Super Orchard

Chapter 390 Jinquan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

Chapter 390 Jinquan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic
In early spring, the sun was shining brightly, and the people sitting in the corridor were warm.

Yang Shihong's house is an ordinary three-room house, and a small square is specially built at the gate as a place for seeing a doctor.

In front of the three big houses was a corridor more than one meter wide. At this time, Shen Yangguang, Yang Shihong, and Yang Yang were sitting here having a lively discussion.

After discussing the construction of a new clinic and increasing the cost of diagnosis and treatment, Shen Yangguang said again: "Finally, I think we should name this outpatient clinic. Let's see what name is more appropriate?"

When Yang Shihong and Yang Yang heard this, they immediately began to think about it. They were also very happy to choose a good name for this new outpatient clinic, so that it would not be as shabby as the small outpatient clinic at home now, without even a door, let alone a name. Oh, if you don't pay attention, you may think it's a small broken utility room.

Shen Yangguang thought for a while and said, "I think it's called Yang Shihong's Chinese Medicine Outpatient Clinic. What do you think?"

The reason why Shen Yangguang said this was because he knew the power of the three characters "Yang Shihong". I still go to him for medical treatment habitually, especially 20 years ago, when there were no outpatient clinics in the countryside, Yang Shihong’s place was overcrowded most of the time. not bad.

Yang Shihong waved his hands again and again, and said, "No, no, I'm already old, and I might not be here someday. I think it's better to call the Jinquan Village Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic."

It is said that doctors are more popular as they get older, but Mr. Yang Shihong, who is over 70 years old, has always been used to keeping a low profile. He is not used to putting his name on it, and he still feels a little uncomfortable.

Yang Yang thought for a while, and said: "I also think that Yang Shihong's Chinese medicine clinic is not very good. After all, I know my grandfather, he doesn't like such a high profile, but it's not good to call the Jinquan Village Chinese medicine clinic. It feels like he only sees patients in our village. , and shut out the villagers from other villages, so I think it is called Jinquan Chinese Medicine Clinic, what do you think?"

Hearing the words "Jinquan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic", Shen Yangguang silently read it a few times, and felt very satisfied. It not only showed that this clinic was located in Jinquan Village, but also did not highlight the geographical location like "Jinquan Village Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic". factor.

Yang Shihong also nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, how about we call it this name?"

Soon, the three reached a consensus, and this new clinic was called "Jinquan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic".

After discussing these few important matters, the three of them began to discuss other details. They chatted for a full two hours, even talking and writing to agree on everything that could be thought of.

After the discussion was completed, Shen Yangguang patted his ass and got up, and said, "Then let's do what we say, I will go to Lao Wei to buy a homestead now, and then I will find a construction team to start construction according to our idea. I am also in charge of medical insurance.”

Yang Yang also got up happily, and said: "I will be responsible for handling all kinds of documents. I have long wanted to open a Chinese medicine clinic, so the process here has long been clear."

Yang Shihong smiled and said: "That's fine, I'll leave it to you two young men to run outside, and I will continue to sit here. If there is any problem, we can contact you at any time."

Shen Yangguang did what he said, walked out of the door quickly, and drove to the village committee in his car.

As soon as Wei Liangping heard about Shen Yangguang's intentions, he wanted to support him from the bottom of his heart. After all, when he was a child and young, whenever he had a cold or a fever, he would go to Yang Shihong for medical treatment, so he said: "It is reasonable to say that every house in each village The base can only be used as a residence, and now the national policy has also come down, only one family and one house, but you are a great thing, I will support it no matter what, I have an idea that is completely in line with the policy, and I don’t need it Spend more money and do the formalities for you now."

Soon, the purchase of the homestead was completed under Wei Liangping's unconventional but fully compliant means of various policies and regulations. Shen Yangguang quickly contacted Zeng Guang and began to prepare for construction.

Although this is a small project, given the relationship between Shen Yangguang and Zeng Guang, the other party will not shirk at all, and will do their best to build this clinic well. Regarding this, Shen Yangguang is completely assured.

Among these few things, the most difficult thing is to include this outpatient clinic in the medical insurance. There is no precedent for this kind of thing in the whole province, so it is a bit tricky.

But the reason why Shen Yangguang has great confidence in this is mainly because he has heard that many provinces and cities in China have started to reform, one after another, including Chinese medicine clinics in medical insurance. This matter is the general trend , so it shouldn't be a big deal to handle it.

But everything is difficult at the beginning, and Shen Yangguang also knew that it would be even more difficult for the province to make such an important decision by himself, so he began to think of Wang Jingpu.

Wang Jingpu has always been committed to his own political achievements. The inclusion of TCM clinics in medical insurance is a good thing that benefits the country, the people, and the inheritance of TCM. As long as there is a possibility of success, Wang Jingpu will definitely agree.

However, Shen Yangguang did not go to Wang Jingpu hastily, but thought about the matter carefully in his heart, and decided to talk to Wang Jingpu about it first, and let him type this matter as a report.

Shen Yangguang knew that Wang Jingpu was not an ordinary mayor, and he also had many connections in the government department. At that time, this report could easily go directly to the provincial government.

When the report reached the provincial government, the matter was simple, because there, Feng Yuanchao's relationship was complicated. Shen Yangguang only needed to contact Feng Yuanchao first, and things would be much easier.

At that time, Wang Jingpu will start to write a letter, let him find a relationship and let the county promote it, and then Feng Yuanchao will find someone to take advantage of the trend, and everything will be a matter of course.

As for this matter, as long as Shen Yangguang discloses Feng Yuanchao's matter a little bit, Wang Jingpu will definitely agree and do his best, because the passing of a resolution on this matter is almost a sure thing, and this is another big gift given to him for nothing. achievements.

It is precisely because of these people's relationship that Shen Yangguang boasted in front of Yang Shihong before, and he is very sure that this will be done, and the Chinese medicine clinic will be included in the medical insurance.

After thinking about the order of things, Shen Yangguang took out his phone and called Wang Jingpu. The other party happened to be in the town mansion compound in the town. Shen Yangguang didn't delay, and immediately drove to the town.

(End of this chapter)

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