Super Orchard

Chapter 360 Travel

Chapter 360 Travel
The hot summer is coming again, and Zhou Jianguo and others, who have been busy for several months, finally bought almost all the fruit stores and started to decorate one after another to ensure that they can be officially opened in September.

In Jinquan Orchard, more than ten kinds of summer fruits are about to mature, and the greenhouses in several villages outside are still under construction, and the fruit trees in the southern branch are also growing vigorously.

Jinquan Elementary School also ushered in the summer vacation again, the children went on vacation happily, and the teachers also went back to their respective homes. Xia Yunxuan did not return to the county seat, but lived in the small building of Shen Yangguang's family, and lived her second life. people world.

Several years have passed since the two of them confirmed their relationship. In these few years, Shen Yangguang has been busy with the orchard, and has never taken Xia Yunxuan out to play. This year, he is thinking about going out to have fun.

After hearing Shen Yangguang's thoughts, Xia Yunxuan asked: "Isn't the orchard very busy now? You should stay here and be busy, and let's go out to play when we have time later."

Shen Yangguang shook his head and said: "There is nothing important right now. If you say you are busy, you will always be busy. You will never have time. If you say you are not busy, there is really nothing in the orchard that requires me to be present. things, so let's go out and have fun, and I want to go out too."

In fact, Xia Yunxuan also wanted to go on a trip, but she was always worried that Shen Yangguang would not be able to leave, so she never mentioned it. After she asked some specific things about the orchard, she realized that Shen Yangguang was indeed free during this period, so she said: " Alright, where are we going to play?"

Shen Yangguang and Xia Yunxuan had similar ideas about the destinations for travel, that is, they both liked places with beautiful scenery, and they were not interested in developed places like Western Europe, Canada, Japan and South Korea that focused on shopping.

Shen Yangguang thought for a while and said: "The domestic Qionghai Province has blue sea and blue sky, but it's summer now, so it's not interesting to go there. Go to Qinghai-Tibet, where the scenery is beautiful, the sky is high, the sky is high and the land is wide, it is a good place to travel.”

Xia Yunxuan wanted to go to these places for a long time, but she didn't want the summer to pass. She said that there are plateaus, and the summer is not too hot, but it is because of the plateau that the ultraviolet rays there are too strong , Going out to play for a few days and accidentally getting tanned as a nigger. For a girl who loves beauty, turning black is absolutely unacceptable.

Shen Yangguang thought for a while and said, "Or should we go to Northern Europe in New Zealand?"

Xia Yunxuan was lying on the bed flipping through the travel atlas, shaking her cute little feet, and said, "New Zealand is in the southern hemisphere, and the seasons are opposite to ours. It's winter there now, right? I heard it's more fun to go to New Zealand in spring and autumn." , As for Northern Europe, it’s really not bad, or let’s go to Eastern Europe.”

Shen Yangguang was stunned and said, "Northern Europe is not bad, let's go to Eastern Europe?"

Xia Yunxuan said with a smile: "Northern Europe and Eastern Europe are about the same. I still think Eastern Europe is better. Didn't our parents open a Chinese restaurant there? We can go and see them, and we can eat and drink, hehe laugh."

Shen Yangguang slapped Xia Yunxuan's elastic and round buttocks lightly, and said with a smile, "My daughter-in-law is still smart, so let's go to Eastern Europe. After traveling and relaxing, I will visit my parents by the way."

Although Shen Yangguang often makes video calls with his parents, in reality he hasn't seen each other for a long time, and he really wants to visit his parents, so he made up his mind.

The transportation in modern society is very developed. It only takes half a day to fly to Eastern Europe on the other side of the world. The only trouble is that there is no direct flight.

There are many countries in Eastern Europe. Although the economy is not as developed as Western Europe, the reputation is not as loud as that of Southern Europe, and the welfare is not as good as that of Northern Europe, but the scenery is still good. These countries are more similar on the whole. After all, their culture and traditions are relatively similar. But each country also has its own characteristics, and there are many places worth visiting and experiencing.

Holding the map book, Shen Yangguang searched for various strategies on the Internet, and finally decided on a seven-day Eastern Europe tour strategy. Among them, a very important stop was the restaurant opened by Shen Yangguang's parents.

A few days later, Shen Yangguang saw this Chinese restaurant far away in a foreign country for the first time with his own eyes. The restaurant is not luxurious, but it is very unique. The unique domestic decoration style and dishes make this Chinese restaurant unique. It has a unique style and is deeply loved by local residents and foreign tourists, so the business has always been very good.

Shen Yangguang was very satisfied to be able to eat authentic Chinese food in a distant foreign country, which was cooked by his parents himself. Xia Yunxuan also ate it openly, and the two ate until they were full before stopping.

It was evening when Shen Yangguang and the two came to the Chinese restaurant. Since they had been on their way, they planned to wash up and go to bed after dinner. Shen Yangguang's mother knocked on the door, brought in a plate of fruit, and said a few words to the two of them. After speaking, he asked: "You are old now, Yangguang, when will you get married? Besides, Xuanxuan has been waiting for you for so many years, and even I can't stand it anymore."

When it came to getting married, Xia Yunxuan thought very much in her heart, but she was still shy. Shen Yangguang was also a little embarrassed, and said: "I have thought about this a long time ago, and I plan to give Xuanxuan a surprise next year. The specific details I can't say more, anyway, you will know when the time comes."

Only then did Shen's mother get up and leave, and said: "It's good that you know what's going on in your heart. I thought you forgot about getting married, but I can tell you that getting married is a major event in life, and you can't be careless at all."

Shen Yangguang said helplessly: "I understand, Mom, don't worry."

Shen's mother closed the door smoothly, and Shen Yangguang suddenly remembered something, went out again, came to his parents' bedroom, and asked, "Mom and Dad, why did you leave your hometown and come here to open a restaurant? I've passed you many times, but you just don't say it, now it's time to say it."

Shen's father and Shen's mother are still somewhat reluctant to talk about this matter. In their hearts, although Shen Yangguang is almost 30 years old, he is still a child. Parents would rather bear many things alone than let their children know.

But Shen Yangguang has always wanted to know, and now that he came here and looked at this restaurant, he wanted to know the inside story even more, so he stayed in his parents' room and put on a posture that if you don't tell me, I won't leave , lying on the bed, like a tortoise whose shell has turned over, and will not go away.

(End of this chapter)

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