Super Orchard

Chapter 279

Chapter 279
Heavy snowfall is a sight that Jinquan Village sees every year, and it is also a feature that is different from other places. In November every year, most parts of the country have not yet snowed, and Jinquan Village has already been covered by thick snow. covered by.

In the Jinquan Orchard at this time, the strawberries in the Western Orchard have already blossomed and bear fruit, and the branches in the Bufona Garden are already full of fruit. In another month, these Bufona will be fully mature.

The rest of the fruit trees have entered the fruit-suspending period and began to reserve strength, waiting for the next flowering and fruiting.

In the eastern orchards, the open-air fruit trees such as pears, peaches, plums and apricots have already lost their leaves, leaving only bare branches, which are like silver trees under the snow cover, reflecting the sun.

In the southernmost watermelon field, the withered watermelon seedlings have already been covered by snow, and there is no sign of any plants at all, and it is all white as far as the eye can see.

The cherry trees and kiwi trees newly planted this year have also lost their leaves, as well as the orange trees next door. The cold ability is also lower than that of pears and apricots. Without these greenhouses, even if they can survive the winter safely, it will definitely affect the fruit output in the coming year.

Next to the orange shed is full of grapefruits. When the oranges bloom and bear fruit, the grapefruits also bloom and bear fruit almost at the same time. However, the grapefruits mature much slower than the oranges. Now the oranges have already been sold out, and the grapefruits have just matured.

After tasting the newly matured self-produced pomelo, Shen Yangguang was very satisfied with its taste. In the past few days, the grapefruits were basically all ripe, so Shen Yangguang planned to arrange employees to pick them.

The cement roads in the village were covered with thick snow every winter and no one cleaned them, so we had to be careful not to slip when driving.

Today's roads are clean, and all the snow has been swept on the side of the road. This is not because people in Jinquan Village are getting richer and people like to start selfless dedication to do good deeds. It is mainly because the village committee sells They also made a lot of money from renting land, and hired a few villagers to take care of cleaning the village and clearing the snow.

According to Wei Liangping, the village will continue to build cement roads until next spring, and the original criss-cross dirt roads in the village will become history.

Now only the central cross road in the village is a cement road, and the rest are mud roads. The road conditions are even worse when it is cloudy and rainy, which affects people's travel.

Shen Yangguang drove the car on the clean concrete road, and drove out of the village after a while. At first sight, he saw two buildings standing on the north side of the road.

These two buildings were built by Huang Weicheng to make money, but now that the sky is snowing and the temperature has dropped to minus ten degrees, it is obviously not suitable to continue construction, so the construction work has stopped.

Since the beginning of autumn, Huang Weicheng bought the homestead here and started to build buildings. Now the frames of the two buildings have been built, and the roofs were capped before the heavy snowfall, but the inside is bare.

For this place, Huang Weicheng would come here every day, as long as there was nothing to do, he would come here in the morning and afternoon, as if admiring some spectacle. At the same time, he also hired two old men from the village to guard the gate.

For these two people, Shen Yangguang thought at first that Huang Weicheng was worried that someone would go in and steal building materials, or that the building was not built properly and that it would be dangerous if someone went in. He didn't expect to find out after asking. Huang Weicheng was worried that children in the village would get in. Playing, secretly taking a shit and peeing or something.

This reason made Shen Yangguang dare to doubt, and he was relieved immediately, because he had heard about Huang Weicheng running to other people's gates to defecate when he was a child, and now it seemed that he was worried that someone would do the same thing as him.

Continue to drive along the road, and after a while, you will come to the outside of the grapefruit sheds. The grapefruit sheds are connected together. In each shed, there are about ten people busy with work. They are currently picking grapefruits under the leadership of Yang Xiaomi.

The pomelo is round in shape, which means reunion, so most of the pomelo will be on the market around the Mid-Autumn Festival, but Shen Yangguang grows late-maturing varieties, which don't mature until this time.

There are four famous pomelo in the world, including Shatian pomelo, Wendan pomelo, Pingshan pomelo and Siam pomelo. What Shen Yangguang grows is not one of the four famous pomelo varieties, but an improved common variety with a relatively high yield and a strong taste. Very good, coupled with the effect of the golden airflow, the taste is even better than those four famous grapefruits.

Grapefruit is not only a large fruit, but also has a very thick peel. Such a thick peel makes grapefruit have an extraordinary ability to keep fresh. As long as it is stored properly, it will not be a problem to keep it for several months or even half a year.

Shen Yangguang intends to pick all these grapefruits and ship them directly to various fruit shops. Even if the output is too large to digest so many for a while, it doesn't matter if they are stored for a long time. Even if they are sold around the Spring Festival, these grapefruits will Still very fresh.

The taste of grapefruit is very similar to that of oranges, but it is completely different from oranges that will get angry if eaten too much. Eating grapefruits can relieve internal heat instead, so it is deeply loved by many people.

Shen Guangguang also likes eating grapefruit, and he especially likes the feeling of peeling a grapefruit. After cutting the whole grapefruit with a knife, he removes the fruit petals while watching TV while pulling out the outer skin on the fruit petals and eating slowly. It feels very good.

In addition to its good taste, grapefruit is also very rich in nutritional value. It is rich in sugars, vitamins and carotene, as well as trace elements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and citric acid. It has great therapeutic value.

In addition to a big improvement in taste, these grapefruits are irrigated with golden airflow. Although it is a diluted golden airflow, the content is very small, which makes these grapefruits unable to achieve the powerful effect of super fruits, but it can also make grapefruits have a little effect. Improve a lot.

Standing at the door of the shed, Shen Yangguang watched the boxes of grapefruits being piled into the warehouse, and suddenly felt a little greedy, so he registered with the staff in charge of the warehouse, moved a dozen boxes of grapefruits into his car, and put them into his car. The whole car is packed tightly, leaving only one driving position.

He planned to enjoy these grapefruits by himself and give some to relatives and friends. These ten or so boxes of grapefruits seemed to be a lot, but in Shen Yangguang's eyes, he felt that there were too few grapefruits, so he drove these grapefruits home quickly. Then come to put grapefruit, there is no way, who makes me like to eat it?Even if you put more at home, you don't have to worry about the grapefruit being stale.

(End of this chapter)

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