Chapter 475 Worry
The man didn't stay in the clinic for long, he was afraid that the queen mother would think he was injured and take the opportunity to attack Xia Qingge.

Immediately, she put on a glove and went to the place where Xia Qingge lived.

When Xia Qingge was studying the poison, she suddenly felt flustered, as if something had happened.

She got up a little agitatedly, and walked back and forth in the yard, as if this could calm her down.

Suddenly, her steps stopped.

That man won't really kill the queen mother, will he?

But she heard from the housekeeper that not only the queen mother was surrounded by experts, but also a lot of people cultivating immortals.

Could it be that something happened to that man?
So, why is she so irritable?
Xia Qingge's expression was a little dignified. She was about to go to the housekeeper to ask about the situation in the palace, but she suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

"Are you worried about me?" The man's hoarse voice was filled with joy.

Xia Qingge's irritable heart suddenly settled down when she smelled the man's unique aura.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she soon remembered something, broke away from the man's arms, and raised eyebrows at him, "Who's worried about you!" How could she, a human being, worry about the demon? The demon is so powerful.

When pushing the man away, Xia Qingge clearly felt that the man was avoiding something, Xia Qingge, who had always been careful, immediately grabbed the man's left hand.

"Alright, what gloves are you wearing?" Xia Qingge asked, frowning.

"Don't you think it looks good? It matches my clothes very well." The man raised his eyebrows calmly.

"It's so ugly." Just as Xia Qingge was about to tear it off, she was hugged again by the man.

"Little guy, I miss you so much." The man's voice was extremely pleasant.

Feeling his hot embrace, Xia Qingge wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in after hearing his hot words.

As a result, Xia Qingge forgot to look at the man's arm for a while.

The man breathed a sigh of relief silently in his heart, but he could be regarded as fooling the little guy.

However, it's not an option to keep doing this, maybe Xia Qingge will bring up this matter again next time.

Therefore, he has to recover as soon as possible.

However, that woman cannot be kept!

The man who never cooperated with humans still went to find the regent.

Of course, for the sake of Xia Qingge's safety, he set up a barrier on her body. If someone hurts her, the barrier will react, and he will know it immediately.

The man easily went to the regent's room.

Don't look at the Prince Regent who seems to have been in a coma for the past two days, but in fact has been extremely sober all the time. Everything is just to deceive people, and even the little guy was deceived by him.

"Let's negotiate a deal." The man's voice sounded in the silent room.

The regent opened his eyes abruptly.

When he saw the man who didn't alarm anyone, those sharp eyes sank slightly.

"Who are you?" the regent asked in a low voice.

"You don't care who I am." The man looked arrogantly at the regent who was leaning on the bed.

A humble human being is not worthy of knowing who he is.

The regent wants to say, so why do you say you want to negotiate a deal with him.

However, when he touched his pair of purple eyes, his heart was shocked.

This man is terrible.

He seems to have no choice but to believe and accept.

(End of this chapter)

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