Although the impact is great, it still cannot shake his Dao heart .

All these happened in an instant, the fire spider rushed over, the spider spit out a few strands of spider silk, and entangled Mo Xian, Mo Xian stretched out, the Buddha Kingdom in his palm activated, the spider thread disappeared immediately, and then the spider disappeared, it Entering the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, as soon as entering the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, the temperature immediately dropped, and the fire spider immediately froze, stiffened, and lost its life. The fire spider never thought that it was just a monster, and that there were other worlds .

After solving the fire spider, Mo Xian moved the fire spider into the Qiankun bag. There are some good materials, mainly spider silk, which is crystal clear and translucent, and does not lose its crystal color due to the temperature drop. This is a kind of fire material, which Mo Xian uses Haven't figured it out yet.

Mo Xian gradually approached the Yuan Magnetic Real Power Layer, the poisonous flame just leaked from the cracks in the Yuan Magnetic True Power Layer, and Mo Xian had already descended tens of millions of feet. The flames became more and more fierce, but under his feet was the cyan-colored magnetic field, which was tens of millions of feet thick. As soon as he reached the true field of magnetic field, Mo Xian felt that even the Zhu Chan sword, which was warming in his body, was affected by the true field of magnetic field. Under the influence of the force, he stabilized his body and searched for weak spots in the meta-magnetic layer.

He tried the strength of the soles of his feet. Although it looked like a cyan light layer, it was very thick. Trying his feet hard, it was completely similar to the ground.

He looked around, but saw a wisp of black smoke rushing out of the magnetosphere in the distance. Once out of the magnetosphere, it turned into a flame that soared into the sky. Through the magnetosphere, he could faintly see flowing gold flowing underneath. liquid flame.

And in the liquid flame, various images appeared from time to time, like a giant for a while, a huge bird for a while, a poisonous dragon for a while, and a three-legged crow for a while. Mo Xian frowned, because he could see that this was an underground The poisonous fire produces spiritual performance, but because the flame temperature is too high, it cannot last long, but if something gets into it, it will be torn apart by them in an instant.

Looking into the distance again, he couldn't see through the golden flames. Mo Xian knew the danger. He shook his body, and with a bang, a disc appeared under his feet, divided into twelve earthly branches, which lit up one by one. Zi Chou Yinmao When the twelve earthly branches surrounded his body, he flew towards the black smoke in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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