Super Orchard

Chapter 397 Chen Feiyang Visits

Chapter 397 Chen Feiyang Visits

Shen Yangguang, Yang Shihong and Yang Yang ate and chatted, because the super grapes were so delicious that the three of them quickly finished eating a few catties of grapes.

Just when Shen Yangguang went to the consulting room again, the phone rang, and after the connection, Chen Feiyang's anxious voice came: "Mr. Shen, where are you? People from your company said you are not in the office ? I heard you went to the vineyard?"

A few days ago, Chen Feiyang and Shen Yangguang made an appointment to meet, mainly to discuss the matter of bidding for the land in the high-speed rail new city. It is already August, and the specific information of the land auction has been posted on the government website. The day of shooting.

Shen Yangguang said unhurriedly: "I'm here at the outpatient clinic of traditional Chinese medicine, so how about it, you wait for me in the office, I'll be there in a while."

Chen Feiyang said quickly: "No, no, I see that your car is parked under the office building, is it not driving? How about this, I will pick you up, where is the outpatient clinic?"

Shen Yangguang was not polite, and said, "It's just to the south of the village. You can walk south from the intersection in the center of the village, and you'll see it when you get to the head of the village. There are only two buildings here, one is a school, and the other is a Chinese medicine clinic."

A few minutes later, a bright red Porsche appeared in the outpatient yard. Fortunately, the village had repaired the road a few years ago, otherwise his car would be too low to drive.

Chen Feiyang is relatively strong and thick. Although he is not short, he looks like an iron egg, because his skin color is indeed dark. As soon as the car stopped, Chen Feiyang walked into the consultation room quickly, wanting to take Shen Yangguang back to the office Start negotiating.

Shen Yangguang was still not in a hurry, and said: "The Chinese medicine clinic in our village just opened today, and you are the first to come here. I will give you a free physical examination. What do you think?"

Chen Feiyang said impatiently: "The physical examination is too time-consuming, let's talk about it when I have time, and look at my body shape, I am as strong as a calf, what's the problem?"

"It's not a general physical examination like a blood test, or let Uncle Yang take your pulse, look at the tongue coating and eyeballs, and so on, very quickly."

Chen Feiyang felt a little helpless, so he had to sit down and let Yang Shihong fiddle with it. Shen Yangguang wanted to check it out for Chen Feiyang, but it was just a casual joke, but Yang Shihong was very serious. He looked here and touched there, and said: "Young man , Do you have symptoms of frequent urination at night?"

Chen Feiyang originally had no choice but to let the other party take a look, but he hit the mark with one sentence, wondering: "How do you know?"

Yang Shihong said with a smile: "Looking at your appearance, you don't necessarily have to be in good health. If you ask me, you should still sweat. If you exercise, your endurance is not very good. Am I right?"

Chen Feiyang asked suspiciously: "Yes, yes, what is wrong with this?"

Yang Shihong nodded and shook his head again, and said: "Actually, it's not a problem, just some physical weakness and kidney deficiency, I will prescribe and pay for you, and you should take the medicine in time according to the prescription when you go back. Usually, you should pay attention to your health. Exercise more and you'll get better slowly."

Chen Feiyang was dubious, but seeing Shen Yangguang's respect for him, he also took the medicine respectfully, thanked him repeatedly, and left with Shen Yangguang.

In the simple yet comfortable office, Shen Yangguang and Chen Feiyang sat opposite each other, looking at a document brought by the other.

After a while, Shen Yangguang put down the documents in his hand, and then Chen Feiyang said: "In a few days, it will be time to shoot the land. This time the competition is fierce. We said that we have prepared a lot of funds, but we are still worried that some are not enough. I don't know how the capital situation of Mr. Shen is?"

Shen Yangguang said relaxedly: "No problem, as we agreed in advance, I have all the funds here and can use them at any time."

Chen Feiyang said with some concern: "This time there are only a dozen lands in total. Our Chen family is interested in this land, and their Wu family seems to be interested in it, so I am afraid that the pressure will be relatively high. The 30 land you provided Is it really okay to have [-] million funds?"

Shen Yangguang smiled and said: "No problem at all, don't say 30 billion, even if it's 50 billion, I can afford it, so you don't have to worry about it. After we sign the contract, the funds will be transferred."

Shen Yangguang's funds did not go directly into the Chen family's account, but into an account similar to a middleman, and then the middleman acted as a guarantee. If the land was successfully photographed, the money would become the cost of buying the land. After that, the money will still be refunded to the account of Jinquan Orchard.

After listening to Shen Yangguang's words, Chen Feiyang felt relieved. He knew that Jinquan Orchard was very profitable, but he was still worried about whether Shen Yangguang would be able to provide the full amount of 30 billion, because they estimated that their family's funding gap was only 30 billion. about.

With so much money, it should be possible to bid for this piece of land. If it exceeds this amount, it will be too expensive. I believe the Wu family will not keep bidding with him.

The reason why Chen Feiyang is so sure is because he has already received news that the Wu family is now planning to "protect the first and compete for the second", that is, they have already regarded the piece of land south of the high-speed rail station as their own, and they are competing with the Chen family for this piece of land. The land is in the "fight for two", and it shouldn't cost too much money to invest in it.

What's more, Shen Yangguang also confidently said that there is no problem with 50 billion. Chen Feiyang felt more stable in his heart. At that time, he would make a trade-off according to the situation on the spot. If the money was not enough, he could continue to ask Shen Yangguang for money. The installation capital contribution ratio redistributes future profits.

After the two of them finished discussing the specific details, Chen Feiyang didn't stay long, and planned to go home and start preparing for the auction.

As soon as he got back into the car, Chen Feiyang saw several packs of traditional Chinese medicine on the seat, and said with doubts: "Mr. I really do have minor ailments, could it be that those old Chinese doctors would say that, no matter whether they are sick or not, they would make up such a set of rhetoric?"

"This old Chinese medicine doctor is not a fake Chinese medicine doctor who is cheating and abducting, but the real thing. If you don't believe me, go back and take these medicines and see the effect, and you will know that I have not lied to you."

"Didn't it mean that the medicine is three-point poisonous? If I am not sick and take these, will it be bad?"

Shen Yangguang was a little speechless, and said: "Didn't Uncle Yang say that these medicines are relatively mild, and it's okay to take them when you're not sick. Uncle Yang has a kind heart, can it still harm you?"

Chen Feiyang nodded. Although he was still not convinced by Yang Shihong, he thought that if he was right, wouldn't he miss this good opportunity for nothing?So I decided to go back to the provincial capital to find someone to see if there is any problem with these medicinal materials. If there is no problem, I will eat and eat, in case the effect is good.

(End of this chapter)

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